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Institute of Geosciences
Research lines
  Teaching Methodology in Geosciences. It covers studies of a technical and practical nature aimed at the curricular, programmatic and methodological renewal of teaching, formal and non-formal, in Geosciences at the various levels of education (from Elementary School to Postgraduate). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2004). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO EDUCATION.
  Environmental and Analytical Geochemistry.It involves carrying out integrated studies of regions and river basins using geochemical, geophysical and ecotoxicological approaches. Geochemical studies of rocks, soils, waters, sediments and their relationships with living beings and man. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1991). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Economics of Mineral Resources. Analysis and application of economic principles to the stages of exploration, production, trade and consumption of mineral goods (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Science and Technology in the Development Process. It intends to explore, through a predominantly economic approach, the various issues relating to the process of technological generation and diffusion, with special interest in those related to Latin America. Understanding the generation/dif processes (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  History of Geosciences. Studies the history of Earth Sciences and related areas in Brazil and Latin America, from the perspective of the new history and sociology of science to understand the development of scientists, institutions and their exchanges from the Colony to the 2004th century. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in XNUMX). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO EDUCATION.
  Natural Resources Policy and Management.Objective of contributing to the management of activities related to the exploitation, availability, use and conservation of mineral, energy and water resources, preventing, controlling and mitigating harmful impacts on society and the environment (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Crustal Evolution and Metallogenesis.Emphasizes the geological evolution of the Brazilian territory, other countries in Central America/ and other continents, at regional and local scales, with the aim of defining the factors that control agenesis of rocks and mineral deposits (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Analysis of Sedimentary Basins. Its purpose is to study the different aspects that control the geological history of the filling of a sedimentary basin. The line has research areas in several states in Brazil (SP, MG, SE, SC) and in the Province of San Juan (Argentina). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Geotechnologies Applied to the Study of Natural Resources.Focuses on methods and techniques for extracting and analyzing information about natural resources from satellite images, aerogeophysical and geochemical data, and integrated spatial analysis thereof using geo-referenced information systems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Science, Technology and Innovation Management. The line develops concepts, practices and instruments aimed at managing innovation in public and private, for-profit and non-profit organizations. Seeks excellence in the management of C, T & I. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2003). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Communication in Geosciences. It deals with the forms and processes of conveying geological knowledge and its material supports (in the verbal and non-verbal domains) and institutional supports). (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO EDUCATION.
  History of Geological Sciences. It deals with the conditions of production, incorporation and use of concepts, theories and scientific and institutional models, as well as research methods and techniques used in teaching, extension oe in geological research in Brazil. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO EDUCATION.
  Theory of Geological Knowledge. It deals with the foundations of geological knowledge and its relationships with other fields of knowledge; nature of geological information and representation; and methodology for the production of geological knowledge. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO EDUCATION.
  Probabilistic characterization of reservoirs. In situ characterization, stochastic modeling and multivariate statistics (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Reservoir behavior. Reservoir behavior: test analysis and flow modeling in porous media (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Geophysics of reservoirs. Acquisition, processing and interpretation of geophysical data for the characterization of reservoirs, seismic anisotropy, seismic tomography (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Regional Metallogenetic Studies. This line comprises studies on the natural concentrations of mineral resources, in a descriptive, quantitative or genetic way, seeking to establish metallotectes and geographical circumscription. For this purpose, it uses knowledge of geotectonics and petrology (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Mineral Deposit Studies.This line comprises studies of the geological evolution of mineral deposits, development of genetic and mineral exploration models, formation of hydrothermal systems, characterization of mineralizing fluids and metal precipitation mechanisms, determined (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  History and Theories of Science and Technology. It focuses on the study of S&T activities in the Latin American region, as forms of social action, especially with regard to a better understanding of the place of scientific and technical knowledge in our societies. The organization's standards (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Mineral Policy and Development. Identify and analyze causes and effects of policies for the mineral sector and acts that express the government's will (laws, decrees, ordinances, resolutions, etc.) both in the process of optimizing the use of mineral resources and in the process (Approved by the Department/ Scientific Council in 1986). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Mineral Resources and International Relations. Analyze the global availability and distribution of mineral resources in the main producing and consuming countries, taking into account their implications for international relations and more specifically for trade between nations. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1986). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Science and Technology Strategies and Social Actors. Based on the content explored by others, its basic objective is to evaluate the strategies and forms of action of different social actors - state, university, company, unions, etc. in the field of S&T. In particular, it focuses on comparative analysis, evaluation and monitoring of global and sectoral government policies, and the formulation of innovation strategies for the Latin American reality. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Technological Change, Social Transformations and Environment. It seeks to explore the relationships between technological change and social change. The social implications of current trends in technical progress are examined, with emphasis on issues of employment, work and the environment. Problems like the end are privileged (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1988). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
  Reservoir Geology. Research on siliciclastic and carbonate rock reservoirs. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1990). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Development, Environment and Natural Resources. Develops research with an emphasis on surface and underground mineral and water resources, aiming to contribute to the management of activities related to the availability and uses of these resources, in order to prevent, control and minimize the impacts that result from them. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001). Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Economic and Environmental Geology. It comprises integrated studies of economic geology and environmental sciences aimed at supporting environmental planning within the scope of exploration, mining and mineral processing projects, as well as the formulation of remediation and recovery strategies (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 1999) . Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Mineral, Water Resources and Environment. Develop studies that can be regrouped according to your objectives. The first of them seeks to study the elements that condition the insertion of the economic activity of using water mineral resources in the new standard of design requirements (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2001) . Line linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
  Territorial dynamics: current technical systems and new socio-spatial practices.New contents of geographic space x new territorial information techniques and telematic networks. Epistemological and empirical consequence of relationships, with emphasis on the global and local scale. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2002). Line connected to the GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT.
  Geographic information systems, analysis of the natural components of the landscape and the transformations resulting from use and occupation. Landscape, nature, ecosystem, geosystem, environmental systems. Analysis of genetic-evolutionary and behavioral processes of the components of the physical environment and the impacts of use and occupation. Treatment of geographic information with an emphasis on Remote Sensing and Georeferenced Information Systems. (Approved by the Department/Scientific Council in 2002). Line connected to the GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP