Institute of Language Studies
Federal University of Santa Maria (Executor), Institute of Language Studies (Executor). Academic, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation Agreement between the State University of Campinas and the Federal University of Santa Maria. Responsible: Eduardo Roberto Junqueira Guimarães. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Universite de Paris III (Executor). Scientific and Cultural Cooperation Agreement between Unicamp and the University of La Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III (France). Responsible: Eduardo Roberto Junqueira Guimar�es, Eni de Lourdes Puccinelli Orlandi, Maria Jos� Rodrigues Faria Coracini. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS, DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
Georgetown University (Executor), State University of Campinas (3) (Executor). Cooperation Agreement between the State University of Campinas and Georgetown University (USA). Responsible: Paulo Elias Allane Franchetti, Jos� Carlos Paes de Almeida Filho. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY, DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), La Trobe University (Executor). Cooperation Agreement between UNICAMP and La Trobe University/Australia, in the area of Linguistics: Indigenous Languages of South America. Responsible: Lucy Seki. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Colonia of the Federal Republic of Germany (Executor). Cooperation Agreement between UNICAMP and the University of Cologne in the Federal Republic of Germany. Responsible: Suzi Frankl Sperber. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Maryland at College Park (Executor). UNICAMP Cooperation Agreement - University of Maryland at College Park (USA). Responsible: Jairo Morais Nunes, Nobert Hornstein, Mary Aizawa Kato. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Southern California (Executor). UNICAMP-University of Southern California Cooperation Agreement. Responsible: Jairo Morais Nunes, Joseph Aoun, Mary Aizawa Kato. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), National University of Mar del Plata (Executor). Agreement between Unicamp and the University of Mar del Plata (Argentina). Responsible: Miriam Viviana G�rate, Alexandre Soares Carneiro. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
State University of Campinas (Executor). AIU/PRE agreement aiming at institutional support for the Unit. Responsible: Celene Margarida Cruz. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Universit� Degli Studi di Roma (Executor). Academic Cooperation Agreement between UNICAMP and the Universit� Degli Studi di Roma *La Sapienza*. Responsible: Maria Bet�nia Amoroso, Vilma Sant'Anna Ar�as. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Central University of Venezuela (Executor). Academic, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation Agreement between Unicamp and the Central University of Venezuela. Responsible: Miriam Viviana G�rate, Carlos Eduardo Ornelas Berriel. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Buenos Aires (Executor). Academic, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation Agreement between the State University of Campinas and the University of Buenos Aires. Responsible: Maria Irma Hadler Coudry, Maria Bernadete Marques Abaurre. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), State University of Mato Grosso (Executor). Cooperation Agreement between UNICAMP and the State University of Mato Grosso, aiming at the creation of an institutional doctorate in C�ceres-MT. Responsible: Eduardo Roberto Junqueira Guimarães. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Caceres Higher Education Foundation (Executor). Cooperation Agreement between UNICAMP/IEL and the C�ceres Higher Education Foundation (FCESC). Responsible: Eduardo Roberto Junqueira Guimarães, Maria Fausta Cajahyba Pereira de Castro. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Paris VII (Executor), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Financier). Academic Exchange Agreement between Unicamp and the University of Paris VII. Responsible: Eduardo Roberto Junqueira Guimar�es, Eni de Lourdes Puccinelli Orlandi, M�nica Graciela Zoppi Fontana, Cl�udia Thereza Guimar�es de Lemos. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
Federal University of Maranhão (Executor), Potiguar University (Executor), Braz Cubas University (Executor), Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Executor), Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Executor), Federal University of Bahia (Executor) ), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Executor), Federal University of Cear� (Executor), State University of Londrina (Executor), State University of Campinas (Executor), State University of Cear� (Executor). Agreement between UFBa, UNICAMP, UFCe, UFJuiz de Fora, UFRGS, UELondrina, UFMTS, Univ. BVraz Cubas, UEMT, UECe, UFMa and Univ. Potiguar. Responsible: Vandersi Sant'Ana Castro. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Federal University of Alagoas (Executor). Agreement between the State University of Campinas and the Federal University of Alagoas. Responsible: João Wanderley Geraldi, Celene Margarida Cruz. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS, DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Universidad de la Rep�blica Oriental del Uruguay (Executor). Agreement between the State University of Campinas/Institute of Language Studies and the University of La República del Uruguay. Responsible: Maria Fausta Cajahyba Pereira de Castro, Eduardo Roberto Junqueira Guimarães, Eni de Lourdes Puccinelli Orlandi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor). Agreement/Unicamp/MEC/Cia Brasileira de Alum�nio/Solidarity Community Council - Solidarity Literacy Program of the Municipality of Inhapi/Alagoas. Responsible: Sylvia Bueno Terzi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
Federal University of Par� (Coordinator), Institute of Language Studies/UNICAMP (Coordinator), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq (Financier). PADCT Development and Technological Support Program - Consolidation of the Amazon Languages Research Group/UFPA. Responsible: Lucy Seki, Spike Lawrence Owen Gildea. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Federal University of Santa Maria (Executor), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Financier). Academic Cooperation Program - PROCAD between the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics IEL/UNICAMP and the Postgraduate Program in Letters UFSM. Responsible: Eduardo Roberto Junqueira Guimarães.
State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Rio Grande (Coordinator), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Financier). Institutional Qualification Program - PQI between the Postgraduate Program in Literature - FURG and the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics - IEL/UNICAMP. Responsible: Edwiges Maria Morato, M�nica Graciela Zoppi Fontana. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), State University of Mato Grosso (Coordinator), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Financier). Institutional Qualification Program - PQI between the Language Institute - UNEMAT and the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics - IEL/UNICAMP. Responsible: Eduardo Roberto Junqueira Guimarães, M�nica Graciela Zoppi Fontana. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Federal University of Goiás (Coordinator), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Financier). Institutional Qualification Program between the Department of Literature and Education - UFG and the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics - IEL/UNICAMP. Responsible: Nina Virg�nia de Ara�jo Leite, M�nica Graciela Zoppi Fontana. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
University of Buenos Aires (Executor), Department of Linguistics - IEL/UNICAMP (Executor), National University of Mar del Plata (Executor), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Financier) . ASSOCIATED CENTERS PROGRAM between UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES, UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE MAR DEL PLATA AND UNICAMP. Responsible: Mica Graciela Zoppi Fontana. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
Ecole Normale Superieure de Fontanay-St Cloud (Executor). Addendum to the Cooperation Agreement between the State University of Campinas and the Cole Normale Sup�rieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines (ENS-LSH). Responsible: Eduardo Roberto Junqueira Guimarães, Suzy Maria Lagazzi Rodrigues. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor). Addendum to the Unicamp/Funcamp Cooperation Agreement aiming at cultural projects. Responsible: Celene Margarida Cruz. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor). APSPM/APEU Addendum aiming to hold events. Responsible: Celene Margarida Cruz. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
State University of Campinas (Executor), Campinas City Hall (Executor). Addendum No. 11 to the Cooperation and Cultural Exchange Agreement between the State University of Campinas and the Municipality of Campinas. Responsible: Nina Virg�nia de Ara�jo Leite, Maria Rita Salzano Moraes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS, DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.