Institute of Physics
Projects with financing
Roberto de Andrade Martins. Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-05/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 21.113,64, Process # 2005/04554-4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Monica Alonso Cotta. Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-05/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 63.000,00, Process # 2006/00554-2. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Roberto de Andrade Martins. Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-08/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 6.969,22, Process # 2006/54011-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Ennio Peres da Silva. Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-10/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 39,97, Process # 2006/03526-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
M�rcio Jos� Menon. Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-09/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 5.781,88, Process # 2006/03714-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Roberto de Andrade Martins. "THE INFLUENCE OF ANCIENT ATOMISM ON THE KINETIC REVOLUTION OF THE 17TH CENTURY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #03374/5-XNUMX. Student: Natasha de Campos Cerboncini. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Marcos C�sar de Oliveira. "THE NATURE OF STATE ENTANGLEMENT IN CONTINUOUS PHASE TRANSITIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2005-08/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 21.102,36, Process # 2005/00155-8. Student: Thiago Rodrigues de Oliveira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Lisandra Losada Pataro. "Optocouplers, micro-disk and semiconductor laser". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Lu�s Nieto Gonz�lez. "Coupling in self-formed nanostructures of
InAs/InP". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Marcelo Knobel. "ALEXANDRE PAKHOMOV". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-01/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 18.456,53, Process #2005/ 01398-1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Marco Aur�lio Pinheiro Lima. "Psitron Annihilation in Molecular Environments: The Inclusion of the Absorption Potential and the Basis of Complex Gaussians for the Zeff Calculation through the Schwinger Multichannel Method"". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Eduardo Augusto Campos Curvo. "JOINT ANALYSIS OF FISSION TRACES IN IPIDOTE AND APATITE IN THE GEOTHERMOCHRONOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A REGION: APPLICATION IN THE BREJUI REGION - RN, BRAZIL". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-04/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 67.250,24 , Process #2005/01684-4.
Marcelo Moraes Guzzo. "PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF DECOHERENCE IN NEUTRINO OSCILLATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/53253-7. Student: Roberto Leandro Neves de Oliveira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Marco Aur�lio Pinheiro Lima. "POSITRON ANNIHILATION IN MOLECULAR ENVIRONMENTS: THE INCLUSION OF THE ABSORPTION POTENTIAL AND THE BASIS OF COMPLEX GAUSSIAN FOR THE CALCULATION OF ZEFF THROUGH THE MULTICHANNEL SCHWINGER METHOD". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-3, value: R$ 70.288,40, Process # 2002/13607-6. Student: S�rgio D Almeida Sanch�z. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
José Augusto Chinellato. "Application of the Principles of Bayesian Statistics and Maximum Entropy in the Analysis of Cosmic Ray Events". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Robinson Figueroa Cadillo. "Surface architecture in thin films". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Jos� Rildo de Oliveira Queir�z. "Aspects of loss of coherence in Quantum Mechanics". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Angelo Antônio Soares de M�lo. "Aspects of Entanglement in the Interaction of Radiation with Matter". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Juliana Mesquita Hidalgo Ferreira. "ASTROLOGY AS POLITICAL-RELIGIOUS CRITICISM AND PROPAGANDA IN ENGLAND, 1640-1660". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-05/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2004/13214-0.
Antonio Rubens Britto de Castro. "ATOMS AND NANOPARTICLES UNDER THE ACTION OF A FREE-ELECTRON LASER: EXPERIMENT AND THEORY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-02/2006), Post doctorate scholarship abroad PD / scholarship abroad-pd, value: R$ 8.233,86, Process #2005/60413-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Antonio Rubens Britto de Castro. "ATOMS AND NANOPARTICLES UNDER THE ACTION OF A FREE-ELECTRON LASER: EXPERIMENT AND THEORY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 32.462,50, Process #2005/56324 -2. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Omar Teschke. "UPDATE OF THE RESEARCH COLLECTION OF THE LIBRARY OF THE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS OF UNICAMP". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-04/2007), Research Grant / interdisciplinary, value: R$ 545.412,25, Process #2005/03811-3 . Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Sandinei Ugo da Silva Santos. "CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM BILLIARDS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 7.986,00, 2004, Process #14621/8-XNUMX. Student: Sandinei Ugo da Silva Santos.
Jorge Augusto Le�n Eras. "Characterization of the Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes by the CVD Technique".
J�lio C�sar Guimar�es Tedesco. "Characterization of Cs2NaAlF6:Cr3+ and Cs2NaGaF6:Fe3+ Single Crystals by Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Thalita Chiaramonte. "Structural Characterization of Low Dimensional (Ga, Al, In)N Alloys by X-Ray Diffraction for Applications in the Visible Spectrum".
Elvis Lira da Silva. "Magnetic and Structural Characterization of Magnetic Ni and Co Nanowires".
Jaime Frejlich Sochaczewsky. "Optical and Electrical Characterization of Photoconductive and Photorefractive Materials". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Eduardo Miranda. "NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS OF CORRELATED DISORDERNED ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-2, value: R$ 94.569,80, Process # 2004/12098-6. Student: �ric de Castro E Andrade. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Antonio Manoel Mansanares. "CHARACTERIZATION OF SPECIAL GLASSES AND CRYSTALS DOPATED WITH TRANSITION IONS USING THERMAL LENSING, MIRAGE EFFECT AND PHOTOACOUSTIC TECHNIQUES". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 138.734,06, Process #2006/02514 -8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz. "CHARACTERIZATION OF TIME-RESOLVED NONLINEAR OPTICAL EFFECTS IN OPTICAL FIBERS AND WAVEGUIDES IN GLASS DOPED WITH SEMICONDUCTORS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2002-08/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-4, value: R$ 61.331,00, Process # 2002/03991-3. Student: L�zaro Aur�lio Padilha J�nior. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Hugo Lu�s Fragnito. "RESEARCH CENTER IN OPTICS AND PHOTONICS - UNICAMP (CEPOF-UNICAMP)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-12/2008), Assistance infrastructure / research centers innovation diffusion, value: R$ 3.697.393,20, Process #2005/51689-2. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Flvio Caldas da Cruz. "RESEARCH CENTER IN OPTICS AND PHOTONICS (CEPOF, CEPID PROC. 2005/51689-2). AN OPTICAL ATOMIC CALCIUM CLOCK (PROC. 01/11144-6)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2007), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-2, value: R$ 6.000,00, Process #2006/55287-9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Carlos Lenz C�sar. "Construction of Spectroscopic Images". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Amir Ordacgi Boiler. "QUANTUM COHERENCE ON NANOMETRIC SCALE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 23.522,40, Process # 2006/01869-7. Student: João de Abreu Barbosa Coelho. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Fernando Lu�s Semião da Silva. "COMPUTING AND QUANTUM INFORMATION IN SIMPLE SYSTEMS AND IN CONDENSED MATTER". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2005/04533-7.
José Antônio Brum. "ARGONIUM LASER REPAIR". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-08/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 30.808,00, Process #2006/52841 -5. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
José Antônio Brum. "REPAIR OF THE JOBIN-YVON MICRO-RAMAN/PHOTOLUMINESCENCE SYSTEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-01/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 105.986,29, Process #2005/55260 -0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Gabriela Castellano. "CO-REGISTRATION OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE BRAIN IMAGES AND OTHER MODALITIES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-09/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.488,00, 2005, Process #01778/9-XNUMX. Student: Carlos Sato Baraldi Dias. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Marina Soares Leite. "GROWTH OF SELF-FORMED EPITAXIAL NANOSTRUCTURED SYSTEMS: STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 83.514,60, Process # 2003/09374-9. Student: Marina Soares Leite.
Lisandro Pavie Cardoso. "GROWTH AND CHARACTERIZATION BY X-RAY DIFFRACTION OF AMINO ACID CRYSTALS: L-ARGININE AND L-HISTIDINE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2005-11/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 9.372,00, 2005, Process #56572/6-XNUMX. Student: F�bio Machado Ardito. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Lucas Romano Muniz. "CRYSTALLIZATION OF AMORPHOUS GERMANIUM INDUCED BY ALUMINUM IN MULTILAYER STRUCTURES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 28.794,94, Process # 2004/11656-5. Student: Lucas Romano Muniz.
Carlos Henrique Coimbra Ara�jo. "Galaxy Rotation Curves from Supergravity in Disk Models". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Lu�s Eduardo Evangelista de Ara�jo. "DARK STATE RESONANCES IN A CA HOLLOW CATHODE LAMP". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-10/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 7.493,80, Process #2006/56466-4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Israel de Oliveira Mendes. "Development of Methods for Large Field Irradiation with Electron Beams". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Newton Cesário Frateschi. "Infrared Detector". Mectron Engenharia Ind�stria e Com�rcio Ltda, (11/2005-11/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 437.500,00.
F�lix Guillermo Gonz�lez Hern�ndez. "DECOHERENCE IN QUANTUM DOTS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-08/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 86.275,80, Process # 2004/02814-6. Student: F�lix Guillermo Gonz�lez Hern�ndez.
Francisco das Chagas Marques. "DEVELOPMENT OF THIN FILMS BY FREE VACUUM PUMPING PLASMA TECHNIQUE, WITH XENON IMPLEMENTATION FOR POTENTIAL USE IN THE TREATMENT OF CANCER". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2005-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 86.559,20, Process # 2004/13495-9. Student: Gustavo Alexandre Viana. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Edison Zacarias da Silva. "DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS FOR MULTI-SCALE SIMULATION OF MATERIALS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/52769-0. Student: Giovani Manzeppi Faccin. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Carlos Manuel Giles Antunez de Mayolo. "DETERMINATION OF THE MAGNETIC STRUCTURE OF INTERMETALLIC COMPOUNDS RMMNIN(3M+2N) (R=GD, SM, TB, M=RH OR IR)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-09/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 346.587,84, Process #2005/00962 -0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Margarita Ballester Cardona. "QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF ADDITIVES IN ZINC ELECTRODEPOSITION BATHS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-05/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #51107/6-XNUMX. Student: R�bia Munhoz Rappelli. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Munemasa Machida. "Diagnosis Spectroscopy in Visible and Ultra Violet in Vacuum in the TCABR Tokamak". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Alan Silva de Menzes. "Multiple X-ray Diffraction in the Study of the Structural Properties of L-Histidine Hydrochloric Monohydrate". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Fernando Iikawa. "Carrier Dynamics in Type-II Quantum Dots". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Flvio Caldas da Cruz. "DYNAMICS OF COOLING ATOMS WITH LASERS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.356,00, 2005, Process #01579/6-XNUMX. Student: Danilo Borim do Nascimento. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Marcus Aloizio Martinez de Aguiar. "EVOLUTIONARY DYNAMICS IN PREDATOR AND PREY POPULATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2005/04406-5. Student: Sabrina Borges Lino Ara�jo. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Amir Ordacgi Boiler. "BOSE-EINSTEIN SUPERCONDUCTOR AND CONDENSATE DEVICES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-10/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #05000/5-XNUMX. Student: Daniel Mendon�a Valente. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Marcus Aloizio Martinez de Aguiar. "ENERGY DISSIPACATION IN QUANTUM SYSTEMS VIA CHAOTIC COUPLING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2002-02/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 94.740,10, Process # 2002/04377-7. Student: Marcus Vin�cius Segantini Bonan�a. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Narcizo Marques de Souza Neto. "Stress Effects in Thin Films of Epitaxially Grown Manganites Studied by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy".
Daniel M�rio Ugarte. "Structural Effects in Quantizing the Conductance of Metal Nanowires". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Juliano Casagrande Denardin. "EXTRAORDINARY HALL EFFECT IN THE TUNNELING AND COULOMB BLOCKAGE REGIME". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2002-03/2006), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 107.463,96 , Process #2002/06073-5. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Mário Antonio Bica de Moraes. "MAGNETOCALORIC EFFECT IN NANOCOMPOSITE FILMS SYNTHESISIZED BY SPUTTERING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 19.808,00, Process # 2004/05050-7. Student: Giovana Zanini Gadioli. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Andr� Schuwartz Ferreira. "DISORDER EFFECTS ON QUANTUM PHASE TRANSITIONS IN HEAVY FERMION SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2006), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 46.234,54 , Process #2005/00897-4.
Hugo Lu�s Fragnito. "NON-LINEAR EFFECTS IN OPTICAL FIBERS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2003-05/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-4, value: R$ 64.395,00, Process # 2003/00761-0. Student: Paulo Cl�vis Dainese J�nior. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Carlos Rettori. "ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE OF THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT FOR THE GD3+AND EU2+IONS IN CA1-XRXB6(R=GD, EU) (0.0001<-<-0.30)". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-09/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 11.400,00, Process #2006/54214-8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Ricardo José Missori. "Entanglement in the Two-Mode Jaynes-Cummings Model". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
José Antonio Roversi. "ENTANGLEMENT OF FIELDS OF DISTINCT CAVITIES USING COUPLED ATOMS AND TRANSFER OF QUANTUM STATES BETWEEN ATOMS LOCATED IN COUPLED OPTICAL CAVITIES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 22.162,80, Process # 2005/58194-9. Student: Bruno Ferreira de Camargo Yabu Uti. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Alberto de Jesus Lemos. "Spectroscopy of deep levels of iron". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Carlos Manuel Giles Antunez de Mayolo. "Crystallographic and Magnetic Structure of 4d and 5d Transition Metal Oxides". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Oscar Enrique Agéro. "Structure of crystalline materials with important magnetic properties using x-ray spectrometry and diffraction methods". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Bruno Vieira da Cunha Martins. "Structure and Dynamics of Carbon Nanoribbons".
Nei Mar�al. "Electronic interleaved structure". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Alexandre M�gnus Gomes Carvalho. "Study of Structural, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of Compounds based on Gd, Ge and Si". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz. "Study of the Change in Chromatic Dispersion of Photonic Fibers and generation of Supercontinuum in Special Fibers". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Jun Takahashi. "Study of the Systematics and Mechanisms of Strangeness Production in Relativistic Regimes". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
There Francisco Garcia Flores. "Study of the Optical and Magnetic Properties of Magnetic, Metallic and Superconducting Materials by Raman Spectroscopy".
José Augusto Chinellato. "Study of Large-Scale Anisotropies in the Arrival Directions of Cosmic Rays with Energies Above 1018 EV Detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Marcelo Knobel. "Study of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Pedro Augusto Franco Pinheiro Moreira. "Study of the Effect of Chemical Composition on the Annealing of Fission Traces from Datasets of Surface Densities and Trace Lengths in Basal and Random Sections of Apatites". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Edison Zacarias da Silva. "Dynamic Study of Metallic Copper and Gold Nanowires on Metallic Surfaces". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
José Ciro Rojas Quispe. "Study and development of intercalation devices based on lithiated manganese oxide thin films". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Amir Ordacgi Boiler. "Study on decoherence in semiconductor q-bits". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Marcelo Knobel. "Experimental Theoretical Study of the Effects of Interactions in Nanoparticle Systems". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Pascoal Jos� Giglio Pagliuso. "Studies of the Magnetic Properties of Amorphous GaAs Thin Films Doped with Mh". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
José Antônio Brum. "Structural and functional studies of oxidoreductases of the DsbA family from Xylella fastidiosa and Xanthomonas axonopodis". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Munemasa Machida. "THOMSON MULTIPASS AND MULTIESPATIAL SPREADING AT TOKAMAK NOVA-UNICAMP". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-01/2006), Publication grant / publication grant, value: R$ 1.157,52, Process #2005/ 00051-8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Munemasa Machida. "VISIBLE AND ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROSCOPY IN VACUUM AT TOKAMAK NOVA-UNICAMP". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 5.676,00, 2005, Process #00871/5-XNUMX. Student: Bruno Sversut Arsioli. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Julio Cesar Hadler Neto. "STUDY OF THE STRUCTURE OF FISSION TRACES IN GLASSES AND MINERALS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 22.162,80, Process # 2006/02020-5. Student: Igor Alencar Vellame. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Yakov Veniaminovitch Kopelevitch. "STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF INOMOGENEITIES ON THE PROPERTIES OF SUPERCONDUCTING MATERIALS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/56573-2. Student: Lu�s Augusto Gomes Baring. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Valdemar Bellintani J�nior. "STUDY OF PLASMA LIGHT RADIATION IN TOKAMAKS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-04/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2005/04782-7.
Richard Landers. "STUDY OF THE SURFACE OF METALS AND ALLOYS BY ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND SYNCHROTRON RADIATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2002-01/2007), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 872.863,75, Process #2001/14076-1 . Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Pascoal Jos� Giglio Pagliuso. "STUDY OF THE MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF NEW RARE-EARTH INTERMETALLIC COMPOUNDS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2004-03/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 22.616,66, Process # 2004/05048-2. Student: Eduardo Matzenbacher Bittar. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Fernando Iikawa. "STUDY OF EXCITONIC COMPLEXES IN TYPE-II QUANTUM DOTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2004-05/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 82.771,20, Process # 2003/13133-7. Student: Paulo Freitas Gomes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Richard Landers. "STUDY OF FILMS OF ORDERED OXIDES ON METALLIC SINGLE CRYSTALS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2005-07/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 83.639,40, Process # 2005/54993-4. Student: Alexandre Pancotti. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Fernando Alvarez. "STUDY OF NITRETATION OF METALS WITH NANOSTRUCTURED SURFACES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-03/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 85.638,60, Process # 2003/13074-0. Student: �rika Abigail Ochoa Becerra. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Douglas Soares Galvão. "STUDY OF STRUCTURAL AND DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF SOME ORGANIC SYSTEMS AND METALLIC NANOSTRUCTURES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 97.214,40, Process # 2002/14141-0. Student: Fernando Sato. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Alex Antonelli. "STUDY OF THERMODYNAMIC, STRUCTURAL AND ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF DISORDERED SILICON PHASES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2005-07/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 31.148,23, Process # 2004/14601-7. Student: Bernardo Radefeld Meirelles. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Raimundo Lora Serrano. "STUDY OF PROPERTIES AND MAGNETIC STRUCTURES OF NEW INTERMETALLIC COMPOUNDS DERIVED FROM THE RMMNLN3M+2N FAMILY (R=RARE-EARTH; M=RH,IR OR CO, M=1,2 EN=0,1)". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/50511-8.
M�rcio Alberto Ara�jo Pudenzi. "MAGNETIC SEMICONDUCTOR STUDY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #01194/0-XNUMX. Student: Tiago Illipronti Girardi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
José Antônio Brum. "STUDY OF LOW DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2002-09/2006), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 1.634.131,40, Process #2001/01067-4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Flvio Caldas da Cruz. "STUDY DIRECTED ON LASER COOLING OF THE ATOM-RADIATION INTERACTION THROUGH OPTICAL BLOCH EQUATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.356,00, 2005, Process #01576/7-XNUMX. Student: Daniel Mendon�a Valente. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Roberto Jos� Maria Covolan. "STUDY OF THE COUPLING OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW TO THE BOLD SIGNAL IN FUNCTIONAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #00422/9-XNUMX. Student: Guilherme Coco Beltramini. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Julio Cesar Hadler Neto. "STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION ON THE ANNEALING OF FISSION TRACES FROM DATA SETS OF SURFACE DENSITIES AND TRACE LENGTHS IN BASISAL AND RANDOM SECTIONS OF APATITES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-4, value: R$ 105.016,60, Process # 2003/02528-0. Student: Pedro Augusto Franco Pinheiro Moreira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Fl�vio C�sar Guimar�es Gandra. "STUDY OF THE MAGNETO-CALORIC EFFECT ON UGA2 AND THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF UCU5(AI,M)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2003-09/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 94.798,52, Process # 2002/13813-5. Student: Luzeli Moreira da Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Ariana de Campos. "STUDY OF THE COLOSSAL MAGNETOCALORIC EFFECT IN MNAS1-XAX COMPOUNDS AND DERIVATIVES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-05/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2005/04681-6.
Sergio Gama. "STUDY OF THE MAGNETOCALORIC EFFECT IN INTERMETALLIC COMPOUNDS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2002-04/2006), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 3.157.683,20, Process #2001/05883-0 . Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Sergio Gama. "STUDY OF THE MAGNETOCALORIC EFFECT IN COMPOUNDS DERIVED FROM THE MN2A, A=N, P, AS, SB AND BI PHASE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-4, value: R$ 56.458,73, Process # 2003/12604-6. Student: Luana Caron. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Sergio Gama. "STUDY OF THE MAGNETOCALORIC EFFECT IN COMPOUNDS FEMNPXAS1-XAX, A = P,SB AND BI". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2003-03/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 73.590,80, Process # 2002/09420-8. Student: Ariana de Campos. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Alexandre M�gnus Gomes Carvalho. "STUDY OF MAGNETOCALORIC COMPOUNDS (R1-XR'XM2(R,R'=ND, GD, DY, ER EM=AL, NI) AND HEUSLER ALLOYS NI2MN1-XAXGA (A=FE, CO)". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/00838-0.
Jorge Diego Marconi. "STUDY AND OPTIMIZATION OF PARAMETRIC FIBER OPTICAL PROCESSORS FOR FUNCTIONALITIES IN FULLY OPTICAL WBM NETWORKS AND HIGH TRANSMISSION RATES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/50911-6.
Adenilson Oliveira dos Santos. "STRUCTURAL STUDY BY X-RAY DIFFRACTION OF MNAS COMPOUNDS AND DERIVATIVES THAT SHOW COLOSSAL MAGNETOCALORIC EFFECT". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-05/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/00161-0.
Daniel Júlio Garcia. "STUDY ON THE DYNAMIC MEAN FIELD APPROXIMATION OF KONDO, HUND AND MULTIBAND NETWORK MODELS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2004/13065-4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Leticie Mendon�a Ferreira. "COMBINED DOPING AND PRESSURE STUDIES IN CEMIN5 SUPERCONDUCTING HEAVY FERMIONS (M=RH, IR AND CO)". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (02/2005-05/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2004/07631-7.
Fernando Jorge da Paixão Filho. "STUDIES IN THE EVALUATION OF PROJECTS IN THE AREAS OF ASTRONOMY, PHYSICS, GEOCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND CHEMISTRY". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-12/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 272.497,90, Process #2005/60581 -0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Jos� Gerivaldo dos Santos Duqu�. "STUDIES OF MAGNETIC FRUSTRATION EFFECTS IN OXIDES AND INTERMETALLIC MATERIALS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2005-06/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2004/04681-3.
Alexis Omar Garc�a Rodr�guez. "Elementary excitations in quantum Hall-type systems". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Lucila Helena Deliesposte Cescato. "Manufacture and Characterization of Photonic Crystals". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Pedro Cunha from Holland. "Phenomenology of Cosmological Neutrinos from minimal extensions of the standard model". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Orlando Luis Goulart Peres. "PHENOMENOLOGY OF ATMOSPHERIC NEUTRINOS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 19.808,00, Process # 2004/04579-4. Student: Diego Rossi Gratieri. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Edvaldo Alves de Souza J�nior. "Cu-VO Films for Application in Microbattery Cathodes". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Hugo Bonette de Carvalho. "Voltage Controlled Non-Magnetic SPIN Filters".
Maurice de K�ning. "COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER: A MULTI-SCALE APPROACH". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-12/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 56.457,74, Process #2005/03039 -9.
Marcelo Moraes Guzzo. "NEUTRINO PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-08/2008), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 98.914,00, Process #2004/00220-1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Marcelo Moraes Guzzo. "NEUTRINO PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 32.150,80, Process #2004/15520 -two. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Luiz Eduardo MC de Oliveira. "THEORETICAL PHYSICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR NANOSTRUCTURES: (A) ELECTRONIC, OPTICAL AND IMPURITY PROPERTIES IN SEMICONDUCTOR NANOSTRUCTURES; (B) ELECTRONIC, MAGNETIC AND TRANSPORT PROPERTIES OF..". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (02/2004-01/2008), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 235.260,00, Process #2003/07905-7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Newton Cesário Frateschi. "Semiconductor light sources with active control of the coherence length Universal 477631/2004-5. CNPq
Description: Universal Project Value R$7000,00.
Status: In progress; Nature: Research; Start: Jul 2005 (2 years)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (07/2005-07/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 7.000,00. Student: Newton Cesário Frateschi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Luiz Guimar�es Ferreira. "Photoionization and Pseudopotentials". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Andr�s An�bal Rieznik. "Fundamentals of Optical Magnification".
Marcos C�sar de Oliveira. "GENUINE MULTIPARTITE ENTANGLEMENT IN QUANTUM PHASE TRANSITIONS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-05/2006), Support part. Meeting/external meeting assistance, value: R$ 8.832,20, Process #2005/05144-4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Roddy Elky Ramos Gonz�les. "Ion-exchange waveguides in telluride glasses doped with erbium ions". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Celso Molina. "ORGANIC - INORGANIC HYBRIDS OBTAINED BY THE SOL-GEL METHODOLOGY FOR USE IN INTEGRATED OPTICS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (02/2005-01/2008), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 151.313,05 , Process #2004/06415-9.
Andr� Guimar�es dos Santos. "Impact of Nonlinearities on Optical Communications Systems". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Maurício da Silva Sercheli. "IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE TECHNIQUE OF COMBINED EEG AND FMRI RECORDINGS FOR APPLICATION IN EPILEPSY STUDIES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-05/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 67.250,24 , Process #2004/15805-5.
Lu�s Fernando Mollica Borelli. "Quantum information and loss of coherence". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Fernando Catalani. "Hadronic Interactions". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Armando Rinaldi Neto. "Introduction of correction techniques for attenuation and scattering from emission data in the reconstruction of tomographic slices with statistical algorithms in SPECT".
Douglas Soares Galvão. "Investigation of the Relationship between Theoretical Properties and the Anticarcinogenic Activity of Combretastatin and Derivatives". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Leandro F�lix de Sousa Bufai�al. "Investigation of the Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Oxides with Ca2-xLaxFelrO6 Double Perovskite Structure". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Marco Aur�lio Pinheiro Lima. "INCLUDING THE REAL POSITRON FORMATION CHANNEL FOR THE STUDY OF ELECTRONIC EXCITATIONS BY POSITRON IMPACT VIA THE MULTICHANNEL SCHWINGER METHOD (SMC)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2002-07/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 104.615,92, Process # 2002/04186-7. Student: Felipe Arretche. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Hugo Lu�s Fragnito. "INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND DISSEMINATION OF THE CEPOF COMPUTER CLUSTER". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2005-11/2006), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-4, value: R$ 21.240,00, Process #2005/55958-8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Yakov Veniaminovitch Kopelevitch. "INTERRELATION BETWEEN SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND FERROMAGNETISM IN CARBON-BASED MATERIALS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (02/2005-06/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 279.221,47, Process #2004/10158 -1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Pascoal Jos� Giglio Pagliuso. "INVESTIGATION OF NEW MATERIALS AT LOW TEMPERATURES". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-09/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 190.093,75, Process #2005/55272 -9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Wagner de Mendonça Faustino. "THEORETICAL-EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF MULTIPHOTON PROCESSES IN LANTANIDE ION COMPOUNDS FOR APPLICATIONS IN NANOSCOPY". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (02/2006-01/2008), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2005/55516-5.
Jos� Lu�s Bernardo D�az Polanco. "Relativistic Jets and Studies of the Interaction between Radiation and Matter".
Daniel Pereira. "ISOTOPICAL CO2 LASERS FOR HIGH RESOLUTION SPECTROSCOPY". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-03/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 178.651,05, Process #2004/13938 -8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Newton Cesário Frateschi. "MICRODISK LASER WITH NANOSTRUCTURED ACTIVE REGIONS PUMPED BY ELECTRONIC INJECTION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2004-09/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 193.633,58, Process #2004/01795 -8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Luiz Guimar�es Ferreira. "BINARY ALLOYS (CONDENSED MATTER) AND ELECTRON SCATTERING (ATOMICAL AND MOLECULAR)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-08/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 11.412,30, Process #2004/15311 -2. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Alberto Vazquez Saa. "LIMITS OF SEMI-CLASSICAL GRAVITATION: THE TRANSPLANCKIAN REGIME". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-02/2010), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-1, value: R$ 94.582,80, Process # 2005/04219-0. Student: Maurício Richartz.
Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro. "ANODE OXIDATION LITHOGRAPHY OF NANODEVICES THROUGH ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 26.497,83, Process # 2003/11576-9. Student: Pablo Roberto Fernández Siles.
Vicente Nunes da Conceição de Farias. "Dark Matter and Cosmic Rays of Macrosscopic Energies". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Pascoal Jos� Giglio Pagliuso. "MAGNETISM, SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND QUANTUM FLUCTUATIONS IN NEW INTERMETALLIC SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2004-03/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 96.154,70, Process #2004/08798 -2. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Eduardo Granado M da Silva. "MAGNETOSTRUCTURAL TRANSITION AND FE/RE MAGNETISM IN THE DOUBLE PEROVSKITE BA2FEREO6: STRONG ORBITAL-LATTICE INTERACTION IN THE HALF METALLIC STATE". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-09/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 8.460,00, Process #2006/02575-7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Jaime Frejlich Sochaczewsky. "PHOTOSENSITIVE MATERIALS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2005-10/2006), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-2, value: R$ 9.000,00, Process #2005/51008-5. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Leandro da Silva Aguiar. "Quantum Measurements and Decoherence: Cryptography and Quantum Computing". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Jun Takahashi. "MEASUREMENT OF MULTI STRANGE (ANTI-)BAYRON PRODUCTION IN CU+CU COLLISIONS WITH THE STAR EXPERIMENT AT RHIC". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-11/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 10.680,00, Process #2006/04185-1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Roberto Luzzi. "STATISTICAL MECHANICS OF DISSIPATIVE SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2004-10/2006), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 32.952,31, Process #2004/08530-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Roberto de Andrade Martins. "WAVE MECHANICS AND MATRICIAL MECHANICS (1925-1926): THE COLLISION BETWEEN TWO WORLDVIEWS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 20.837,96, Process # 2003/13592-1. Student: Sandro da Silva Livramento Machado. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Marcos C�sar de Oliveira. "MEASUREMENT, CONTROL AND QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2005-12/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 25.850,00, Process #2004/14605 -2. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Flvio Caldas da Cruz. "TIME AND FREQUENCY METROLOGY WITH AN OPTICAL CALCIUM ATOMIC CLOCK". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2003-04/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-4, value: R$ 56.054,63, Process # 2002/13718-2. Student: Dav� Ribeiro Ortega. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Amir Ordacgi Boiler. "Quantum Computing Millennium". National Research Council-CNPq, (02/2002), Other grants, value: R$ 18.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Marcus Aloizio Martinez de Aguiar. "MICHEL BARANGER". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-07/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 10.231,31, Process #2006/ 00706-7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Roberto Antonio Clemente. "Modeling the Growth Kinetics of Colloidal Quantum Dots". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Douglas Soares Galvão. "Electronic and Structural Models of Eumelanins and Allomelanins". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Munemasa Machida. "MODIFIED BRANCHING RATIO METHOD FOR ABOLUTE INTENSITY CALIBRATION IN VUV SPECTROSCOPY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-07/2006), Publication grant / publication grant, value: R$ 333,41, Process #2006/ 00299-2. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Jaime Frejlich Sochaczewsky. "ASSEMBLY OF AN INTERFEROMETRIC SYSTEM FOR CHARACTERIZATION OF PHOTOSENSITIVE MATERIALS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-11/2007), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-2, value: R$ 10.000,00, Process #2005/05209-9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Denise Basso Nakabayashi. "Nanomanipulation and Characterization of Individual Nano-Objects by In Situ Electron Microscopy Experiments".
Monica Alonso Cotta. "SEMICONDUCTOR NANOSTRUCTURES: SYNTHESIS AND COUPLER IN THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2004-05/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 84.895,20, Process # 2004/01895-2. Student: João Guilherme Azevedo Zelcovit. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Leandro Russovski Tessler. "ERBUM DOPATED SILICON NANOPARTICLES FOR APPLICATIONS IN PHOTONICS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2004-04/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-3, value: R$ 76.143,60, Process # 2004/00023-1. Student: Danilo Mustafa. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Omar Teschke. "NANOTECHNOLOGY: MANUFACTURE OF NANOSTRUCTURES AND SUPRAMOLECULAR STRUCTURES IN LIQUID MEDIUM. OBSERVATION OF THE FORMED STRUCTURES AND INVESTIGATION OF NANOSTRUCTURE FORMATION PROCESSES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2004-09/2008), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 2.063.711,50, Process #2003/12529-4 . Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Orlando Luis Goulart Peres. "Supernova Neutrino". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Jaime Frejlich Sochaczewsky. "NEW PHOTOREFRACTIVE MATERIALS: OPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-05/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 90.064,00, Process # 2004/09744-3. Student: Tatiane Oliveira dos Santos. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Roberto de Andrade Martins. "The Development of Non-Euclidean Mechanics During the 19th Century". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Antonio Vidiella Barranco. "THE RAMAN-COUPLED MODEL: ENTANGLEMENT AND LOSS OF COHERENCE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/57836-7. Student: Felipe de Campos Lourenço. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Roberto de Andrade Martins. "THE REPORTORY OF THE TIMES OF ANDRE DO AVELAR AND ASTROLOGY IN PORTUGAL IN THE 16TH CENTURY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-10/2007), Publication grant / publication grant, value: R$ 5.000,00, Process #2006/ 03363-3. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Maurice de K�ning. "ORIENTATIONAL DEFECTS IN ICE IH: AN INTERPRETATION OF ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-03/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting assistance, value: R$ 7.205,87, Process #2005/04388-7.
Marcelo Moraes Guzzo. "Neutrino Oscillations in the Wavepacket Formalism". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Alex Eduardo de Bernardini. "QUANTUM OSCILLATIONS OF NEUTRINOS IN MATTER ACCORDING TO THE FORMALISM WITH DIRAC WAVE PACKETS AND SOME EXTENSIONS FOR PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDIES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2005-03/2008), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 151.313,05 , Process #2004/13770-0.
Osvaldo Luiz dos Santos Pereira. "OTIMIZATION OF A SYSTEM FOR DETECTING THE ALPHA ACTIVITY OF THE RN-222 AND CHILDREN IN ENVIRONMENTAL AIR AND COMPARISON BETWEEN THIS SYSTEM, WHICH USES THE CR-39 AS A DETECTOR AND ANOTHER SYSTEM, WHICH USES THE LR-115". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 6.336,00, 2005, Process #01758/8-XNUMX. Student: Osvaldo Luiz dos Santos Pereira.
Kyoko Furuya. "Particles with Spin in General Relativity". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Douglas Soares Galvão. "PRIME NUMBER PATTERNS AS AN EVOLUTIONARY STRATEGY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #54416/0-XNUMX. Student: V�tor Hugo Louzada Patr�cio. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Hugo Lu�s Fragnito. "PARTICIPATION IN THE KYATERA PROJECT". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-02/2006), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-2, value: R$ 3.000,00, Process #2005/55993-8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Hugo Lu�s Fragnito. "PARTICIPATION IN THE KYATERA PROJECT". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-06/2007), Other scholarships / scholarship in the country (training)-tt-2, value: R$ 6.000,00, Process #2006/52620-9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Fernando Alvarez. "RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW MATERIALS OF INTEREST IN NANOTECHNOLOGY: APPLICATIONS IN THE (MICRO-) ELECTRONICS AND METAL-MECHANICAL INDUSTRY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-05/2010), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 2.071.534,00, Process #2005/53926-1 . Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Luiz Carlos Barbosa. "Colloid Quantum Dots of II-VI Semiconductors Capped with SiO2". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Luiz Guimar�es Ferreira. "MOLECULAR TARGET POLARIZATION IN ELECTRON SCATTERING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 75.421,52, Process # 2003/12625-3. Student: Adriana do Roc�o L�pes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Pablo Jenner Par�dez Angeles. "Preparation and Characterization of Nanostructured Carbon-Nitrogen Thin Films".
Carlos Alberto Luengo. "Process and Reactor for Pyrolysis of Waste Charges". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A, (08/2004), Research Grant, value: R$ 800.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Jun Takahashi. "Chamonium Production in Heavy Ion Collisions in Relativistic Regimes". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Lucila Helena Deliesposte Cescato. "2D Photonic Layer Design and Manufacturing Using Multiple Holographic Exposures". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Douglas Soares Galvão. "Structural, Electronic, Conformational Properties of Organic Molecules on Metallic Surfaces". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Peter Alexander Bleinroth Schulz. "Transport Properties in a Low-Dimensional System: Disorder, Confinement and Spin Effects Revisited". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Juan Carlos Medina Pantoja. "Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Graphite in the Quantum Limit".
Eduardo Matzenbacher Bittar. "Local and Global Magnetic Properties of Rare Earth Cubic Intermetallic Compounds (R): RT(3) (T=In, Sn, Al) and R(3)M(4)Sn(13) ( M=Co, Pt)". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
T�lio Costa Rizuti da Rocha. "Optical and Transport Properties of Metallic Nanoparticles".
�rika Abigail Ochoa Becerra. "Surface and physical properties of plasma nitrided metals".
Gabriela Castellano. "PROCESSING OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPICAL SIGNALS FOR THE QUANTIFICATION OF METABOLITES IN THE HUMAN BRAIN IN VIVO". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #00980/1-XNUMX. Student: Lucas Augusto Radicchi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
M�rcio Jos� Menon. "SOFT DIFFRATIVE PROCESSES AT HIGH ENERGIES: ANALYTIC APPROACHES AND EICONAL REPRESENTATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 94.307,90, Process # 2003/00228-0. Student: Regina Fonseca �vila. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Marcus Aloizio Martinez de Aguiar. "DYNAMIC PROCESSES IN COMPLEX NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 21.952,40, Process # 2005/51223-3. Student: David Dobrigkeit Chinellato. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Emanuel Fernandes de Lima. "CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM PROPERTIES OF THE FORCED MORSE OSCILLATOR". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/00732-8.
Monica Alonso Cotta. "ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF INDIVIDUAL SEMICONDUCTOR NANOWIRES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-08/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.422,00, 2005, Process #01913/3-XNUMX. Student: Leonardo Castilho Couto. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Fernando Alvarez. "STRUCTURAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF NITRIDED MATERIALS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2003-02/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 77.886,00, Process # 2002/12342-9. Student: Luiz Fernando Zagonel. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Marcos C�sar de Oliveira. "PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF GAUSSIAN OPERATIONS ON TANGLED GAUSSIAN STATES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 29.132,21, Process # 2004/12619-6. Student: Lu�s Fernando Haruna. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Pascoal Jos� Giglio Pagliuso. "LOCAL AND GLOBAL MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF RARE EARTH CUBIC INTERMETALLIC COMPOUNDS (R):RT3 (T=IN, SN, AL) AND R3CO3SN13 (M=CO,PT)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-03/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 76.471,20, Process # 2006/55347-1. Student: Eduardo Matzenbacher Bittar. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Douglas Soares Galvão. "ANTI-FREEZE PROTEINS: A STUDY BY CLASSICAL MOLECULAR DYNAMICS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 8.778,00, 2004, Process #15739/2-XNUMX. Student: �ric Perim Martins. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Adelino de Aguiar Coelho. "MAGNETIC REFRIGERATOR PROTOTYPE FOR WORKING AROUND AMBIENT TEMPERATURE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2005-10/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 124.592,08, Process #2004/13474 -1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Kyoko Furuya. "Symmetry Breaking and Quantum Phase Transition in Some Atom-Field Coupling Models". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Gustavo Garcia Rigolin. "ENTANGLEMENT QUANTIFICATION AND QUANTUM COMPUTATION: QUBITS AND GAUSSIAN STATES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2005-10/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2005/01441-4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Sérgio Dias Campos. "Parametric Resonance in Stellar Evolution Models". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Paulo Roberto Guimar�es J�nior. "ECOLOGICAL NETWORKS: SPECTRAL ANALYSIS AND DYNAMIC RESPONSE". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/04682-5.
Marcus Vin�cius Segantini Bonan�a. "RELAXATION AND DECOHERENCE OF SPIN VIA CHAOTIC COUPLING". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 12.609,42 , Process #2006/03693-3.
Daniel Pereira. "RONALDO CELSO VISCOVINI". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-03/2006), Visiting professor grant / visitor-aid-brazil, value: R$ 38.210,40, Process #2005/ 51772-7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Bernardo Laks. "Noise in Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Gabriela Castellano. "SEGMENTATION OF ANATOMICAL STRUCTURES IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGES OF THE BRAIN USING MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.356,00, 2005, Process #01233/2-XNUMX. Student: Renata Rodrigues dos Santos. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Giancarlo Chesini. "SENSING THE PRESENCE OF GASES WITH SOLID-CORE PHOTONIC FIBERS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 2.772,00, 2006, Process #51527/5-XNUMX. Student: Giancarlo Chesini.
Roberto de Andrade Martins. "LUSODAT PROJECT WEB SERVER". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-11/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 16.586,00, Process #2005/01615 -two. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Maurice de K�ning. "Computer Simulation of Rare Events". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Karla Souza Troche. "Simulations of Nanostructures and Scale-Free Networks".
L�zaro de Assis Mac�do J�nior. "Finite correlated electronic systems". Area: Fundamental Research. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Silvio Antonio Sachetto Vitiello. "COMPUTER SIMULATION OF MANY QUANTUM PARTICLE SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2004-10/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 81.883,88, Process #2004/00218 -7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Newton Cesário Frateschi. "NANO SYNTHESIS AND INN AND GAN MICROSTRUCTURES IN SILICON". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-03/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 6.864,00, 2005, Process #00495/3-XNUMX. Student: Lu�s Alberto Mijam Bar�a. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Carlos Alberto Luengo. "SYNTHESIS AND PURIFICATION OF SINGLE-WALLED CARBON NANTUBES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-06/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 303.567,62, Process #2005/57019 -9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Mário Antonio Bica de Moraes. "SYNTHESIS, TREATMENT AND PROPERTIES OF AMORPHOUS FILMS OBTAINED BY PECVD AND HOT FILAMENT". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2004-04/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 95.127,19, Process #2003/12775 -5. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Daniel Leandro Rocco. "Synthesis and Evaluation of the Magnetocaloric Effect of Manganite Ceramics and the La-Fe-Si System". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Gian Machado de Castro. "Exact Solutions of Einstein's Equations for Black Holes in the Presence of Rings of Matter".
Douglas Soares Galvão. "SOCRATES DE OLIVEIRA DANTAS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2005-10/2006), Visiting professor grant / visiting-aid-brazil, value: R$ 68.331,60, Process #2005/ 55580-5. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Luiz Eduardo MC de Oliveira. "SOLANGE BESSA CAVALCANTI". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-10/2007), Visiting professor grant / visitor-aid-brazil, value: R$ 68.609,75, Process #2006/ 55078-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Aruy Marotta. "STUDY OF COLD ELECTRODE ARC SPOT CURRENT DENSITY AND VELOCITY BY THE THERMOSPECTROSCOPIC METHOD". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-10/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 10.998,25, Process #2006/56421-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Orlando Luis Goulart Peres. "SUPERSYMETRY IN PARTICLE PHYSICS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 29.332,60, Process # 2004/10686-8. Student: Andr� Paniago Lessa. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Bruno Requi�o da Cunha. "Atomic Homid Detection Theory in Bose-Einsten Condensates".
Silvio Antonio Sachetto Vitiello. "Variational Theories of Systems Formed by Helium Atoms". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Fernando Roberto de Luna Parisio Filho. "SEMICLASSIC TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO THE CALCULATION OF THERMODYNAMIC OPERATORS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2005-08/2006), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 71.453,38 , Process #2004/13525-5.
Ernesto Kemp. "THE ANGRA PROJECT: FUNDAMENTAL NEUTRINO PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-11/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 8.981,20, Process #2006/04291-6. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Marcela Hern�ndez Jim�nez. "Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystalline Polymers".
Silv�nia Alves de Carvalho. "Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Calcium Starch Vapor". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Monica Alonso Cotta. "Electrical Transport in Individual Semiconductor Nanowires and in Junctions". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
Munemasa Machida. "Treatment of Polymer Films with Plasma Shock Waves". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Lu�s Eduardo Evangelista de Ara�jo. "ELECTROMAGNETICALLY INDUCED TRANSPARENCY AND NON-LINEAR OPTICAL EFFECTS IN ATOMIC CALCIUM VAPOR". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-05/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 297.068,75, Process #2004/15461 -4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS.
Kyoko Furuya. "A STUDY OF GROUND STATE ENTANGLEMENT IN MODELS OF TWO INTERACTING SUBSYSTEM WITH QUANTUM PHASE TRANSITION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 3.960,00, 2005, Process #04747/7-XNUMX. Student: Thiago de Freitas Viscondi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Amir Ordacgi Boiler. "A STUDY ON POSSIBLE MACROSCOPIC EFFECTS OF TANGLED STATES IN MANY-BODY SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2006-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 68.187,60, Process # 2006/56943-7. Student: Fagner Muruci de Paula. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS.
Orlando Luis Goulart Peres. "A NEW LIMIT FOR THE DIFFUSE NEUTRINO FLOW FROM RELIC SUPERNOVAS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-07/2006), Post doctorate scholarship abroad PD / scholarship abroad-pd, value: R$ 5.855,88, Process #2006/00783-1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RAYS AND CHRONOLOGY.
Luciano Soares da Cruz. "A DIPOLAR FORCE TRAP FOR CALCIUM ATOMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2004/15091-2.