Conheca a Universidade Pesquisa na Universidade Unidades Centros Producao  Cientifica em 2006
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The University - Performance - Brief portrait of Unicamp

The story begins to be told in the 60s. At the time, the setting was a vast sugarcane field 12 kilometers from the urban center of Campinas. Forty years after the official installation of the Unicamp campus, the rural landscape where sugar cane once grew in abundance gave way to a teaching and research complex spread across almost three million square meters of area, full of buildings, parks and lawns.

If the initial urban project underwent changes and adaptations over time, Unicamp's primitive ideals remain intact: the vocation for research and the capacity for insertion in the national development process that have accompanied it since its creation at the hands of the parasitologist Zeferino Vaz (1908-1981). Thanks to its great capacity to harmoniously combine high-quality teaching, socially relevant research and provision of services, Unicamp has become not only one of the best-known Brazilian universities but also the one that possibly has the greatest visibility abroad.

Aerial photo: UNICAMP begins its history on the Campinas campus

On October 5, 1966, the foundation stone was laid that gave rise to the Unicamp campus in Campinas. Although the university had already existed on paper since 1962 and operated with an embryonic unit – the Faculty of Medical Sciences – since 1963, the date was made official as the institution's anniversary. The high degree of excellence achieved by the institution has a direct impact on the activities carried out by teachers, students and staff. Unicamp is currently the Brazilian university with the best average in the National Course Exam, Provão. Its laboratories and classrooms make important contributions to the advancement of knowledge in areas related to the population's daily lives, such as biotechnology, telecommunications, IT, philosophy, physics, chemistry and many others.

Unicamp has five campuses, in the cities of Campinas, Piracicaba, Limeira, Paulínia and Sumaré. There are 20 teaching and research units (faculties and institutes), 23 interdisciplinary centers and centers, two technical colleges, a health complex with three hospitals, 24 libraries and documentation centers and a series of support bodies. The quality of the training offered by Unicamp has a lot to do with the close relationship it historically maintains between teaching and research. It is also linked to the fact that approximately 90% of its 1761 teachers work exclusively and 96% have the minimum doctorate degree. The professors who conduct cutting-edge research in the laboratories are the same ones who go to the classrooms. The University currently has around 17 thousand students in its 57 undergraduate courses and an equal number of postgraduate students distributed among its 63 postgraduate programs.

The students who entered Unicamp in 2006 were mostly young people between 17 and 19 years old and single, representing respectively 68,5% and 97.5% of the total number of entrants. It was observed that the percentage of women competing for the University entrance exam in the last two years has remained practically the same, close to 50%. Currently, there is a certain balance between male and female students. The metropolitan regions of São Paulo and Campinas, as well as other cities in the interior of São Paulo, represent the main places of origin for students competing for the UNICAMP Entrance Exam. Of the entrants, 33% attended high school in a public school. It is worth noting that the candidate who achieved the highest score in the Unicamp 2007 National Entrance Exam came from a public school, being approved for the Chemical Engineering course, obtaining 759,57 points, which made him first placed in the Entrance Exam.

UNICAMP continues to stand out in the area and in 2006, through its Innovation Agency (Inova), filed 55 patent applications with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), licensed 02 patents, 02 technology transfer contracts This is a clear demonstration that teaching and research activities benefit from the diverse interactions between academia and the productive sector and contribute to the economic and social development of the country. Another fact to be considered is the growing number of companies created by former professors and ex-professors. UNICAMP students, also known as the daughters of UNICAMP, account for more than 90 companies, mainly in the areas of Information Theory, Lasers and Optics, Biotechnology, Food Engineering and account for a turnover close to 10% of the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP) generated in Campinas.


Photo: Recent aerial view of the Campinas Campus


In 2005, Unicamp completed 40 years. Although it is a young institution, considering the founding dates of the main European universities, it has reached its current consolidated stage as one of the main centers of excellence in teaching and research in Latin America.

At a local level, it accounts for around 15% of Brazilian scientific research and for around 10% of doctoral and master's theses generated by national postgraduate studies. Regarding publications in international journals indexed in the ISI “Institute of Scientific Information”, UNICAMP is responsible for 11% of national production, as shown in the graph below.

� 2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP
logotipo da Unicamp