Exact Sciences
The Exact Sciences area at UNICAMP brings together the Institute of Physics - IFGW, Institute of Chemistry - IQ, Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing - IMECC, the Institute of Computing - IC and the Institute of Geosciences - IG.
This Institute brings together characteristics of Exact Sciences and Humanities.
The main aspect to be highlighted is the high academic level of its research, evidenced by the production of scientific works at an international level, recognized by several national evaluation systems.
These units have a modern instrumental park, of international standard, due to their ability to obtain resources from development agencies and capture extra-budgetary resources, also invested in infrastructure and maintenance.
The area has contributed significantly to the country's technological development, through the filing of patents for products and processes.
The participation of several dozen professors in the editorial board of national and international indexed journals, in addition to the significant number of productivity fellows from CNPq, corroborates the high standard achieved by research in this field. rea.
The analysis of the productivity tables of the five Units that make up the Exact Sciences area clearly shows the high academic standard, especially with regard to publication in indexed refereed international journals.