Executive Board of Administration – DEA
Unicamp's Executive Board of Administration (DEA) has the mission of promoting integrated solutions in the areas of administration, services, infrastructure and information and communication technology, contributing to Unicamp's institutional development.
Executive Board of Student Support and Permanence – DEAPE
Unicamp's Executive Directorate for Student Support and Permanence (DEAPE) is responsible for student housing services, psychological and psychiatric assistance, scholarship and aid management, social services, educational and internship guidance. It incorporates other services, such as the TILS Central, for translators into Libras, and Alumni, for relations with former students.
Health Area Executive Board – DEAS
Unicamp's Health Area Executive Board (DEAS) unifies and consolidates strategic actions for the University's hospital complex. The main objective of DEAS is to promote the integration of health care areas with the teaching and research needs of the various academic units, as well as to encourage shared management, enabling its development in a sustainable manner.
Executive Directorate of Human Rights – DeDH
The Executive Directorate of Human Rights (DeDH) is a body within the central administration of Unicamp whose purpose is to promote respect for the dignity of life as a fundamental value for achieving the University's objectives and to ensure that actions to value tolerance are carried out within it, citizenship and inclusion, ensuring diversity, plurality and equity among its members.
Executive Board of Basic and Technical Education – DEEDUC
The Executive Board of Basic and Technical Education (DEEDUC) is responsible for proposing policies involving basic education and technical training at the secondary level offered by the University. Its Executive Board is composed of the Directors of the Technical College of Campinas (Cotuca) and the Technical College of Limeira (Cotil), the General Coordinator of the Division of Early Childhood and Complementary Education (DEdIC) and the Executive Director.
Executive Board of Integrated Planning – DEPI
The Executive Board of Integrated Planning (DEPI) aims to detect and integrate the different planning levels of Unicamp's bodies, prospect scenarios on how the University will operate in the long term (observing the trends of the best universities in the world, in line with the society that finances it and the country's interests) and offer the University Council (Consu) possible action scenarios.
Executive Directorate of International Relations – DERI
Unicamp's Executive Board of International Relations (DERI) has the mission of planning, coordinating and evaluating the University's internationalization actions. The body is responsible for partnerships and agreements with foreign institutions and student mobility processes. He is responsible for administrative and financial support for the Confucius Institute at Unicamp, the King Sejong Institute Unicamp and the Brazil-China Study Group.
Executive Directorate of Information and Communication Technology – DETIC
The Executive Directorate for Information and Communication Technology (DETIC) proposes the centralization and guidance of ICT management and governance at the University. It aligns ICT management and governance in a central body due to the importance that these technologies have acquired in recent years and the need for governance that guides decision-making.