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Engineering and Technological Sciences

The Technological area is made up of six Faculties: Faculty of Food Engineering - FEA, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering - FEAGRI, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism - FEC, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and of Computing - FEEC, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - FEM and Faculty of Chemical Engineering - FEQ.

Research activities in the Technological area at UNICAMP result in scientific production of excellent quality, mainly due to: research infrastructure, libraries, ability to obtain resources for research, quality of teaching staff, technical-administrative students.

The area's contributions to the country's technological development are remarkable, with hundreds of projects and agreements with the productive, public and private sector.

The dissemination vehicles, which recognize the quality of knowledge produced in the area, include conference proceedings, books, book chapters, patents, technological products and articles in specialized journals.

In Engineering Faculties, research is largely linked to postgraduate programs through their advisors and postgraduate students and to scientific initiation projects It is performed by undergraduate students.

�2006 State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
University City "Zeferino Vaz" - Br. Geraldo - Campinas - SP