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Institute of Language Studies
Research lines
  Analysis, description and documentation of natural languages. It groups projects dedicated to the description, analysis and documentation of natural languages, with an emphasis on indigenous languages, in addition to comparative, historical and typological studies, and those related to them. research and analysis of sources and documentation of such languages. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Analysis and Modeling of the sounds of natural languages, from grammar to physics. It brings together projects dedicated to taxonomic and/or hypothetical-deductive studies of aspects of the sounds of natural languages ​​to understand their functioning in the grammars of the world's languages, their acquisition and the its pathological deviations. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Nature and factors of meaning. It brings together projects dedicated to the study of the processes of linguistic meaning. It aims to describe the meaning of different languages, leading to a theoretical-methodological reflection and the development of disciplines dedicated to the study of meaning. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Language, culture and society. It brings together projects dedicated to the study of the linguistic phenomenon in its social context, having as a common horizon the view of language as a social practice, inseparable from the speaking subject and the group to which he belongs . (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Brain, mind and language. Includes projects related to the discussion of neurolinguistic semiology, the study of psycholinguistic processes in the acquisition and pathology of language and the study of the normal and the pathological in the functioning of language and cognition the human. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Language, text and discourse. It brings together projects related to spoken language, text and discourse theories. The concepts of language, text and discourse are explained under conditions of enunciation, questions of textual processing, textualization and factors of discursivity. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Languages ​​and texts of Greco-Roman culture. It brings together projects dedicated to the study of Greek and Latin language and culture. Includes projects related to linguistic studies of ancient Greek and Latin and exegesis of any texts written in these languages. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Constitution of theories in linguistic wholes. It brings together projects dedicated to the history of linguistic theories, methods and linguistic epistemology, emphasizing the analysis of language knowledge processes and focusing on the domain of linguistics as discipline in the history of science. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Children's speech and writing. Covers language acquisition projects, including so-called disorders and the acquisition of sign languages, focusing on work on initial writing and the relationship between drawing and writing and elaborate research from clinical phenomena. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Language, Subject and History.It brings together projects dedicated to studying the relationship between subject, language and history, showing that meanings are effects that are produced ideologically. The projects included in this line adopt the materialist discursive perspective of analysis. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Language and psychoanalysis. It includes projects that, from the perspective of psychoanalytic theory, investigate the consequences for linguistic studies of the hypothesis that the unconscious has a language structure, having as its axis the study of the structuring of subjectivity by language. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Language, translation and culture. This line brings together critical studies of translation theories and analyzes of translation practices, focusing on the issues: translation and transformation; translation and transfer; translator, author; original text and translated text (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2005). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
  Subjectivity and identity, deconstruction and psychoanalysis. It brings together studies on: 1) the different conceptions of pluri, multi and bilingualism; 2) the relationship between languages ​​and cultural legacies in the identity constitution of subjectivity; 3) possible forms of teaching in bilingual or plurilingual contexts. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2005). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
  Literacy. This line brings together studies on the uses and social functions of writing and their consequences (theoretical or methodological) for teacher training and teaching-learning. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2005). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
  Schooling in bilingual/bidialectal contexts. This line brings together studies on conflicts arising from homogenizing linguistic policies, focusing, above all, on schooling processes aimed at linguistically and culturally differentiated groups. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2005). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
  Language, teaching and technological mediation and digital literacy. This line brings together studies on the changes that technological mediation in general and digital mediation in particular promotes in language and communicative practices and also studies on teaching digital literacy and computer use in teaching situations. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2005). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
  Discursive practices, interaction and evaluation in institutional contexts. This line brings together studies on processes of interaction, evaluation and discursive practices in general that take place in contexts of different fields of human activity institutionally framed. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2005). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
  Teaching-learning of Portuguese as a second language and foreign languages. This line brings together studies on the teaching and acquisition of Portuguese as a second language and foreign language, as well as studies on other second and foreign languages, both in formal and informal contexts. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2005). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
  Interpretation and authorship in reading and written production. This line brings together studies of relationships between text, author and reader, the process of acquiring writing in the school context and theoretical concepts about reading and writing. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2005). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS.
  Generative syntax of natural languages.Brings together projects that are dedicated to synchronic and diachronic study; of the acquisition of the synthetic properties of a language or of specific synthetic phenomena in several languages, from the perspective of the Theory of Principles and Parameters of Grammar Generative. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Brazilian Literature of the Colonial Period. Studies of culture, history and literary criticism, with the main corpus being texts produced in Brazil during the colonial period. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Brazilian Literature of the 19th Century. Studies of culture, history and literary criticism, with texts produced in nineteenth-century Brazil as the main corpus. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Brazilian Literature of the 20th Century. Studies of culture, history and literary criticism, with the main corpus being texts produced in 1997th century Brazil. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in XNUMX). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Medieval Portuguese Literature. Studies of culture, history and literary criticism, with the main corpus being texts produced in Portugal during the Middle Ages. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Classic Portuguese Literature. Studies of culture, history and literary criticism, with the main corpus being texts produced in Portugal during the 1997th, XNUMXth, XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in XNUMX). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Modern Portuguese Literature. Studies of culture, history and literary criticism, with the main corpus being texts produced in Portugal during the 1997th and XNUMXth centuries. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in XNUMX). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Comparative Literary Analysis. Literary studies compared by regions, periods, genres, disciplines and/or literary and cultural movements. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Criticism: history and methodology. Studies focused on discussing the history of literary criticism and its methods. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Poetics: genres, styles, literary movements. Literary theory studies focused on studies of problems of literary periodization, period styles, aesthetic-cultural movements and literary genres. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Textual criticism: critical edition, annotated editions and translations.Theoretical and critical studies of the problems of editing and annotating literary texts. Editing and translation practice. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Production, circulation and reception of literary texts. Historical, empirical and theoretical studies of the production, circulation and reception of literary texts. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1997). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Other Vernacular Literature. Studies of literary works and authors of other classic or modern vernacular literature from countries, regions or locations included in linguistic cultures of Lus�phone tradition, such as, among others , Galician and literature in the language by (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Interdisciplinary Literature Studies. Research aimed at examining the theoretical, historical, aesthetic or cultural relationships established between literary productions and contributions from the human and social sciences, or arts and communication ������s, among other related domains. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.
  Modern Foreign Literatures. Specialized or monographic studies of authors and literary works belonging to foreign countries or cultures, from the Renaissance to the contemporary period, including those produced in Spanish, Italian, French, English and German. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF LITERARY THEORY.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP