Institute of Geosciences
Projects with financing
Maurício Compiani. ""The conception of collaborative action research as an instrument for teacher professional development in continuing education projects for science teaching - comparative project studies"". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (03/2004-02/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 43.874,28, Process #308296/2003-6. Area: Education. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Renato Peixoto Dagnino. "SOCIO-TECHNICAL ADEQUACY AS AN INPUTS FOR THE RECOVERY OF THE PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH COMPLEX: EVALUATING THE UNIVERSITY RELATIONSHIP - RECOVERED FACTORIES IN BRAZIL AND ARGENTINA". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2005/60116-6. Student: Henrique Tahan Novaes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Regina C�lia de Oliveira. "THE ANTHROPOPIC APPROPRIATION OF SPACE AND THE ATTRIBUTES OF RELIEF AS SUBSIDIES TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL ZONING OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SAO VICENTE (SP)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-12/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 10.951,50, Process #2005/58206 -7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Carlos Alberto Lobão da Silveira Cunha. "The Cartography of Geography Textbooks of the
Elementary School". Secretariat of Education of the State of S�o Paulo, (08/2005-08/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 17.280,00. Area: Education. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Maria Conceição da Costa. "The Cooperation between the Rockefeller Foundation and Tecelagem Parahyba de S�o Jos� dos Campos, in the 40s and 50s: a case study". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 20.520,00. Student: Elizabete Mayumy Kobayashi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Oscar Braz Mendonza Negrão. "The subject of Introductory Geology in the Geography course". Faepex, (08/2005), Research Grant, value: R$ 2.000,00, Process #519292. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho. "The R&D and technological support structure of the citrus sector in the State of São Paulo: contribution to the analysis of the sector's innovation dynamics". CNPq/PIBIC, (08/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Carolina Tha�s Rio. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Maria Conceição da Costa. "THE FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH OF SAO PAULO: WHO IS AFRAID OF THEIR OWN HISTORY?". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 148.626,77 , Process #2003/12386-9.
Rita de C�ssia Martins de Souza Anselmo. "Geography at the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP. Contribution to the History of Geographical Thought in Brazil". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Rafael Galeoti de Lima. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Antonio Carlos Vitte. "THE GENESIS OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY: INFLUENCES OF KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY AND THE ROMANTIC MOVEMENT IN THE CONSTITUTION OF THE CONCEPTS OF SPACE, NATURE AND MORPHOLOGY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2006/53471-7. Student: Roberison Wittgenstein Dias da Silveira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
M�rcio Antonio Cataia. "THE GEOPOLITICS OF INTERNAL BORDERS IN THE CONSTITUTION OF THE BRAZILIAN TERRITORY: THE CASE OF THE CREATION OF NEW MUNICIPALITIES IN THE CENTRAL-WEST REGION OF BRAZIL DURING THE MILITARY REGIME". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-05/2006), Support part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 6.863,58, Process #2006/51075-7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Wilson Suzigan. "The importance of location in the process of technological innovation of firms belonging to productive, scientific and technological agglomerations". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (04/2005-03/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 60.816,00. Student: Jana�na Ruffoni Trez. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Ruy de Quadros Carvalho. "The Communications Industry in Brazil and New Technologies". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (08/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship, value: R$ 20.520,00. Student: Sabine Righetti. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Ricardo Abid Castillo. "DISTRIBUTION LOGISTICS AND THE USE OF BRAZILIAN TERRITORY: THE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR SECTOR AND THE INTERMEDIATIONS BETWEEN PRODUCTION AND SMALL GROCERY RETAIL". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2005/54140-1. Student: Marcos Antonio de Moraes Xavier. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Sandra de Negraes Brisolla. "Women and their place in the scientific community". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (08/2006-02/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 19.900,00, Process #403079/2005-5. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Maria Margaret Lopes. "Historical and Cultural Scientific Museology in Brazil: Controversy around the concepts and practices of Science Museums". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (03/2004-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 60.816,00. Student: Rachel Pinheiro. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Adriana Maria B da Silva. "The production of information and the new use of Brazilian territory: action by consultancy companies (the national privatization program and trends in territorial planning)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (03/2006-02/2008), Productivity grant, value: R$ 31.932,00, Process #306107/2004-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Adriana Maria B da Silva. "The production of information and the new use of Brazilian territory: action of consultancy companies". Teaching, Research and Extension Support Fund, (02/2005), Research Grant, value: R$ 7.000,00. Area: Education. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Ruy de Quadros Carvalho. "Brazil's Position in the Knowledge Economy: An Analysis of Occupational Structure Indicators in Selected Countries". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (03/2005-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 60.816,00. Student: Luciana Cristina Lenhari. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Renato Peixoto Dagnino. "State reform and Scientific and Technological Policy in Latin America". Capes, (03/2006-02/2010), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 66.912,00. Student: Rafael de Brito Dias. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Rodrigo de Souza Portugal. "Numerical Algorithms". PETROBRAS, (12/2005-12/2007), Research Grant, amount: R$ 269.280,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. "Tectonic Environment and Metallogenesis of Gold and Copper Deposits in the Mineral Provinces of Tapaj�s (MT) and Caraj�s (PA)". National Research Council-CNPq, (11/2004), Research Grant, value: R$ 992.990,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Denis Jos� Schiozer. "Expansion of Physical Space and Infrastructure for studies of advanced reservoir simulation techniques". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A, (12/2006-11/2009), Infrastructure aid, value: R$ 1.822.500,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
S�lvia Fernanda de Mendo�a Figuei�a. "Analysis of the contribution of Guilherme Sh�ch, Baron of Capanema to the development of Geosciences in Brazil, with a focus on mining and mineralogy activities". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (01/2006-12/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: S�lvia Fernanda de Mendo�a Figueir�a. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Fresia Soledad Ricardi Torres Branco. "Analysis of the Eocretaceous Paleoflora of Monocotyledons from the Crato Member (Santana Formation, Araripe Sedimentary Basin, Northeast Brazil) as a support for its paleoenvironmental interpretation". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 20.520,00. Student: Jean Carlo Mari Fanton. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alexandre Campane Vidal. "Image Analysis in the Study of the Porous System of Sandstones". Student Support Service - Unicamp, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Maurício Fachini. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Andr� Tosi Furtado. "Analysis of the Influence of Government Purchasing Policy and Supranational Agreements on the Learning of the Local Productive Park: Policy Guidelines of the Lula Government (PROMINP and RBT) Applied to the Case of Petrobras". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (03/2005-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 60.816,00. Student: C�ssio Garcia Ribeiro Soares da Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Titian Jos� Saraiva dos Santos. "Structural analysis of the San Gabriel granite and its importance in the tectonic evolution of the southern portion of Abancy (Peru)". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Archimedes Perez Filho. "Morphometric Analysis of the Drainage Network of the Anhumas-Campinas-SP Stream Basin". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Marcos Zacarias Farhat J�nior. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Archimedes Perez Filho. "Morphometric Analysis of the Drainage Network of the Pi�arr�o Stream Basin - Campinas-SP". Student Support Service - Unicamp, (08/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Daniel Catoia Quintiliano. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Bernardino Ribeiro de Figueiredo. "Superficial Hg anomalies occur in the State of Paraná". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 20.520,00. Student: Rafael Andr� Belotto Plawiak. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Giorgio Basilici. "ANALYSIS OF THE ORDOVICIAN SEDIMENTARY BASINS OF THE ARGENTINA PRE-CORDILLERA AND PALEOGEOGRAPHY OF THE WESTERN MARGIN OF GONDWANA". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-12/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 13.036,80, Process # 2005/58226-8. Student: Paulo Augusto Moretti J�nior. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alexandre Campane Vidal. "ANALYSIS OF GEOPHYSICAL PROFILES OF POCOS FOR THE GEOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE TAUBATE BASIN". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2005-10/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.554,00, 2005, Process #54807/6-XNUMX. Student: Magali Dubas Gurgueira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Marcos C�sar Ferreira. "SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF THE LATITUDINAL EXPANSION OF CASES OF DENGUE, YELLOW FEVER AND MALARIA ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT BETWEEN 1995 AND 2004, AND THEIR RELATIONS WITH EL NINO OSCILLATIONS (ENSO)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2006-11/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 16.725,00, Process #2006/52469 -9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Alexandre Campane Vidal. "HYDROGEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF AQUIFERS IN THE TAUBATE BASIN". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2006-11/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #57663/8-XNUMX. Student: Magali Dubas Gurgueira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alvaro Penteado Cr�sta. "Application of multiple resolution remote sensors to the gold mineralization study in the Los Menucos zone, Patagonia, Argentina (coordinator) National Commission for Space Activities - Argentina". NASA, (05/2003-12/2006), Research Grant, amount: US$ 4.000,00; and National Commission for Space Activities, (05/2003), Research Grant, value: US$4.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alessandro Batezelli. "APPLICATION OF AN ACTUALISTIC MODEL IN THE DEPOSITIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE N-N2 PORTION OF THE BAURU BASIN (CRETACEOUS): COMPARISON WITH THE ALLUVIAL FAN AND PLAYA-LAKES SYSTEMS OF THE ARGENTINA PRE-CORDILLIERA (HOLOCENE)". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2005-03/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2004/13387-1.
Giorgio Basilici. "Depositional Architecture of Deepwater Sedimentary Systems in Passive and Active Margins: Comparison for Generation of Reservoir Models". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2003-11/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 66.849,00, Process #2002/11524 -6. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho. "Institutional arrangement for regional technological management for the sugar and alcohol agroindustry". Capes, (03/2004-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 66.912,00. Student: Edilson da Silva Pedro. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Bernardino Ribeiro de Figueiredo. "Arsenic in waters and Geological Materials Associated with Carboniferous and Bituminous Shale Levels in the States of Paraná and Santa Catarina". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (03/2005-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 60.816,00. Student: Maria Jimena Andreazzini. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Giorgio Basilici. "ARCHITECTURE OF A DELTA-CONTROLLED DEEP WATER DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEM: PUNTA NEGRA FORMATION, DEVONIAN, PRE-CORDILLERIA ARGENTINA". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-01/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 13.153,20, Process # 2005/58227-4. Student: Andr� Henrique. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Maria Conceição da Costa. "The contributions of the university, as a social actor of PNCTI/S and an institution that generates and disseminates scientific and technological knowledge and innovations, to the external social environment, through its research and extension activities: the case of the state of SP". Capes, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship, value: R$ 22.560,00. Student: Milena Pavan Serafim. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Wilson Suzigan. "Local Characteristics and the Generation of Technological Innovation by Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Firms in Local Footwear Production Systems". Student Support Service - Unicamp, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Murilo Dami�o Carolo. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
M�rcio Antonio Cataia. "Privatizations in Latin America: The Cases of Chile, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (01/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Marina Moreto. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Maria Beatriz Machado Bonacelli. "Innovation trajectories in the participatory management plan of the Mamirau� sustainable development reserve in Amazonas". Capes, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship, value: R$ 22.560,00. Student: Josimar Martins Dias. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Antonio Carlos Vitte. "Paradigm transformations in Brazilian geomorphology between 1930-2000". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2006-09/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 20.000,00, Process #401298/2006-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Antonio Carlos Vitte. "Landscape units and their cartography in the municipalities of Campinas and Indaiatuba, Metropolitan Region of Campinas". Student Support Service - Unicamp, (03/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Grant, value: R$ 3.600,00, Process #000. Student: David Vieira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
S�lvia Fernanda de Mendo�a Figuei�a. "Tupi-Guarani Cultural Astronomy: A Historical View". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (08/2005-04/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 5.068,00. Student: Flávia Pedroza Lima. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Luci Hidalgo Nunes. "THE INTERFACES OF CLIMATOLOGY: URBAN PLANNING, MEDIALOGICAL APPROACH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PERCEPTION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #56179/5-XNUMX. Student: Flvio Renato Nascimento dos Santos. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Leda Maria Caira Gitahy. "SELF-MANAGEMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF BRAZILIAN AND SPANISH COMPANIES (BASQUE COUNTRY)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2003-05/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 98.701,20, Process # 2003/05879-9. Student: Alessandra BA de Azevedo. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Alvaro Penteado Cr�sta. "Evaluation of Multispectral Images from the ASTER Sensor in Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Zones Associated with Gold and Copper Mineralizations". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2003-05/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 126.822,45, Process #2002/07978 -1; NASA, (04/2004), Research Grant, value: R$ 1,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Wanilson Luiz Silva. "Environmental Assessment in the Yarabamba Zone - Arequipa - Peru". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 20.520,00. Student: Fanny Roxana Mamani Matamet. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Wanilson Luiz Silva. "GEOCHEMICAL BALANCE OF TRACE ELEMENTS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH MINERALOGY IN IMPACTED SEDIMENTS FROM THE SANTOS ESTUARY - CUBATAO (SP): RISKS OF BIOAVAILABILITY OF METALS/METALLOIDS AND TOXICITY PREDICTION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2004-03/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 89.976,04, Process #2004/00059 -6. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Fresia Soledad Ricardi Torres Branco. "BRIOPHYTES AND LYCOPHYTES FROM THE UPPER PERMIAN OF THE PARANA BASIN, BRAZIL". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 93.698,34, Process #2006/01365 -9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Armando Zaupa Remacre. "Characterization of saturation of mature fields". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A, (11/2006-07/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 175.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Fresia Soledad Ricardi Torres Branco. "Characterization of Quaternary Transgressive Deposits in the Itanhaém River Basin, South Coast of the State of S�o Paulo". Student Support Service - Unicamp, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: St�fano Albino Zincone. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alvaro Penteado Cr�sta. "Geological Characterization of the Vargeão Dome". Faepex, (02/2005-08/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 1.400,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. "Geological Characterization and Genesis of the Oval Structure of Aimor�s (MG)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Tha�s Andressa Carrino. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alfonso Schrank. "Mineralgic Characterization of Lithotypes in the Mina do Faria Complex, Rio das Velhas Greenstone Belt, Iron Quadrangle-MG, Based on Mesoscale and Petrographic Analysis". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Michelsen Quintana da Silva Wurdig. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alvaro Penteado Cr�sta. "Morphological, Lithological and Petrographic Characterization of the Vista Alegre Impact Crater". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Rafael de Aguiar Furuie. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Antonio Carlos Vitte. "Cartography of landscape units in the municipalities of Americana, Campinas, Nova Odessa, Inadaiatuba and Paul�nia, Metropolitan Region of Campinas as a subsidy to landscape management". State Secretariat for Education, (03/2005-02/2008), Productivity grant, value: R$ 31.932,00, Process #303144/2004-1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Regina C�lia de Oliveira. "PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE LANDSCAPE - THE SETTING OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SAO VICENTE - SP". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 2.376,00, 2006, Process #50880/3-XNUMX. Student: Marcelo da Silva Gigliotti. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Alvaro Penteado Cr�sta. "GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE VARGEAO DOMO (SC) FROM REMOTE SENSOR IMAGES AND MAGNETOMETRIC AND SEISMIC DATA". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 19.808,00, Process # 2004/03295-2. Student: C�sar Kazzuo Vieira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Roberto Perez Xavier. "GEOLOGICAL-ISOTOPICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND GENESIS OF CU-AU MINERALIZATIONS AND ASSOCIATED METALS IN THE MINERAL PROVINCE OF CARAJAS: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FE-CU-AU OXIDE DEPOSITS OF SOSSEGO AND 118". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2003-08/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 80.745,70, Process # 2003/07453-9. Student: Emerson de Resende Carvalho. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Regina C�lia de Oliveira. "GEOMORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SAO VICENTE-SP". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 2.376,00, 2006, Process #50879/5-XNUMX. Student: Pedro Henrique de M�lo Bacci. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. "MINERALOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SURFACE OF MARS USING THE OMEGA SENSOR ON BOARD THE MARS EXPRESS SATELLITE". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #02338/5-XNUMX. Student: Andr� Luiz Silva Pestilho. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Antonio Carlos Vitte. "MORPHOPEDOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF COLLUVIOUS RAMPS AND RELIEF EVOLUTION IN THE RIO BONITO-SP HYDROGRAPHIC BASIN". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #54751/3-XNUMX. Student: Fernanda Volpon Neves. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Pedro Wagner Gon�alves. "Calculus and measurement in the thought of James Hutton (1726-1797)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (03/2004-08/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 4.000,00, Process #401647/2004-8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Jacinta Enzweiler. "Certification of the First Brazilian Geological Reference Material". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (04/2005-02/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 20.520,00. Student: Alo�sio Jos� Bueno Cotta. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Pedro Wagner Gon�alves. "Earth System Science and Continuing Training of Basic Education Teachers". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
S�lvia Fernanda de Mendo�a Figuei�a. "Science and technology in Brazil through a scientist from the Empire: Guilherme Sch�ch, baron of Capanema (1824-1908)". National Research Council-CNPq, (08/2003-02/2007), Productivity Grant / Research Productivity Grant (level 1D) and Bench Grant, value: R$ 67.734,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Rachel Negrão Cavalcanti. "Economic Competitiveness and Sustainability: A Path to Permanence". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (03/2005-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 60.816,00. Student: Cynthia Figueiredo Vasconcellos Corr�a. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Sérgio Nascimento Bordalo. "Grant of Grants to the Science and Engineering Program of Natural Oil and Gas Resources". National Petroleum Agency, (09/1999-12/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 958.720,40. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Helder Lima de Queiroz. "Conservation and Sustainable Use of Aquatic Resources in the Mamirau� and Aman� Flooded Forests". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A, (01/2004-12/2006), Research Grant / PETROBR�S ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM, value: R$ 2.040,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Maria Conceição da Costa. "Building Relationships between Science and Society: The Challenge of Public Participation in Risk Technology Regulation Policies". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (03/2005-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 60.816,00. Student: Camila Carneiro Dias. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. "Conversion of Arc-SDM (Arc Spatial Data Modeler extension) from Avenue language (Arcview 3.x) to Visual Basic (ArcView 8.x)". Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, (03/2000), Research Grant, value: R$54.000,00; Teaching, Research and Extension Support Fund - UNICAMP, (03/2000), Research Grant, value: R$ 54.000,00; Petrobr�s, (03/2000), Research Grant, amount: R$ 54.000,00; Agency for the Technological Development of the Brazilian Mineral Industry, (03/2000), Research Grant, value: R$ 54.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Martin Tygel. "Thematic area cooperation". Brain Tecnologia Ltda, (10/2004-06/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 2.000.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Jacinta Enzweiler. "GEOCHEMICAL BEHAVIOR OF MERCURY IN A SOIL PROFILE IN THE PAULINIA REGION - SP". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 22.265,46, Process # 2005/53599-0. Student: Jana�na Corr�a Fiorentino. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Maria Tereza Duarte Paes Luchiari. "ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND SOCIO-SPATIAL SEGREGATION: REAL ESTATE EXPANSION IN THE MUNICIPAL ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION AREA OF SOUSAS AND JOAQUIM EGIDIO, CAMPINAS, SP". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-09/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.488,00, 2005, Process #54925/9-XNUMX. Student: Fernanda Lodi Trevisan. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Maria Margaret Lopes. "CONTRIBUTION TO THE HISTORY OF PALEONTOLOGICAL SCIENCES IN SOUTH AMERICA (1780-1911)". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2004-02/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 20.566,10, Process #2004/11272 -two. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Elson Paiva de Oliveira. "CHRONOLOGY OF GRANITE EMPLOYMENT IN THE MACURURE DOMAIN AND IMPLICATIONS FOR CRUSTAL EVOLUTION IN THE SERGIPANA BELT, NORTHEAST BRAZIL". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 19.808,00, Process # 2004/05054-2. Student: Juliana Finoto Bueno. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Denis Jos� Schiozer. "Development of Methodology for Determination and Use of Residual Oil Saturation in Mature Fields". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A, (11/2006-07/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 175.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Claudete de Castro Silva Vitte. "Local Development in Paul�nia (SP): Economic Dynamics, Municipal Management and Quality of Life". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Angela Paula Martins da Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Roberto Perez Xavier. "AU-(CU) DEPOSITS FROM THE TAPAJOS PROVINCE, TELES PIRES-PEIXOTO AZEVEDO SEGMENT (MT) AND FE-CU-AU OXIDE FROM THE MINERAL PROVINCE OF CARAJAS (PA) ASSOCIATED WITH FELSIC INTRUSIVES: A COMPARATIVE STUDY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2004-11/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 215.325,67, Process #2003/09584 -3. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Rodrigo de Souza Portugal. "DEVELOPMENT OF WAVEFRONT CONSTRUCTION ALGORITHMS WITH APPLICATIONS TO DATA IMAGING". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 38.486,06, Process #2005/03769 -7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho. "DEVELOPMENT OF INDICATORS FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRAMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2006/53842-5. Student: Fernanda de Souza Arruda. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Adriana Maria B da Silva. "Dynamics of the reorganization of space in the city of Campinas: the Parque Dom Pedro Shopping Center (a technical - informational object)". State University of Campinas, (08/2006-07/2007), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Renan L�lis Gomes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Adriana Maria B da Silva. "SOCIO-TERRITORIAL DYNAMICS IN THE CITY OF CAMPINAS: THE HIP HOP MOVEMENT (1990-2004)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.026,00, 2004, Process #05145/8-XNUMX. Student: Cristiano Nunes Alves.
Newton Miller Pereira. "SCIENTIFIC DISCLOSURE AND RISK COMMUNICATION IN THE AREAS OF ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC HEALTH". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-10/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 18.163,20, Process # 2005/52239-0. Student: Gabriela Marques di Giulio. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Pedro Wagner Gon�alves. "TEACHING SCIENCE OF THE EARTH SYSTEM AND TRAINING OF IN-SERVICE TEACHERS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2005-12/2006), Research grant / research grant (public education), value: R$ 122.168,00, Process #2001/14306-7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Antonio Carlos Vitte. "EPISTEMOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY: PARADIGMATICAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN BRAZILIAN GEOMORPHOLOGY BETWEEN 1930 AND 2000". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 35.375,00, Process #2006/01047 -7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Denis Jos� Schiozer. "Viscous Flow". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A, (08/2002-11/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 3.349.420,50. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Ricardo Abid Castillo. "Regional Productive Specialization in the Brazilian Cerrados: The Cotton Triangle in Mato Grosso". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (01/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Alexandre Pavia J�nior. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Denis Jos� Schiozer. "Bibliographical Study on Estimation of Oil Field Recovery Factor". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS, (11/2006-07/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 60.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Saul Barisnik Suslick. "Competitiveness study for heavy oil fields offshore in Brazil". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A, (06/2005-06/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 308.050,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Andr� Tosi Furtado. "Study of the Brazilian Aeronautical Production Chain". National Bank for Economic and Social Development, (04/2004), Research Grant, value: R$ 870.000,00, Process #25/2004. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Antonio Ludovico Beraldo. "Study of Artificial Carbonation of Vegetable Biomass-Cement Composites (Support: Votorantin)". PIBIC/UNICAMP/CNPQ, (02/1994), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 500,00. Areas: Civil Construction, Other Sectors. Student: Lucas �ric da Silva.
Bernardino Ribeiro de Figueiredo. "Study of the Release and Mobilization Dynamics of Bioavailable Forms of Arsenic in Sulfide Materials from Gold Mining". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (04/2005-02/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 20.520,00. Student: Renato Pereira de Andrade. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alexandre Campane Vidal. "Study of the Provenance of the Sandstones of the Tiet� Formation". Student Support Service - Unicamp, (01/2006-01/2007), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Rafael Alves Augusto. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Maria Conceição da Costa. "Study of Environmental Impacts and Socio-Economic Profile on the Banks of the Anhumas River and its Tributaries in Macrozone 03 of Campinas". CNPq/PIBIC, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Fernando Marques Baroni. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Roberto Perez Xavier. "Study of Fluid Inclusions in the Auriferous Deposits of Novo Mundo and Santa Helena in the Teles Pires Region - Peixoto de Azevedo (Mato Grosso), Alta Floresta Province". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Rafael Rodrigues de Assis. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alvaro Penteado Cr�sta. "Comparative Petrographic Study of Impact Breccia Samples". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Fernanda Silva Louren�o. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Denis Jos� Schiozer. "Studies of production strategies for reservoirs with heavy oils". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (10/2004-10/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 151.970,56. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Hildebrando Herrmann. "Studies on mineral and environmental legislation". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Luci Hidalgo Nunes. "Predictability studies of extreme meteorological events in
Serra do Mar". Teaching, Research and Extension Support Fund - UNICAMP, (09/2006-09/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 14.000,00, Process #519.292. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Elson Paiva de Oliveira. "Geophysical and tectonic studies in the Borborema Province, Northeast Brazil". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005-08/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 3.600.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
M�rcio Antonio Cataia. "PRODUCTIVE SPECIALIZATION AND TERRITORY VULNERABILITY: THE CASE OF THE "COTTON TRIANGLE" IN MATO GROSSO". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/52303-0. Student: Marianna Lamas Ramalho. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Sérgio Robles Reis de Queiroz. "STRATEGY FOR ST&I IN SAO PAULO: UNIVERSITIES, RESEARCH INSTITUTES AND COMPANIES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 2.250.140,00, Process #2006 /50409-9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira. "ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY IN THE ITANHAEM RIVER ESTUARY, SOUTH COAST OF THE STATE OF SAO PAULO". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2003-06/2006), Research grant / research grant (biotafapesp), value: R$ 130.103,42, Process # 2001/09881-2. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
S�lvia Fernanda de Mendo�a Figuei�a. "COMPARATIVE STUDY OF GEOSCIENCES IN BRAZIL - BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2004-10/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-2, value: R$ 93.514,20, Process # 2004/10003-8. Student: Lúcia Cunha Ort�z. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. "STUDY OF GEOPHYSICAL AND TEXTURAL SIGNATURES OF PLANITOID MINERALIZATIONS IN THE SERRA LESTE REGION, CARAJAS MINERAL PROVINCE (PARA)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-02/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 2.112,00, 2006, Process #02566/8-XNUMX. Student: Tha�s Andressa Carrino. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alvaro Penteado Cr�sta. "GEOLOGICAL, METALLOGENETIC AND HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION STUDY OF EPITHERMAL MINERALIZATIONS OF PRECIOUS METALS IN THE DISTRICT OF LOS MENUCOS, PATAGONIA ARGENTINA". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2005-06/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 71.549,40, Process # 2004/07077-0. Student: Diego Ducart. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Luci Hidalgo Nunes. "Extreme climatological events in the city of Campinas (SP) in the period from 1991 to 2000". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (08/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Area: Education. Student: Marina S�ria Castellano. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Roberto Perez Xavier. "Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of Fluids Associated with the Mineralization of Fe-Cu-Au Oxide from Deposit 118, Caraj�s Mineral Province (PA)". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (03/2005-02/2006), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 10.260,00. Student: Ana Carla Bizotto. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Bernardino Ribeiro de Figueiredo. "Temporal Evolution of Lead Contamination of Sediments in Vale do Ribeira (SP)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (02/2006-01/2007), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: David Shepherd. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Titian Jos� Saraiva dos Santos. "TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF THE SANTA QUITERIA MAGMATIC ARC - NW OF THE BORBOREMA PROVINCE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2004-08/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 53.258,38, Process #2003/07663 -3. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Giorgio Basilici. "FACIES AND ARCHITECTURAL ORGANIZATION OF DEEP WATER DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS (PUNTA NEGRA FORMATION, DEVONIAN, PRE-CORDILLERIA ARGENTINA)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 3.564,00, 2006, Process #00022/0-XNUMX. Student: Pedro Henrique Vieira de Luca. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Hildebrando Herrmann. "MINE CLOSURE: TECHNICAL, LEGAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 13.278,87, Process #2004/02662 -1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY.
L�a Maria Leme Strini Velho. "Training Qualified Human Resources and Innovation System". Financier of Studies and Projects, (04/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 15.000,00, Process #4267. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Maurício Compiani. "TEACHER TRAINING: SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION PROJECTS WITH THE INTEGRATED USE OF REMOTE SENSING RESOURCES AND FIELD WORK FOR THE STUDY OF THE ENVIRONMENT". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-07/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 7.251,45, Process #2006/02409-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Archimedes Perez Filho. "Environmental Fragility of Lands in the Brazilian Territory:". Teaching, Research and Extension Support Fund - UNICAMP, (05/2003-12/2004), Research Grant, value: R$ 20.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Archimedes Perez Filho. "Environmental Fragility of Lands in the Brazilian Territory: The case of the State of São Paulo". National Research Council-CNPq, (08/2003), Productivity grant, value: R$ 72.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Antonio Carlos Vitte. "Environmental Fragility and Urbanization in the Ribeir�o Quilombo watershed - RNC". Student Support Service - Unicamp, (03/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Grant, value: R$ 3.600,00, Process #0000. Student: Kena Azevedo Chaves. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
M�rcio Antonio Cataia. "INTERNAL BORDERS AND MUNICIPAL POLITICAL REGULATION: THE CASE OF THE HOLAMBRA BORDER REARRANGEMENT PROPOSAL". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2006/52935-0. Student: Telma Batalioti Galli. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
L�a Maria Leme Strini Velho. "Natural Gas in Brazil: The Insertion of Gas Turbine Technology in a Context of Environmental and Energy Crisis". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (04/2005-01/2006), MS Masters Scholarship, value: R$ 855,00. Student: Cristiane Rodrigues Vianna Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Archimedes Perez Filho. "River geomorphology: morphometric analyzes of river basins". PIBIC/UNICAMP/CNPQ, (08/2004), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 5.760,00. Students: Daniel Catoia Quintiliano, Marcos Zacarias Farhat J�nior. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Elson Paiva de Oliveira. "Geochemistry of the Trilhado greenstone belt granodiorite of the Itapicuru River (BA)". Student Support Service, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Maria Fernanda Pereira Grisolia. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Bernardino Ribeiro de Figueiredo. "Surface geochemistry of arsenic, lead, copper and zinc is the proposition of geoindicators for the prevention of environmental risks in Vale do Ribeira - SP". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (03/2003), Research Grant, value: R$ 12.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. "Generation of Remote Sensing Bases for Mapping the Serra Geral Formation
in the State of Paraná". MINEROPAR - Minerais do Paraná SA, (01/2005), Research Grant, value: R$ 90.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
M�rcio Antonio Cataia. "Generation of cities and agricultural modernization in the Brazilian Center-West". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (03/2005-02/2008), Productivity grant, value: R$ 31.932,00, Process #307418/2004-9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
L�a Maria Leme Strini Velho. "Generation of Indicators on Brazilian Scientific Production: Based on Data Extracted from the Web of Science and Pascal Databases". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (04/2005-02/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 20.520,00. Student: Ricardo Arcanjo de Lima. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Ruy de Quadros Carvalho. "INNOVATION MANAGEMENT IN THE BRAZILIAN PERSONAL HYGIENE, PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS INDUSTRY: AN ANALYSIS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 55.814,20, Process # 2004/10228-0. Student: Anapatrícia Morales Vilha di Agustini. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira. "MANAGEMENT OF WATER RESOURCES IN THE BASINS OF THE ATLANTIC SIDE OF THE PARAIBA VALLEY PAULISTA - APPLICATION OF THE GEO-BIO HYDROLOGICAL APPROACH AND THE CONCEPT OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2002-04/2006), Research grant/public policies, value: R$ 138.823,45, Process #2000/13714- 1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Claudete de Castro Silva Vitte. "MANAGEMENT OF LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SPATIAL RESTRUCTURING IN THE MUNICIPALITIES OF THE METROPOLITAN REGION OF CAMPINAS (SP)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 20.881,25, Process #2006/03011 -0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
T�mas J�zsef M�rton Karoly Szmrecs�nyi. "Genesis and Services of Nuclear Technology in its Center-Periphery Dynamics". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (03/2005-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 60.816,00. Student: Tharsila Reis de Medeiros. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Saul Barisnik Suslick. "Experimental Laboratory Implementation". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A, (06/2003-06/2006), Infrastructure aid, value: R$ 900.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Maria Conceição da Costa. "ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE ALTO ANHUMAS REGION AND ITS AFFLUENTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2005-03/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.092,00, 2004, Process #14633/6-XNUMX. Student: Estfano Seneme Gobbi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Wilson Suzigan. "Concentration indicators and spatial correlation: Mapping of Local Production Systems in Brazil and application to the state of S�o Paulo". CNPq/PIBIC, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Catherine Marie Mathieu. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Giorgio Basilici. "Influence of Climatic Factors on the Fluvial Architecture of Mar�lia Formation Deposits in the Tri�ngulo Mineiro (Bauru Basin, Upper Cretaceous)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (02/2006-01/2007), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Alick Barreto Stuart Boden. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Claudete de Castro Silva Vitte. "Productive Infrastructure, State and Territory: A Study on the Impacts of IIRSA (South American Regional Infrastructure Integration Initiative) in the North and Central-West Regions of Brazil". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: J�lia Reis de Magalh�es. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Claudete de Castro Silva Vitte. "Productive infrastructure and state regulation: the impacts of IIRSA (South American regional Infrastructure Integration initiative) on Brazilian territory". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (07/2006-07/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 3.800,00, Process #400505/2006-1. Area: Education. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Wilson Suzigan. "Innovation and Business Strategies in Local Production Systems in Brazilian Industry". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2006-07/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 5.000,00, Process #410666/2006-9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Titian Jos� Saraiva dos Santos. "Data Integration and Generation of Products, through Geographic Information Systems (GIS), of the Santa Quit�ria Bat�lith - CE". Student Support Service - Unicamp, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Luiz Fernando dos Santos. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Adalene Moreira Silva. "Data Integration for Mapping Mafic and Ultramorphic Rocks in the Itaguara-Claudio Region, Southern Portion of the S�ão Francisco Cr�ton". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Andr�ia Cristina Ruy. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Rodrigo de Souza Portugal. "Introduction to 2D Reflection Geophysical Data Processing". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (08/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship, value: R$ 20.520,00. Student: Leandro do Carmo Thompson. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Saul Barisnik Suslick. "Invasion of Polymeric Solutions". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A, (05/2006-11/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 160.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Fresia Soledad Ricardi Torres Branco. "COMPUTERIZATION OF THE COLLECTION OF FOSSIL EXAMPLES AT THE INSTITUTE OF GEOCIENCES AT UNICAMP". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 7.986,00, 2003, Process #07848/3-XNUMX. Student: Luiz Gustavo dal B� da Costa. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Maria de Lourdes de Matteo. "COMPUTERIZATION OF THE PALEONTOLOGY TEACHING COLLECTION AND CREATION OF AN INTERACTIVE MAP FOR THE QUARRYINGS OF THE GROUP PASSA DOS IN THE STATE OF SAO PAULO". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2004-04/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 22.726,50, Process #2003/07031 -7.
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. "DATA INTEGRATION AND SPATIAL ANALYSIS THROUGH KNOWLEDGE-DRIVEN AND DATA-DRIVEN TECHNIQUES IN THE ARCSDM SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT FOR GENERATION OF PROSPECTIVE MODELS OF AURIFEROUS MINERALIZATIONS IN..". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/58442-2. Student: Lucola Alves Magalhões. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Pedro Wagner Gon�alves. "INTERDISCIPLINARITY THROUGH THE ENVIRONMENT AND CITY CONCEPTION OF TEACHERS FROM THE MUNICIPAL EDUCATION NETWORK OF CAMPINAS, SP". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2006/54309-9. Student: Stella Regina Ribeiro. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Bernardino Ribeiro de Figueiredo. "KEVIN TELMER". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2005-01/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 81.012,90, Process #2004/ 12495-5. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Saul Barisnik Suslick. "UNICAMP/PETROBRAS experimental petroleum laboratory". PETROBRAS, (09/2004-09/2007), Infrastructure aid, value: R$ 1.306.701,20. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Bernardino Ribeiro de Figueiredo. "LEAD IN FOOD AND SOIL FROM A MINING AREA IN BRAZIL AND HUMAN EXPOSURE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-09/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting assistance, value: R$ 10.418,40, Process #2006/55652-9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Fresia Soledad Ricardi Torres Branco. "NEOPERMIAN LYCOPHYTES FROM UNRELEASED OUTBREAK (RODOVIA SP 308 HERMINIO PETRI) FROM THE CORUMBATAI FORMATION, PIRACICABA, STATE OF SAO PAULO". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 3.564,00, 2005, Process #60224/3-XNUMX. Student: Rafael Souza de Faria. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Antonio Carlos Vitte. "Mapping of landscape units in the municipalities of Americana, Nova Odessa and Paul�nia, Metropolitan Region of Campinas". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (03/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Grant, value: R$ 3.600,00, Process #109034/2005-8. Student: Andr� Pina dos Santos. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. "Geological Mapping of the Probable Impact Structure of Piratininga, SP". Student Support Service - Unicamp, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Rogério Amaro Machado. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Adalene Moreira Silva. "Geological Mapping of the Granite Body of the São Tiago Region, Southern Portion of the São Francisco Crton". Student Support Service - Unicamp, (01/2006-01/2007), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Camila Andrade Passarella. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alvaro Penteado Cr�sta. "MAPPING OF HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION MINERALOGICAL ASSEMBLIES RELATED TO PEGMATITES FROM THE BORBOREMA PROVINCE BY REFLECTANCE SPECTROSCOPY, REMOTE SENSING AND GEOPHYSICS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 146.521,47, Process #2005/05138 -4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Saul Barisnik Suslick. "Methodology for Optimizing E&P portfolios using 3D visualization techniques of strategic components". PETROBR�S - Petr�leo Brasileiro SA, (07/2004-07/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 594.864,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Jacinta Enzweiler. "Analytical methods for the characterization of geological samples and applications to specific studies". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Alvaro Penteado Cr�sta. "SPATIAL MODELING OF GEOLOGICAL, AEROGEOPHYSICAL AND SAR DATA IN IDENTIFYING AREAS FAVORABLE TO MINERALIZATION IN THE ANAPU-TUERE REGION, PARA". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2005/59368-0. Student: Cleyton de Carvalho Carneiro. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Emilson Pereira Leite. "REGIONAL PROSPECTIVE MODELS OF CUPRO-AURIFEROUS MINERALIZATIONS IN THE CARAJAS MINERAL PROVINCE BASED ON SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF MULTI-SOURCE DATA THROUGH FUZZY LOGIC AND NEURAL NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2005/04453-3.
Pedro Wagner Gon�alves. "CHANGING THE CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE WATER CYCLE THROUGH AN EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE PROGRAM DESIGNED FOR TEACHERS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-07/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 8.944,08, Process #2006/02590-6. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Andr� Tosi Furtado. "The innovative behavior of food companies in Brazil". Capes, (03/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 66.912,00. Student: S�lvia Ang�lica Domingues de Carvalho. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Adriana Maria B da Silva. "The Corporate Business Center in the São Paulo Metropolis in the 1990s: The action of Richard Ellis Real Estate Consulting and the Arrangement of "Smart Buildings"". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Ger�nimo Santos Almeida. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Claudete de Castro Silva Vitte. "Local Economic Development and its Impacts on the Quality of Life in the Municipalities of Valinhos and Vinhedo (SP)". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Andreza Bernardi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
S�lvia Fernanda de Mendo�a Figuei�a. "THE NATURAL WORLD AND MESO-AMERICAN KNOWLEDGE OF THE ASTROS MISSIONARY CHRONICLES OF NEW SPAIN IN THE 16TH CENTURY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2003-11/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 115.268,40, Process # 2003/07417-2. Student: Márcia Helena Alvim. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Adriana Maria B da Silva. "THE NEW TERRITORIAL PLANNING, ITS INSTRUMENTS AND AGENTS: PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS AND TRANSNATIONAL CONSULTING COMPANIES IN THE REORGANIZATION OF BRAZILIAN TERRITORY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/53481-0. Student: Alcides Manzoni Neto. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Newton Miller Pereira. "The natural energy potential of the Amazonas and Solimões Basins". National Petroleum Agency, (07/2005-07/2007), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 11.280,00. Student: N�dia Cristina Fernandes Corr�a. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
M�rcio Antonio Cataia. "THE ROLE OF THE MUNICIPALITY IN THE REGULATION OF THE TERRITORY: THE CASE OF PRIMAVERA DO LESTE - MT". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 22.455,40, Process # 2005/52777-2. Student: Silvana Cristina da Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Antonio Carlos Vitte. "GEOGRAPHIC THOUGHT IN THE WORK OF MARIO DE ANDRADE: MACUNAIMA - HERO WITHOUT ANY CHARACTER". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-07/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #53267/0-XNUMX. Student: Giulliano Coutinho.
Sandra de Negraes Brisolla. "The public employment system, the "S" system and professional qualifications". Ministry of Labor and Employment, (10/2005-02/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 25.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Saul Barisnik Suslick. "Finishing works on the 1st and 2nd floors of the Cepetro building (Laboratories)". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A, (10/2006-02/2008), Infrastructure aid, value: R$ 719.152,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Bernardino Ribeiro de Figueiredo. "Occurrence of Arsenic in Brazil, Environmental geoindicators and human exposure, IC Research Grant, 2006-2009, CNPq (Proc. no. 304338/2005-2)". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Pedro Wagner Gon�alves. "ORGANIZATION OF TEST QUESTIONS DATABASE (1973-2004) AND CORRESPONDING ENGLISH VERSION: TEACHING GEOSCIENCES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2006-11/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #05731/0-XNUMX. Student: Sara Marques Putrino. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Sérgio Robles Reis de Queiroz. "The effects of the patenting and licensing process on Brazilian academic activities". Capes, (03/2006-02/2010), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 66.912,00. Student: Rodrigo Maia de Oliveira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Wilson Suzigan. "Local Production Systems and Innovation in the Surgical Instruments Industry: The role of institutions in promoting innovation". CNPq/PIBIC, (08/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Dayane Rocha. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Adriana Maria B da Silva. "LOGISTICS OPERATORS AND THE REORGANIZATION OF BRAZILIAN TERRITORY: RATIONALITY AND FLUIDITY IN SPATIAL PRODUCTION CIRCUITS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/53475-0. Student: Leandro Trevisan. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Francisco S�rgio B Ladeira. "Paleosols of the Mar�lia Formation: paleogeographic reconstruction of the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtinian) in the Paraná Basin in the State of S�o Paulo". Teaching, Research and Extension Support Fund, (02/2005-02/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 7.900,00, Process #1672/04. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Elson Paiva de Oliveira. "PETROGENESIS AND CHRONOLOGY OF ACCOMMODATION OF COLLISIONAL GRANITES IN THE SERGIPANA BELT, NORTHEAST BRAZIL". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-3, value: R$ 59.904,00, Process # 2005/60119-5. Student: Juliana Finoto Bueno. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho. "Strategic Planning of the National Institute for Space Research - INPE". Center for Management and Strategic Studies in Science, Technology and Innovation, (06/2006-12/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 500.000,00, Process #070/2006. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
M�rcio Antonio Cataia. "Territorial Policies in the State of Mato Grosso: The Case of Maggi and Sadia". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (02/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Thiago Rodrigues Gon�alves. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Saul Barisnik Suslick. "Project Portfolios". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Sérgio Robles Reis de Queiroz. "POLICIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES IN BRAZILIAN BRANCHES OF MULTINATIONALS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2004-06/2007), Research grant/public policies, amount: R$ 166.574,60, Process #2003/06388- 9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Ricardo Abid Castillo. "TERRITORIAL POLICIES OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES IN BRAZIL: THE REGULATORY ROLE OF ANATEL". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-01/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 25.370,00, Process # 2003/12442-6. Student: Fabola Lana Iozzi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. "Processing, Interpretation and Integration of Data Applied to the Exploration of Precious Metals in Tropical Terrains". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2003-12/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 170.875,95, Process #2002/09038 -6. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Antonio Carlos Vitte. "Production of urban space and culverts in the city of Baur� - SP". National Secretariat of Education, (03/2004-12/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 15.000,00. Area: Education. Student: Jos� Aparecido dos Santos. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Henrique C�sar da Silva. "Production and circulation of scientific knowledge in different textualizations and their historical and epistemological relationships with school reading and textualization practices". Teaching, Research and Extension Support Fund - UNICAMP, (04/2006-04/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 7.515,00, Process #329/2006. Area: Education. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Henrique C�sar da Silva. "Teacher, reader: analyzing the production of meanings by science and geography teachers in interactions with scientific popularization texts". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (04/2006), MS Masters Scholarship, value: R$ 22.560,00. Student: Narjara Zimmermann. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Denis Jos� Schiozer. "Master's and Doctoral Program (2005-2009)". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS, (12/2005-05/2009), Research Grant, value: R$ 264.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Armando Zaupa Remacre. "ISATOIL Program". Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS, (09/2006-09/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 61.270,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Odair Zenebon. "Multi-User Project - FAPESP "Project for the acquisition of a spectrometer with inductively coupled argon plasma for the assessment of human exposure to metals and training of human resources". State University of Campinas, (01/2005-01/2007), Infrastructure grant / R$189101,00, value: US$ 252.136,00, Process #04/088527FAPESP. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Jacinta Enzweiler. "Pilot project to prepare reference materials for analytical geochemistry". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (06/2005-12/2007), Research Grant / Process 474353/2004-4, value: R$ 49.993,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Celso Dal R� Carneiro. "Proposal to create a board game as a playful element in the teaching/learning of Geology". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 22.560,00. Student: Osvaldo Rodrigues L�pes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Marcos C�sar Ferreira. "METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURE FOR IDENTIFICATION OF TREE INDIVIDUALS FROM FOUR FOREST FORMATIONS IN THE STATE OF SAO PAULO, USING ORBITAL IMAGES FROM THE QUICKBIRD AND ASTER SENSORS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-04/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 55.000,00, Process #2005/56757 -6. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Elson Paiva de Oliveira. "FAPESP MULTI-USER PROJECT "ASSEMBLING THE FS-LA-ICP-MS LABORATORY AT IG/UNICAMP IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IFGW-UNICAMP"". State University of Canpinas, (04/2005-03/2007), Infrastructure assistance, value: US$ 447.250,00, Process #FAPESP 2004/094. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho. "FAPESP PROGRAM EVALUATION PROPOSAL". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-06/2007), Research Grant / interdisciplinary, value: R$ 571.500,00, Process #2006/50332-6 . Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Roseli Buzanelli Torres. "Environmental Recovery - Participation and Public Power: An Experience in Campinas". Instituto Agronomico Campinas, (03/2001-04/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 128.979,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY, DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. "Remote Spectral Characterization of Terrestrial Life Forming Environments for Planetary Exploration". NASA, (03/2006-12/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 4.590,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Renato Peixoto Dagnino. "Rethinking Food Engineering for a Solidarity Economy". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 20.520,00. Student: La�s Silveira Fraga. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Elson Paiva de Oliveira. "REASSESSMENT OF THE TECTONIC CONTEXT OF THE METABASALTS OF THE GREENSTONE BELT OF THE ITAPICURU RIVER, BAHIA, BASED ON TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 22.455,40, Process # 2005/52780-3. Student: José Paulo Donatti Filho. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Lúcio Tunes dos Santos. "RECOVERY OF SEISMIC ATTRIBUTES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 80.753,40, Process # 2002/08544-5. Student: Val�ria Silvina Grosfeld.
Sandra de Negraes Brisolla. "GENETIC RESOURCES FOR AGRICULTURE IN BRAZIL: GENOMIC RESEARCH NETWORKS AND INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2002-02/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 90.841,93, Process # 2002/01483-0. Student: Maria Ester Soares dal Poz. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Ricardo Abid Castillo. "TRANSPORTATION NETWORKS AND AGRICULTURAL USE OF BRAZILIAN TERRITORY: PUBLIC INVESTMENTS AND CORPORATE PRIORITIES". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-07/2006), Support part. Meeting / aid-reunion-brazil, value: R$ 2.810,64, Process #2006/52425-1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Claudete de Castro Silva Vitte. "TRANSNATIONAL REGIONALISM AND PHYSICAL INTEGRATION IN SOUTH AMERICA: A GEOGRAPHICAL STUDY ON THE SOUTH AMERICAN INFRASTRUCTURE INTEGRATION INITIATIVE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 23.522,40, Process # 2006/53720-7. Student: El�i Martins Ladies. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Maria Margaret Lopes. "RELATING GENDER AND SCIENCES - THE CONTRIBUTION OF BERTHA LUTZ". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-03/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 24.896,93, Process # 2005/52768-3. Student: Mariana Moraes de Oliveira Sombrio. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOCIENCES APPLIED TO TEACHING.
Bernardino Ribeiro de Figueiredo. "CHROMIUM REMOVAL FROM AQUEOUS EFFLUENTS BY SEDIMENTARY ZEOLITE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-01/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 22.067,72, Process # 2005/52302-4. Student: Sandra Maria dal Bosco. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho. "REMOTE SENSING APPLIED IN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND TERRITORIAL PLANNING OF THE AMANA SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT RESERVE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-07/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 47.537,95, Process # 2004/06071-8. Student: Gustavo Manzon Nunes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Lindon Fonseca Matias. "Geographic Information System (GIS) as an instrument for analyzing urban environmental quality: a methodological approach using public domain software". Teaching, Research and Extension Support Fund - UNICAMP, (01/2006-12/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 7.760,00, Process #163/2005. Area: Education. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Ricardo Abid Castillo. "System of corporate movements in Brazilian territory. Subsidies for territorial planning. An assessment of the agricultural product transport sector in the PPA 2004-2007". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (03/2005-02/2008), Productivity grant, value: R$ 31.932,00, Process #302644/2004-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Maria Beatriz Machado Bonacelli. "National Agricultural Research System in Brazil: from Overcoming the Productivist Standard of Agriculture to the need for Institutional Reorganization". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (03/2005-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 60.816,00. Student: Marcos Paulo Fuck. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Wilson Suzigan. "Local Production Systems in the Brazilian Footwear Industry: Diagnosis and Assessment". Student Support Service - Unicamp, (08/2005-07/2006), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Natália Vidotti Orlovicin. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
M�rcio Antonio Cataia. "FLEXIBLE AIR MOVEMENT SYSTEM AND PRODUCTIVE INTEGRATION OF THE BRAZILIAN TERRITORY: AIRCRAFT AND AERODOMES IN THE CENTRAL-WEST REGULATED BY SAO PAULO". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2004-07/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 27.759,60, Process # 2004/05100-4. Student: Fabrício Gallo. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Ruy de Quadros Carvalho. "Technological spillovers of transnational companies: the issue of ties with local suppliers and their implications for the generation of innovative capabilities". Capes, (03/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 66.912,00. Student: R�bia Auxiliadora Const�ncio Quint�o. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Jacinta Enzweiler. "REPLACEMENT OF SCINTILLATION DETECTOR IN X-RAY FLUORESCENCE SPECTROMETER". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-01/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 15.763,00, Process #2006/57298 -8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Adriana Maria B da Silva. "Brazilian Territory and Information: Media as a Strategy in the Production of the Psychosphere". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (11/2005-02/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 12.825,00. Student: Priscilla Simone Dias. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
L�a Maria Leme Strini Velho. "The Nature and Impact of North-South Research Partnerships in Biotechnology Applied to Bioprospecting". International Development Research Center, (09/2005-03/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 280.570,00, Process #22-P-17355/05. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Newton Miller Pereira. "Technological trajectories and public policies: a study on the diffusion of natural gas biodiesel in Brazil". Capes, (03/2006-02/2010), DR Doctoral Scholarship, value: R$ 66.912,00. Student: Adalberto Mantovani M. de Azevedo. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Wilson Suzigan. "An Analysis of the Testing Segment of the Software Industry in Brazil". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Master's Scholarship, value: R$ 20.520,00. Student: Rogério da Veiga. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Sérgio Robles Reis de Queiroz. "A PERSPECTIVE FOR THE SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY IN BRAZIL: THE DEVELOPMENT OF "DESIGN HOUSES"". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-08/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 21.079,44, Process # 2004/11955-2. Student: Pollyana de Carvalho. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY.
Antonio Carlos Vitte. "Urbanization and environmental fragility in the Ribeir�o Quilombo river basin - RNC". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (03/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Grant, value: R$ 3.600,00, Process #109035/2005-4. Student: Fabiana Bardela L�pes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Maria Tereza Duarte Paes Luchiari. "Tourist urbanization - the new territorialities of globalization". Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.
Saul Barisnik Suslick. "USE OF METAMODELS IN THE SELECTION OF PRODUCTION STRATEGY AND ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF HEAVY OIL FIELDS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-03/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 24.882,00, Process # 2006/01994-6. Student: Guilherme Daniel Avansi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES.
Marcos C�sar Ferreira. "Use of a Geographic Information System for Mapping Needy Areas in Elementary Schools in the City of Campinas-SP". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (08/2005), IC Scientific Initiation Scholarship, value: R$ 3.600,00. Student: Nat�lia Jardim de Almeida. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY.