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Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing
Projects with financing
  Antônio José Engler. Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-03/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 23.914,78, Process # 2005/03885-7. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Plamen Emilov Kochloukov. Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-08/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 30.720,00, Process # 2006/00354-3. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Lu�z Ant�nio Barrera San Martin. Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-06/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 4.523,13, Process # 2006/51983-0. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marco Antônio Teixeira. Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-09/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 15.644,04, Process # 2006/52318-0. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Orlando Francisco L�pes. Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-11/2006), Assistance organizing a meeting / assistance-organization-meeting, value: R$ 14.732,75, Process # 2006/04375-5. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Milton da Costa L�pes Filho. "2D IDEAL FLOW IN A DOMAIN WITH HOLES AND THE SMALL OBSTACLE LIMIT". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-07/2006), Support part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 5.980,80, Process #2006/01279-5. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Dessislava Hristova Kochloukova. "THE FPM CONJECTURE FOR METABELIAN GROUPS IN SMALL DIMENSIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-07/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 27.601,20, Process # 2006/00978-7. Student: Daniel Cariello. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Juliano de Ben Francisco. "NON-LINEAR PROGRAMMING FOR THE CALCULATION OF ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2005-01/2006), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 41.470,98 , Process #2004/13493-6.
  Ketty Abaroa de Rezende. "CONLEY'S INDEX THEORY APPLIED TO FLOWS IN FIBERATES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2004-07/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 72.576,00, Process # 2004/00392-7. Student: Lucas Conque Seco Ferreira. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Rodrigo de Souza Portugal. "Numerical Algorithms". PETROBRAS, (12/2005-12/2007), Research Grant, amount: R$ 269.280,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Sérgio Antônio Tozoni. "ALEXANDER KUSHPEL". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-07/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 27.156,94, Process #2005/ 60408-7. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  M�rcia Aparecida Gomes Ruggiero. "TWO-PHASE ALGORITHM IN GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 19.808,00, Process # 2003/11695-8. Student: Gabriel Haeser. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Nancy L�pes Garcia. "ESTIMATION ALGORITHMS FOR VARIABLE RANGE MARKOV CHAINS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/03434-5. Student: David Henriques da Matta. Project linked to the STATISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Irene Ignazia Onnis. "SOME PROBLEMS IN THE THEORY OF SUBVARIETIES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-07/2006), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 16.812,56 , Process #2005/55206-6.
  Joerg Dietrich Wilhelm Schleicher. "Analysis of migration speed in isotropic and anisotropic media". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, (03/2004-03/2008), Research Grant, value: R$ 20,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Enrique Fernández Cara. "Analysis and control of nonlinear EDPs with origin in physics and other sciences". Ministry of Science and Technology, (11/2003-11/2006), Research Grant, value: US$ 120.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Helena Judith Nussenzveig L�pes. "AN ILLUSTRATION OF BOUNDARY LAYER BEHAVIOR WITH CIRCULARLY SYMMETRIC FLOWS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2006-12/2006), Support part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 7.060,13, Process #2006/04861-7. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Emanuel Pimentel Barbosa. "CYCLICAL AND SEASONAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS IN SHORT AND LONG MEMORY TIME SERIES VIA MODIFIED HP FILTERS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 19.571,00, Process # 2003/10537-0. Student: Jaqueline Barbao. Project linked to the STATISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Jos� Lu�z Boldrini. "ANALYSIS OF A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE TYPE OF PHASES FOR SOLIDIFICATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 26.939,30, Process # 2004/11186-9. Student: Welington Vieira Assunção. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Hildete Prisco Pinheiro. "ANALYSIS OF VARIATION AND POPULATION STRUCTURE IN MICROSATELLITE LOCIS BASED ON GENETIC DISTANCES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 28.658,27, Process # 2004/13029-8. Student: Tatiana Buratto Bordin. Project linked to the STATISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Ricardo Caetano Azevedo Biloti. "SPEED ANALYSIS FOR ON-TIME MIGRATION WITH CROSS-VALIDATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 18.560,00, Process #2005/04310 -8. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Sandra Augusta Santos. "PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF TRUST REGION ALGORITHMS: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-01/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 21.458,56, Process # 2004/11187-5. Student: Larissa Oliveira Xavier. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Jorge T�lio Mujica Ascui. "ANALYSIS IN INFINITE DIMENSION". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-10/2010), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 116.000,00, Process #2006/02378-7. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Jos� Lu�z Boldrini. "MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF A MOSQUITO POPULATION CONTROL PROBLEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 22.162,80, Process # 2006/02262-9. Student: Anderson Lu�s Albuquerque de Ara�jo. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Milton da Costa L�pes Filho. "ANNA LAURA MAZZUCATO". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-06/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 4.776,30, Process #2006/ 00252-6. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Sueli Irene Rodrigues Costa. "APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND DISCRETE GEOMETRY TO CODE THEORY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-3, value: R$ 84.624,80, Process # 2002/14134-4. Student: João Eloir Strapasson. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Ketty Abaroa de Rezende. "APPLICATIONS OF THE CONLEY INDEX FOR NON-COMPACT VARIETIES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2004-07/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 83.974,80, Process # 2003/13120-2. Student: Mariana Rodrigues da Silveira. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Peter Sussner. "SUPERVISED LEARNING IN FUZZY LATTICE NEURAL NETWORKS WITH APPLICATIONS IN PATTERN RECOGNITION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2005-11/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.620,00, 2005, Process #00363/0-XNUMX. Student: �lisson Negrisoli de Godoi. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Jayme Vaz J�nior. "THE GRASSMANN AND CLIFFORD ALGEBRAS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN ELECTROMAGNETISM". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #03314/2-XNUMX. Student: Danilo Borim do Nascimento. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Jos� Pl�nio de Oliveira Santos. "COMBINATORY ASPECTS OF GEOMETRICALLY UNIFORM CODES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 82.741,60, Process # 2002/13818-7. Student: Andr�ia Cristina Ribeiro. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Daniela Renata Cantane. "EFFICIENT UPDATE OF THE LU DECOMPOSITION OF THE BASE IN THE SIMPLEX METHOD APPLICATION TO CUTTING AND PACKAGING PROBLEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2004-05/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 84.895,20, Process # 2003/12580-0. Student: Daniela Renata Cantane.
  Marcelo da Silva Montenegro. "AUGUSTO C PONCE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-08/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 7.032,01, Process #2006/ 52589-4. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Djairo Guedes de Figueiredo. "AUGUSTO CESAR PONCE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (01/2006-01/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 1.955,67, Process #2005/ 57357-1. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marco Antônio Teixeira. "BIFURCATION AND RESONANCE IN REVERSIBLE SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2004-09/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-2, value: R$ 93.246,40, Process # 2004/07386-2. Student: Ana Cristina de Oliveira Mereu. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marko Antonio Rojas Medar. "BLANCA CLIMENT EZQUERRA". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-08/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 10.264,27, Process #2006/ 51141-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Patrício Anbal Letelier Sotomayor. "BLACK HOLES, ACCRETION DISKS AND OTHER SELF-GRAVITATING STRUCTURES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-09/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 77.144,46, Process #2004/07571 -4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Carlile Campos Lavor. "CALCULATION OF QUANTUM CHANNELS CAPACITY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-06/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2006/51214-7. Student: Tatiane da Silva Evangelista. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Carlile Campos Lavor. "CALCULATION OF MOLECULAR GEOMETRY". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-05/2008), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 9.504,00, 2006, Process #51524/6-XNUMX. Student: Tharsis Tuani Pinto Souza. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Carlile Campos Lavor. "QUANTUM CHANNELS CAPACITY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-06/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #51246/6-XNUMX. Student: Thiago Resek Fabri dos Anjos. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Martin Tygel. "Thematic area cooperation". Brain Tecnologia Ltda, (10/2004-06/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 2.000.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Sueli Irene Rodrigues Costa. "ERROR CORRECTING CODES GENERATED BY SYMMETRY GROUPS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-12/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-1, value: R$ 89.060,40, Process # 2005/58102-7. Student: Cristiano Torezzan. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Sueli Irene Rodrigues Costa. "GEOMETRICALLY UNIFORM CODES IN SPACES OF CONSTANT CURVATURE AND IN REGULAR GRAPHS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2003-04/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 69.151,87, Process # 2002/14072-9. Student: Rogério Monteiro de Siqueira. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Sueli Irene Rodrigues Costa. "GEOMETRICALLY UNIFORM CODES IN HOMOGENEOUS SPACES". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2003-06/2007), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 392.044,00, Process #2002/07473-7. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Sueli Irene Rodrigues Costa. "GEOMETRICALLY UNIFORM CODES ON GROUPS AND RINGS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 106.524,60, Process # 2002/14133-8. Student: Tatiana Bertoldi Carlos. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Emanuel Pimentel Barbosa. "COMPARISON OF BINARY CLASSIFICATION METHODS: LOGISTICAL REGRESSION WITH DOUBLE STRUCTURE VERSUS FEEDFORWARD NEURAL NETWORKS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-06/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 3.630,00, 2005, Process #51209/0-XNUMX. Student: Cristiano Amâncio Vieira Borges. Project linked to the STATISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Roberto Andreani. "COMPARISON BETWEEN VALUE-AT-RISK (VAR) AND CONDITIONAL VALUE-AT-RISK (CVAR) RISK MEASURES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.356,00, 2005, Process #55032/8-XNUMX. Student: Geison Gustavo Denny. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Maurício Firmino Silva Lima. "MINIMAL SETS OF EQUIVARIANT REVERSIBLE SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-08/2006), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 21.015,70 , Process #2005/59704-0.
  Patrício Anbal Letelier Sotomayor. "STOCHASTIC CONTRIBUTION TO THE GROWTH OF SMALL DISTURBANCES IN THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-10/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 7.194,00, 2004, Process #15169/1-XNUMX. Student: Claiton Pimentel de Oliveira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Gabriel Haeser. "CONVERGENCE OF OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHMS, OPTIMALITY CONDITIONS AND CONSTRAINT QUALIFICATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2005/02163-8. Student: Gabriel Haeser.
  Jos� Lu�z Boldrini. "CRISTINA LUCIA DIAS VAZ". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-01/2006), Visiting professor grant / visiting-aid-brazil, value: R$ 34.295,58, Process #2005/ 53424-6. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Carlos Henrique Coimbra Ara�jo. "Galaxy Rotation Curves from Supergravity in Disk Models".
  Marcelo Martins dos Santos. "Dynamics of Varieties of Singularities for Viscous Compressible Fluids". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (03/2005-03/2006), Postdoctoral Scholarship abroad PD, value: R$ 52.888,00, Process #3344045. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marco Antônio Teixeira. "Dynamics and Control: CAPES/FIPSE". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (01/2003-02/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 200.000,00. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Adriano Adrega de Moura. "DIJANA JAKELIC". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-07/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 6.199,43, Process #2006/ 00609-1. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Laura Leticia Ramos Rifo. "SUBEXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTIONS: INTRODUCTION AND EXAMPLES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-09/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 7.128,00, 2006, Process #00146/1-XNUMX. Student: Diego Fernando de Bernardini. Project linked to the STATISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marcelo Martins dos Santos. "DYNAMICS OF SINGULARITY MANIFOLDS FOR COMPRESSIBLE, VISCOUS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-10/2006), Support part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 9.932,09, Process #2006/03165-7. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Vin�cius Vieira F�varo. "CONVOLUTION EQUATIONS IN INTEGER (S;R)-NUCLEAR FUNCTION SPACES OF A GIVEN TYPE AND A GIVEN ORDER". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-05/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 90.064,00, Process # 2004/13520-3. Student: Vin�cius Vieira F�varo.
  Marcelo da Silva Montenegro. "DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH SINGULAR PERTURBATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 28.234,74, Process # 2004/10143-4. Student: Rafael Rodrigo Ottoboni. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Yuri Dimitrov Bozhkov. "NAS-LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2005-05/2006), Post doctoral scholarship abroad PD / scholarship abroad-pd, value: R$ 32.176,44, Process #2005/50035-9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Marcelo da Silva Montenegro. "ELIPTIC AND SINGULAR PARABOLIC EQUATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-08/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 86.275,80, Process # 2004/04651-7. Student: Olivaine Santana de Queir�z. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Djairo Guedes de Figueiredo. "NON-LINEAR ELIPTIC EQUATIONS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2003-09/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-3, value: R$ 89.616,80, Process # 2003/07581-7. Student: �derson Moreira dos Santos. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Alberto Masayoshi Faria Ohashi. "ERGODICITY OF NON-MARKOVIAN DIFFUSIONS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-10/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2005/57064-4.
  Jorge T�lio Mujica Ascui. "BANACH SPACES OF HOLOMORPHOUS FUNCTIONS WITH VECTOR VALUES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 81.780,40, Process # 2004/12596-6. Student: F�bio Jos� Bertoloto. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Lu�z Ant�nio Barrera San Martin. "SYMMETRIC SPACES AND FUNDAMENTAL DOMAINS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2002-02/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country dd-2, value: R$ 81.120,00, Process #2001 /10951-5. Student: Daniel Miranda Machado. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  S�nia Maria Gomes. "FINITE DIFFERENCE ADAPTIVE SCHEMES IN COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETISM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2006/02277-6. Student: Andrielber da Silva Oliveira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Patrício Anbal Letelier Sotomayor. "STABILITY OF ORBITS OF PARTICLES MOVING AROUND A CENTER OF ATTRACTION SURROUNDED BY A DISK OR OTHER STRUCTURES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-11/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 6.600,00, 2005, Process #00782/2-XNUMX. Student: Tiago Am�ncio da Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Nancy L�pes Garcia. "NON-PARAMETRIC ESTIMATION OF THE TRAJECTORY TRAVELED BY AN AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 23.522,40, Process # 2006/02095-5. Student: Adriano Zanin Zambom. Project linked to the STATISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Roberto Andreani. "STRATEGIES FOR MINIMIZING THE VALUE-AT-RISK (VAR) FUNCTION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-06/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 18.703,00, Process # 2004/11198-7. Student: Giovane C�sar da Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Roberto Andreani. "STRATEGIES FOR MINIMIZING THE ORDERED VALUE FUNCTION, WITH APPLICATIONS TO SHAPE DETECTION IN IMAGES AND RESOLVING THE VALUE-AT-RISK (VAR) PROBLEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-2, value: R$ 68.140,80, Process # 2006/50380-0. Student: Giovane C�sar da Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Jaime Angulo Pava. "EXISTENCE AND ORBITAL STABILITY OF CNOIDAL WAVES FOR A 1D BOUSSINESQ EQUATION". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-09/2006), Support part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 8.290,06, Process #2006/54645-9. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Jaime Angulo Pava. "EXISTENCE AND STABILITY OF PERIODICAL TRAVELING WAVES FOR NON-LINEAR DISPERSIVE EVOLUTION EQUATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2004-03/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-2, value: R$ 91.639,60, Process # 2003/14011-2. Student: Ademir Pastor Ferreira. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marcelo Firer. "MATHEMATICS FAIR". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2002-06/2006), Research grant / research grant (public education)-1, value: R$ 240.724,00 , Process #2001/10888-1. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Patrício Anbal Letelier Sotomayor. "FORMATION AND ANALYSIS OF SELF-GRAVITATING STRUCTURES: ASTROPHYSICAL AND COSMOLOGICAL NUMERICAL PROBLEMS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2002-02/2006), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 52.000,00, Process #2001/11642-6. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Patrício Anbal Letelier Sotomayor. "FORMATION AND ANALYSIS OF SELF-GRAVITATING STRUCTURES: NUMERICAL, ASTROPHYSICAL AND COSMOLOGICAL PROBLEMS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2010), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 52.000,00, Process #2005/57105-2. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Helena Judith Nussenzveig L�pes. "GEOFFREY ROBERT BURTON". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-07/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 10.781,66, Process #2006/ 51079-2. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Lu�z Ant�nio Barrera San Martin. "COMPLEX GEOMETRY IN HOMOGENEOUS SPACES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2003-05/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 71.908,14, Process # 2002/13020-5. Student: Edson Carlos Licurgo Santos. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Lu�z Ant�nio Barrera San Martin. "GEOMETRY OF HOMOGENEOUS SPACES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2002-02/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country dd-2, value: R$ 81.120,00, Process #2001 /11345-1. Student: La�rcio Jos� dos Santos. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Lu�z Ant�nio Barrera San Martin. "GEOMETRY OF CONTROL SYSTEMS, DYNAMIC AND STOCHASTIC SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2003-04/2007), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 169.140,00, Process #2002/10246-2. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Paulo R�gis Caron Ruffino. "STOCHASTIC GEOMETRY OF HOMOGENEOUS SPACES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-4, value: R$ 87.014,20, Process # 2002/12154-8. Student: Simão Nicolau Stelmastchuk. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Lu�z Ant�nio Barrera San Martin. "GEOMETRY OF CONTROL SYSTEMS, DYNAMIC AND STOCHASTIC SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2003-04/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 72.373,60, Process # 2002/13839-4. Students: Mauro Moraes Alves Patr�o, Marco Ant�nio Teixeira. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Yuri Dimitrov Bozhkov. "GEORGE BLUMAN". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-12/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 0,00, Process #2006/ 51258-4. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Martin Tygel. "Mathematical Geophysics Research Groups". National Petroleum Agency, (03/2000-12/2008), Research Grant, value: US$ 261.761,70. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Antônio José Engler. "GALOIS GROUP OF PYTHAGOREAN EXTENSIONS OF A FORMALLY REAL BODY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2004-03/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 83.974,80, Process # 2003/12126-7. Student: F�bio Alexandre de Matos. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Alexandre Ananin. "DISCRETE HYPERBOLIC GROUPS AND TEICHMULLER SPACES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-08/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 8.778,00, 2004, Process #15521/7-XNUMX. Student: Eduardo Carvalho Bento Gon�alves. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Plamen Emilov Kochloukov. "POLYNOMIAL IDENTITIES IN ALGEBRAS OVER CORPS OF POSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2004-05/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 84.895,20, Process # 2003/07793-4. Student: Ednei Aparecido Santulo J�nior. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Plamen Emilov Kochloukov. "POLYNOMIAL IDENTITIES IN ALGEBRAS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (02/2005-01/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 8.682,15, Process #2004/13766 -2. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Aur�lio Ribeiro L de Oliveira. "EFFICIENT IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERIOR POINT METHODS APPLIED TO LARGE PROBLEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 37.128,14, Process #2004/14861 -9. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Hyun Mo Yang. "IMMUNI-EPIDEMIOLOGY OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES - QUANTITATIVE METHODS CONSIDERING CLINICAL, THERAPEUTIC AND PROPHYLATIC ASPECTS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2004-01/2009), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 182.587,00, Process #2004/07075-7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Alberto Vazquez Saa. "INTRODUCTION TO BLACK HOLE PHYSICS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-08/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #03352/1-XNUMX. Student: Raphael Santarelli. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Lúcio Tunes dos Santos. "INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.356,00, 2005, Process #53118/2-XNUMX. Student: Andr� Luiz Duarte Ferreira Rodrigues. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Alberto Vazquez Saa. "INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM CHAOS: THE QUANTUM PENDULUM". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.356,00, 2005, Process #00501/3-XNUMX. Student: Gustavo Marques Tavares. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Alberto Vazquez Saa. "INTRODUCTION TO COSMOLOGICAL MODELS AND HUBBLE'S LAW". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2005-11/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 6.930,00, 2004, Process #15031/0-XNUMX. Student: Marcelo Caetano Rorato. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Dessislava Hristova Kochloukova. "HOMOLOGICAL INVARIANTS OF DISCRETE GROUPS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2003-05/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 69.870,34, Process # 2002/10340-9. Student: Flávia Souza Machado da Silveira. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  M�rcia Assumpcao Guimar�es Scialom. "JERRY LLOYD BONA". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-05/2006), Visiting professor assistance / foreign visitor assistance, value: R$ 5.821,15, Process #2005/ 54659-7. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Maria Laura Schuverdt. "AUGMENTED LAGRANGEAN AND BALANCE PROBLEMS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 100.875,36 , Process #2005/57684-2.
  Alberto Vazquez Saa. "LIMITS OF SEMI-CLASSICAL GRAVITATION: THE TRANSPLANCKIAN REGIME". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-02/2010), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-1, value: R$ 94.582,80, Process # 2005/04219-0. Student: Maurício Richartz. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Alberto Vazquez Saa. "DARK MATTER AND ENERGY: THE MYSTERIOUS COMPONENTS OF THE UNIVERSE". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-12/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 5.676,00, 2005, Process #01191/8-XNUMX. Student: Andr� Lu�s Delvas Fr�es. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Peter Sussner. "Morphological Associative Memories: Theory and Applications". National Research Council-CNPq, (08/2003), Productivity grant, value: R$ 800,00, Process #303362/2003-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Francisco de Assis Magalh�es Gomes Neto. "META-HEURISTICS FOR VEHICLE ROUTING WITH DELIVERY AND COLLECTION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (12/2005-06/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 7.392,00, 2005, Process #03020/6-XNUMX. Student: João Ferraz Villela. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Roy Wilhelm Probst. "PREDITOR-CORRECTOR METHOD APPLIED TO OPTIMAL LOAD FLOW WITH NON-LINEAR CORRECTIONS IN NON-LINEARITY CONDITIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2005/59279-8. Student: Roy Wilhelm Probst.
  Jos� M�rio Mart�nez P�rez. "COMPUTAL OPTIMIZATION METHODS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-09/2010), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 425.512,00, Process #2006/53768-0. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Marcos Benevenuto Jardim. "ALGEBRICA GEOMETRY METHODS IN REPRESENTATION THEORY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 23.522,40, Process # 2006/02027-0. Student: Daniela Moura Prata. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Roberto Andreani. "AUGMENTED LAGRANGEAN METHODS WITH GLOBAL CONVERGENCE FOR CONDITIONS WEAKER THAN CLASSICAL AND APPLICATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2005-10/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 25.012,50, Process #2005/56773 -1. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  S�lvia Maria Sim�es de Carvalho. "INTERIOR POINT METHODS APPLIED TO THE PROBLEM OF PRE-DISPATNESS OF A HYDROELECTRICAL SYSTEM WITH PROGRAMMED MANEUVERS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-07/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 30.399,60, Process # 2005/52942-3. Student: S�lvia Maria Sim�es de Carvalho.
  Roy Wilhelm Probst. "INTERIOR POINT METHODS APPLIED TO THE PROBLEM OF PRE-DISPATNESS OF A HYDROTHERMAL SYSTEM". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-03/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 14.253,40, Process # 2004/04814-3. Student: Roy Wilhelm Probst.
  �lvaro Rodolfo de Pierro. "ITERATIVE METHODS IN TRANSMISSION TOMOGRAPHY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-06/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2006/00356-6. Student: Eduardo Xavier Silva Miqueles. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  M�rcia Aparecida Gomes Ruggiero. "ITERATIVE METHODS FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-07/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #01192/7-XNUMX. Student: Cantia Dalila Soares. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Sandra Augusta Santos. "METHODS FOR GLOBALIZED STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS VIA TRUST REGIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2006-07/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 90.277,20, Process # 2006/52846-7. Student: Mael Sachine. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Joerg Dietrich Wilhelm Schleicher. "KIRCHHOFF MIGRATION INCORPORATING KIRCHHOFF'S REDACTING". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-05/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 68.187,60, Process # 2005/00305-0. Student: Matheus Fabiano Pila. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Philippe Remy Bernard Devloo. "Programming modeling of induced hydraulic fractures in water injection wells". PETROBRAS, (06/2005-06/2007), Research Grant, amount: R$ 841.320,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Alusio de Souza Pinheiro. "Models with Long Range Dependency - Probabilistic Analysis and Inference". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (03/2005-03/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 1,00. Project linked to the STATISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Filidor Edilfonso Vilca Labra. "GRUBSS MODEL IN GROUPS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 26.028,17, Process # 2003/08401-2. Student: Camila Borelli Zeller. Project linked to the STATISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Norberto An�bal Maidana. "MATHEMATICAL MODEL TO DESCRIBE THE SPREAD OF AEDES AEGYPTI MOSQUITOES AND THE TRANSMISSION OF DENGUE - DETERMINING THE BIFURCATION VALUE". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2004/07204-1.
  Daniel Vogt. "RELATIVISTIC MODELS OF GALAXIES". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-10/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 50.437,68 , Process #2006/54806-2.
  Ana Gabriela Martinez. "THE GIBBS PHENOMENON AND DETECTION OF DISCONTINUITIES FROM SPECTRAL DATA: APPLICATIONS IN TOMOGRAPHY". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-05/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 42.031,40 , Process #2005/60892-6.
  St�fano de L�o. "THE FORMALISM OF WAVE PACKETS IN THE STUDY OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS IN RELATIVISTIC QUANTUM MECHANICS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-10/2007), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 7.000,00, Process #2006/02187 -7. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Alberto Vazquez Saa. "THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUIVALENCE IN SPACE-TIME PHYSICS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2005-10/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.554,00, 2005, Process #03044/2-XNUMX. Student: Fernando C�sar Lussani. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Marcelo Firer. "CHALLENGE WORKSHOP". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 174.992,50, Process #2005/59847 -6. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marcelo Firer. "CHALLENGE WORKSHOP". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2008), Research grant / research grant (public education)-2, value: R$ 21.600,00 , Process #2006/55380-9. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marco Antônio Teixeira. "PERIODIC ORBIT AND LIMIT CYCLES OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-07/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-2, value: R$ 18.115,36, Process # 2004/13164-2. Student: Gl�ucia Aparecida Soares Miranda. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Francisco de Assis Magalh�es Gomes Neto. "TOPOLOGICAL OPTIMIZATION OF STRUCTURES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-10/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 7.194,00, 2004, Process #14091/9-XNUMX. Student: Thadeu Alves Senne. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Antonio Rufi�n Lizana. "Multiobjective programming: theory and numerical analysis". Ministry of Science and Technology, (11/2003-11/2006), Research Grant, value: US$ 25.000,00. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Marco Antônio Teixeira. "CNPq Universal Project: Reversibility and Dynamics". National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, (01/2005-02/2006), Research Grant, value: R$ 20.000,00. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Alusio de Souza Pinheiro. "Proteins in Eucalyptus through Optimization of DNA Sequences". Consorcio Forests, (03/2004-03/2007), Research Grant, value: R$ 1,00. Project linked to the STATISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Patrício Anbal Letelier Sotomayor. "HILL'S PROBLEM IN GENERAL RELATIVITY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-2, value: R$ 25.553,28, Process # 2004/14626-0. Student: Andr� Fabiano Steklain. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  �lvaro Rodolfo de Pierro. "BLIND DECONVOLUTION PROBLEMS IN DYNAMIC POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 55.814,20, Process # 2004/15202-9. Student: C�cero Hildenberg Lima de Oliveira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Jos� M�rio Mart�nez P�rez. "PROBLEMS AND METHODS IN NON-LINEAR PROGRAMMING". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2002-03/2006), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-4, value: R$ 75.603,51, Process # 2002/00832-1. Student: Maria Laura Schuverdt. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Marcelo Firer. "GROUP PRODUCTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.026,00, 2004, Process #14751/9-XNUMX. Student: Bruna Gon�alves de Lima. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marcelo Firer. "GROUP PRODUCTS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.026,00, 2004, Process #14752/5-XNUMX. Student: Fernanda Teles Nunes. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Jos� M�rio Mart�nez P�rez. "NON-LINEAR PROGRAMMING WITH INDEXED CONSTRAINTS IN A STRUCTURED SET". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 116.649,00, Process # 2003/09938-0. Student: Fedor Pisnitchenko. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Jos� M�rio Mart�nez P�rez. "NON-LINEAR PROGRAMMING WITHOUT DERIVATIVES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2005-05/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 90.064,00, Process # 2004/15635-2. Student: Lucas Garcia Pedroso. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Dessislava Hristova Kochloukova. "HOMOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF HOPF ALGEBRAS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 88.948,60, Process # 2004/14178-7. Student: Cristiane Alexandra L�zaro. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Lúcio Tunes dos Santos. "UNIFORM RESAMPLING USING THE SYNC FUNCTION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 26.606,00, Process # 2003/09838-5. Student: Ana Carolina Camargo. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Lúcio Tunes dos Santos. "RECOVERY OF SEISMIC ATTRIBUTES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2003-02/2007), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 80.753,40, Process # 2002/08544-5. Student: Val�ria Silvina Grosfeld. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  �lvaro Rodolfo de Pierro. "NEURAL NETWORKS IN TRANSMISSION AND EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (05/2006-04/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 12.804,80, Process # 2005/03414-4. Student: Juliana Verga. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Antônio José Engler. "RELATING ARITHMETIC-GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF A BODY WITH CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TOTAL GROUP OF GALOIS OF THE BODY". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-06/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-i, value: R$ 93.038,40, Process # 2006/00157-3. Student: Maurício de Ara�jo Ferreira. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Caio Jos� Colletti Negreiros. "RELATIONS BETWEEN EINSTEIN, KAHLER-EINSTEIN AND (1,2)-SYMPLECTIC METRICS WHIT STABILITY ON FLAGS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-09/2006), Support part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 8.316,00, Process #2006/53521-4. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Joerg Dietrich Wilhelm Schleicher. "REMIGRATION IN DEPTH USING THE IMAGE WAVE EQUATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 25.615,98, Process # 2003/11694-1. Student: Fernando Perin Munerato. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Joerg Dietrich Wilhelm Schleicher. "REMIGRATION DUE TO IMDA IMAGE IN THE DOMAIN OF NON-NULL LEAVEMENT". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-03/2006), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 2.772,00, 2005, Process #01336/6-XNUMX. Student: Julian Ortola Simo J�nior. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Sueli Irene Rodrigues Costa. "RETICULATES, GRAPHICS AND APPLICATIONS TO THE DESIGN OF CODES FOR GAUSSIAN AND FADING CHANNELS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2005-02/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dr-ii, value: R$ 88.948,60, Process # 2004/12370-8. Student: Carina Alves. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Lu�z Ant�nio Barrera San Martin. "SEMIGROUPS IN LIE GRUPOIDS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2004-03/2008), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-2, value: R$ 75.340,20, Process # 2003/13114-2. Student: Ivan Struchiner. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Alcibiades Rigas. "SYMMETRIES IN GEOMETRY, TOPOLOGY AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-10/2010), Thematic/thematic project, value: R$ 159.500,00, Process #2005/04558-0. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marcelo Ventura Freire. "PERFECT SIMULATION FOR BIRTH AND DEATH PROCESSES WITH APPLICATIONS TO RJMCMC". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2005-10/2007), Post doctoral scholarship in the country PD / scholarship in the country-pd, value: R$ 67.250,24 , Process #2005/00248-6.
  Maria Am�lia Novais Schleicher. "SOLVING THE WAVE EQUATION BY PSEUDO-SPECTRAL METHODS". Fundação de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-06/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2006, Process #00891/9-XNUMX. Student: Manuella de Oliveira Antunes. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Helena Judith Nussenzveig L�pes. "OSCILATORY SOLUTIONS AND IRREGULAR TRANSPORT IN INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID DYNAMICS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2010), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-1, value: R$ 97.344,00, Process # 2005/58136-9. Student: Anne Caroline Bronzi. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Valário Ramos Batista. "MINIMAL TRIPLE PERIODIC SURFACES CONVERGING TO THE HOFFMAN-WOHLGEMUTH EXAMPLES". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2005-08/2006), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 6.630,96, Process #2005/00026 -3. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marco Antônio Teixeira. "Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations:CAPES/MECD(Brazil-Spain):Unicamp/UA Barcelona". Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, (01/2004), Research Grant, value: R$ 100.000,00. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Jos� Lu�z Boldrini. "STABILITY THEORY OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND CONTROL THEORY". Funda��o de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (04/2006-03/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 4.752,00, 2005, Process #60107/7-XNUMX. Student: Meire Fortunato. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Francisco Odair Vieira de Paiva. "MORSE THEORY AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-05/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 9.125,00, Process #2006/00033 -2. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Patrício Anbal Letelier Sotomayor. "LINEAR THEORY OF DENSITY DISTURBANCES IN EXPANDING UNIVERSES". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2005-09/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 9.240,00, 2005, Process #57100/0-XNUMX. Student: Ronaldo Savioli Sum� Vieira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Andr� Lu�s Trevisan. "TOPICS IN ORDERED VALUE OPTIMIZATION". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2007), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 13.634,16, Process # 2005/57841-0. Student: Andr� Lu�s Trevisan.
  Adriano Adrega de Moura. "TOPICS IN REPRESENTATION THEORY OF CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM KAC-MOODY ALGEBRA". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (06/2006-05/2008), Research grant / research grant, value: R$ 17.125,00, Process #2006/00833 -9. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Paulo R�gis Caron Ruffino. "ASYMPTOTIC TOPOLOGY AND GEOMETRY IN STOCHASTIC DYNAMIC SYSTEMS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2005-02/2009), DR Doctoral Scholarship / scholarship in the country-dd-1, value: R$ 82.024,80, Process # 2004/13758-0. Student: Diego Sebasti�n Ledesma. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Marcos Benevenuto Jardim. "TOPOLOGY AND ANALYSIS IN CALIBER THEORY". Funda��o de Amparo � Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-07/2007), Scientific Initiation Scholarship IC / scholarship in country-ic, value: R$ 3.564,00, 2005, Process #04489/8-XNUMX. Student: Llohann Dall�gnol Speran�a. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Peter Sussner. "A STUDY OF THE LINKS BETWEEN IMPLICATIVE NEBULOUS ASSOCIATIVE MEMORIES AND NEBULOUS RELATIONAL EQUATIONS WITH APPLICATIONS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (03/2006-02/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 31.680,00, Process # 2005/03648-5. Student: Rodolfo Miyasaki. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Dessislava Hristova Kochloukova. "A HOMOLOGICAL INVARIANT AND THE RICHARD THOMPSON GROUP". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (11/2006-07/2008), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 27.601,20, Process # 2006/01872-8. Student: Lonardo Rabelo. Project linked to the MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT.
  Patrício Anbal Letelier Sotomayor. "A RELATIVISTIC APPROACH TO NAVARRO-FRENK-WHITE (NFW) TYPE GALACTIC HALO MODELS". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (08/2006-12/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-i, value: R$ 7.682,40, Process # 2006/02425-5. Student: Rodrigo Ferreira da Silva. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Ronaldo Dias. "A SEMI-PARAMETRIC METHODOLOGY FOR IBNR (INCURRED BUT NOT REPORTED)". Fundação de Amparo - Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (09/2004-02/2006), MS Masters Scholarship / scholarship in the country-ms-ii, value: R$ 18.699,85, Process # 2004/06535-4. Student: Fernando Ferraz do Nascimento. Project linked to the STATISTICS DEPARTMENT.
  Aur�lio Ribeiro L de Oliveira. "USING A HYBRID PRECONDITIONER FOR SOLVING LARGE-SCALE LINEAR SYSTEMS ARISING FROM INTERIOR POINT METHODS". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (07/2006-08/2006), Aid part. Meeting / aid-reunion-brazil, value: R$ 1.200,00, Process #2006/52117-5. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
  Maria Am�lia Novais Schleicher. "VELOCITY DETERMINATION BY IMAGE-WAVE REMIGRATION". Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp, (10/2006-10/2006), Aid part. Meeting/external meeting-aid, value: R$ 5.239,83, Process #2006/03704-5. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP