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Biological and Medical Sciences

Research activities in the area of ​​Biomedical Sciences at UNICAMP bring together the Faculty of Medical Sciences - FCM, the Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba - FOP, the Institute of Biology - IB and the Faculty of Education Physics is FEF.

These units present a considerable number of lines of research and the excellence of the research results can be evidenced by the excellent quality productivity of the Units.

The dissemination of the results of the advancement of knowledge in the area is carried out in numerous publication vehicles, with emphasis on the publications of articles in circulation periodicals internationally indexed.

This productivity is also a direct reflection of the research infrastructure, libraries and collections, the ability to obtain resources for research and the quality of the teaching, technical and administrative student body.

This area has a striking characteristic in relation to the others, in terms of the immediate contributions that research activities bring to the population.

We can highlight the excellent capacity to attract extra-budgetary resources from these research activities.

�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP