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Institute of Geosciences
  PETROBRAS (Financier). Numerical Algorithms. Responsible: Rodrigo de Souza Portugal, Ricardo Caetano Azevedo Biloti. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  PETROBRAS (Financier). Expansion of Physical Space and Infrastructure for studies of advanced reservoir simulation techniques. Responsible: Denis Jos� Schiozer, Saul Barisnik Suslick. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS (Financier). Characterization of saturation of mature fields. Responsible: Armando Zaupa Remacre, Rodrigo de Souza Portugal. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  National Petroleum Agency (Financier). Granting of Grants to the Program. Science and Engineering of Natural Oil and Gas Resources. Responsible: S�rgio Nascimento Bordalo, Saul Barisnik Suslick. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Guarulhos City Hall (Financier). Service Provision Agreement between Guarulhos City Hall and UNICAMP/FUNCAMP, offering the GEO-517-120h extension course. Responsible: Renato Peixoto Dagnino, Maria Conceição da Costa. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Guarulhos City Hall (Financier). Service Provision Contract between Guarulhos City Hall/FUNCAMP, implementation of the Municipal Public Administration School-ESAP. Responsible: Renato Peixoto Dagnino, Maria Conceição da Costa. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), Companhia Paulista de For�ae Luz (Financier). Contract between UNICAMP, CPFL and FUNCAMP to carry out a University Extension Course on Energy and Scientific Journalism. Responsible: Marcelo Knobel. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Petr�leo Brasileiro SA (Financier). CENPES/PETROBR�S/UNICAMP/FUNCAMP Agreement - Assessment of the Economic, Social, Environmental and Training Impacts of PROREC. Responsible: Andr� Tosi Furtado. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Mato Grosso State Research Support Foundation (Financier). FAPEMAT/UNICAMP/FUNCAMP Agreement - Master's Course in Scientific and Technological Policy at UNICAMP. Responsible: Andr� Tosi Furtado. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Inter-American Development Bank (Financier). UNICAMP/BID/DPCT Agreement - Funding scholarship for the Postgraduate Course in Scientific and Technological Policy. Responsible: L�a ​​Maria Leme Strini Velho, Andr� Tosi Furtado. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil S/A (Financier). UNICAMP/ELETRONORTE Agreement - Offering the Specialization Course "Strategic Management of Technological Innovation in the Electric Energy sector". Responsible: Ruy de Quadros Carvalho, Andr� Tosi Furtado. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  IBMEC Colleges (Financier). UNICAMP/FACULDDES IBMEC Agreement - Academic Cooperation in the areas of Politics, Scientific and Technological, Administration, Education and Management. Responsible: Renato Peixoto Dagnino, Newton Miller Pereira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (Financier). UNICAMP/FUNCAMP/CEBRAP Agreement - "Religion, science and media: research and intervention on discourses and actors in dispute". Responsible: Maria Teresa Citeli, Leda Maria Caira Gitahy. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Campinas City Hall (Financier). UNICAMP/FUNCAMP/CAMPINAS CITY HALL agreement to carry out the Public Strategic Management Extension Course for Government Officials. Responsible: Renato Peixoto Dagnino, Newton Miller Pereira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Mackenzie Presbyterian University (Financier). UNICAMP/FUNCAMP/Mackenzie Presbyterian University Agreement. Responsible: Ruy de Quadros Carvalho, Andr� Tosi Furtado. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Agricultural Research Company of Rio de Janeiro (Financier). UNICAMP/PESAGRO-RIO agreement aimed at academic and institutional cooperation. Responsible: Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho, Sérgio Robles Reis de Queiroz. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Brain Tecnologia Ltda (Financier). Cooperation of thematic areas. Responsible: Martin Tygel, Saul Barisnik Suslick. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Buenos Aires University (Financier). Cooperation between the Postgraduate Program in Scientific and Technological Policy and in Science and Technology Management (UBA). Responsible: Leda Maria Caira Gitahy. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS (Financier). Bibliographical Study on estimating the Oil Field Recovery factor. Responsible: Denis Jos� Schiozer. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  PETROBRAS (Financier). Study of competitiveness for heavy oil fields offshore in Brazil. Responsible: Saul Barisnik Suslick, Denis Jos� Schiozer. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq (Executor). Studies on Production Strategies for Reservoirs with Heavy Oils. Responsible: Saul Barisnik Suslick, Denis Jos� Schiozer. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  PETROBRAS (Financier). Experimental Laboratory Implementation. Responsible: Saul Barisnik Suslick, Antônio Carlos Bannwart. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS (Financier). Invasion of polymeric solutions. Responsible: Saul Barisnik Suslick, Euclides Jos� Bonet. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  PETROBRAS (Financier). Experimental Petroleum Laboratory UNICAMP/PETROBRAS. Responsible: Saul Barisnik Suslick, Antônio Carlos Bannwart. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  PETROBRAS (Financier). Methodology for Optimizing E&P portfolios using 3D visualization techniques of strategic components. Responsible: Saul Barisnik Suslick, Denis Jos� Schiozer. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS (Financier). Finishing works on the 1st and 2nd floors of the Cepetro building (Laboratories). Responsible: Saul Barisnik Suslick, Antônio Carlos Bannwart. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS (Financier). Master's and doctoral program (2005). Responsible: Denis Jos� Schiozer, Saul Barisnik Suslick. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS (Financier). ISOTOIL Program. Responsible: Armando Zaupa Remacre. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Association for the Promotion of Brazilian Software Excellence (Financier). TA 01 - UNICAMP Agreement/Association for Promoting Software Excellence in Brazil - Academic and institutional cooperation. Responsible: Maria Beatriz Machado Bonacelli, Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  IBMEC Colleges (Financier). TA 01 - UNICAMP/IBMEC Faculties Agreement - Exchange between researchers and students. Responsible: Renato Peixoto Dagnino, Newton Miller Pereira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Universidade Presbeteriana Mackenzie (Financier). TA 01 - UNICAMP/FUNCAMP/Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - Offering the Specialization Course in Strategic Innovation Management. Responsible: Ruy de Quadros Carvalho, Andr� Tosi Furtado. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Financier of Studies and Projects (Financier), PETROBRAS (Financier). Advanced Numerical Reservoir Simulation Techniques. F-II. Responsible: Denis Jos� Schiozer, Saul Barisnik Suslick. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP