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Institute of Chemistry
  State University of Campinas (Coordinator). *Arauc�ria Project*, postgraduate level collaboration program between the Universities of Conception (Chile) and Unicamp. Responsible: Inez Val�ria Pagotto Yoshida.
  0804000000 -Department of Cosmic Rays and Chronology (Executor). IF/Univ Cultural Agreement. of Pisa Objet.Intensif. research on topics of mutual interest in the areas of laser physics and atomic and molecular spectroscopy. Responsible: Daniel Pereira, Marco Aurelio De Paoli, M�rcio Jos� Menon.
  Federal University of Viosa (Executor). Analysis of Tannins from Eucalyptus spp. By RMN 13C (Project in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Alexandre Santos Pimenta, from the Department of Forestry Engineering. Responsible: Fred Yukio Fujiwara. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY.
  Semiconductor Components Center (Executor). Improving the design and efficiency of solid-state nanocrystalline TiO2/dye solar cells. Responsible: Ana Fl�via Nogueira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator). Institutional Support for the Units - AIU N� 142. Responsible: Ronaldo Aloise Pilli, Heloise de Oliveira Pastore.
  State University of Campinas (Consultant). Sustainable economic use of biodiversity. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (Executor). Small service provision area: Solid State Chemistry Laboratory - LQES. Responsible: Oswaldo Luiz Alves. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator). Small Service Provision Area DQA-IQ N�352. Responsible: Jarbas Jos� Rodrigues Rohwedder, Susanne Rath. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ANALYTIC CHEMISTRY.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator). Small Service Provision Area - DQI-IQ N° 372. Responsible: Inez Val�ria Pagotto Yoshida, Celso Ulysses Davanzo. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator). Small Service Provision Area DFQ-IQ N° 371. Responsible: Maria Isabel Felisberti, Edvaldo Sabadini. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator). Small Service Provision Area DQO-IQ N° 353. Responsible: Fernando Antonio Santos Coelho, Lícia Helena Brito Baptistella. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  Bionnovation Produtos Biomdicos SA (Financier). Resorbable biomaterials for medical use. Responsible: Marco Aurelio De Paoli. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  Leopoldo A. Miguez de Mello Research and Development Center (Financier), Petrobr�s (Financier), Study and Project Financier (Financier). Characterization of biogeochemical processes in oil accumulations. Responsible: Francisco de Assis Machado Reis, Luzia Koike. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Financier). CAPG/BA 03/02. Responsible: Munir Salomão Skaf.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator). Analytical Center No. 588. Responsible: Ronaldo Aloise Pilli, Heloise de Oliveira Pastore.
  Renato Archer Research Center (Executor), Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp (Financier). Organic photovoltaic cells and nanocrystalline TiO2 cells - Low-cost alternatives for solar energy conversion. Responsible: Ana Fl�via Nogueira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq (Financier). Organic photovoltaic cells. Process 400804/2003-2005. Responsible: Ana Fl�via Nogueira, Ivo Alexandre H�mmelgen. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator), National Petroleum Agency (Financier). Quality control of automotive fuels. Responsible: Jarbas Jos� Rodrigues Rohwedder, Paulo Mitsuo Imamura.
  State University of Campinas/IQ (Executor), Universit� del Piemonte Orientale (Executor). Research Agreement - Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate, Universit� del Piemonte Orientale. Responsible: Heloise de Oliveira Pastore.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator), Pirelli S/A Cia. Indl. Brazilian (Financier). Cooperation. Responsible: Fernando Galembeck.
  Coordination of the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Executor), Ministry of Education and Culture (Executor). Brazil-France International Cooperation: Biocatalysis in Organic Synthesis 2001-2002. Responsible: Anita Jocelyne Marsaioli. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  State University of Campinas (Coordinator), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Financier), Teaching, Research and Extension Support Fund - UNICAMP (Financier). Preparation and analysis of gas standards. Responsible: Carol Hollingworth Collins. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ANALYTIC CHEMISTRY.
  VN Karazin Kharkov National University (Coordinator). Equilibrium at the solid-solution interface on heterogeneous porous surfaces. Responsible: Yoshitaka Gushikem. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  University of Pisa (Executor). Electron spin magnetic spectroscopy applied to the study of photodegradation of polymers. Responsible: Marco Giordano. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY.
  GE Plastics South America (Financier). Study the use of Curau� fibers as a reinforcing agent for Nylon-6 polyamide. Responsible: Marco Aurelio De Paoli. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  National Autonomous University of Mexico (Coordinator). Studies on the synthesis of bio-organic compounds from inorganic carbon as a model for the primitive earth. Responsible: Carol Hollingworth Collins. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ANALYTIC CHEMISTRY.
  Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Pará (Financier), Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (Financier). Extraction of essential oils from aromatic plants
of the Amazon. Responsible: Lauro Euclides Soares Barata. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.

  Agency: Serrano de Minera��o Ltda/ Bunge Fertilizandos (Executor), UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator). Aluminum phosphate. Responsible: Fernando Galembeck. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY.
  National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Financier), National Science Foundation (Financier). Photophysics and Photochemistry in Polymers. Responsible: Teresa Dib Zambon Atvars.
  UNICAMP Development Foundation (Coordinator), Federal Revenue Secretariat (Financier). Implementation and operation of the Analytical Laboratory for the Federal Revenue. Responsible: Francisco de Assis Machado Reis, Rog�rio Custodio. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ANALYTIC CHEMISTRY, DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY.
  Southern Illinois University (Financier). Isolation and synthesis of anti-cancer Vitanolides. Responsible: Lauro Euclides Soares Barata. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  Petr�leo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS (Financier). Setting up a Laboratory for the Properties of Water-Oil Emulsions in Flow. Responsible: Antônio Carlos Bannwart, Watson Loh. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY.
  University of São Paulo (Executor), Universidade São Francisco (Executor), São Paulo State Research Support Foundation - Fapesp (Financier). Carbon nanotechnology applied to the development of sensors, photovoltaic cells, pseudo-capacitors and polymer composites. Responsible: Jos� Maur�cio Rosol�n, Ana Fl�via Nogueira. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  University-Business Institute (Financier). Oils and Fats as Inputs for the Chemical Industry. Responsible: Ulf Friedrich Schuchardt. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  Department of Chemistry IFM, University of Turin (Coordinator). Provision of services. Responsible: Heloise de Oliveira Pastore. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  State University of Campinas (Executor), University of Concepcion (Consultant). Araucaria Project in cooperation with the Dept. of Polymers, Faculty of Chemical Sciences. Responsible: Inez Val�ria Pagotto Yoshida. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY.
  Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp (Executor). Purdue University (USA)/UNICAMP-IQ Chemistry of ions in the gas phase. Pentaquadrupole mass spectrometry. Responsible: Marcos Nogueira Eberlin. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq (Financier). Oxidation reactions using alumina sol-gel as catalyst. Responsible: Ulf Friedrich Schuchardt. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  Elekeiroz SA (Financier). Technical Consulting and Training Services. Responsible: Regina Buffon. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Financier), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine of the University of London (Financier). Synthesis of active neolignans in Leishmania. Responsible: Lauro Euclides Soares Barata. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  National Institute of Allergy and Infections (Financier), Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto - USP (Financier). Synthesis of neolignans active in Tuberculosis. Responsible: Lauro Euclides Soares Barata. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
  Capes (Financier). Cellulose solutions and blends: Fundamental aspects and applications (Universit�t Maiz Institut f�r Physikalische (Project PROBRAL/CAPES/DAAD). Responsible: Maria do Carmo Gon�alves. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY.
  FINEP/Oxiteno (Executor). TENSOPOL. Responsible: Fernando Galembeck. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY.
  Fundação de Amparo – Pesquisa do Estado de S�o Paulo - Fapesp (Executor). VTT Chemical Center (Finland)/UNICAMP-IQ Analysis of VOC's in water by MIMS mass spectrometry. Responsible: Marcos Nogueira Eberlin. Project linked to the DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.

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�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP