The Unicamp logo is the unique, exclusive and standardized graphic form to convey the basic identification sign of the State University of Campinas.
The logo must perform the following functions:
- identify Unicamp visual messages in an immediate, univocal and striking way;
- project Unicamp's academic and business personality;
- unify and integrate Unicamp visual messages, consolidating its visual identity.
Unicamp's Visual Identity Code comprises information on the use of standard typography, design of forms, identification of areas and, mainly, the correct use of the Unicamp Logo.
Conceived by professor Zeferino Vaz and created by artist Max Schiefer and architect João Carlos Bross, in the 1970s, Unicamp's logo was designed based on the university's Master Plan. Meaning is knowledge in an amorphous, contourless form.
The white ball, within the 13 stripes that represent the São Paulo flag, is the symbol of unity, a great meeting point for personnel and especially human knowledge, symbolized by the three red circles: Sciences, Exact Sciences and Humanities.
Acting together, these three areas of knowledge radiate to the community, fulfilling the three functions of the University: Teaching, Research and Extension.
“University: word derived from the Greek expression uni-versitas, meaning unity in versatility, or even unity in the universality of human knowledge. Always unity, a single organism with the basic function of transmitting, generating and applying knowledge, and always pursuing the greater objective and also the reason for the indispensable unity: the physical, spiritual and social well-being of man.”
(Siarq Central Archive – Zeferino Vaz Fund)
Visual Identity Code

The Unicamp Visual Identity Code is the system of graphic signs and standards that coordinate the visual identification of the State University of Campinas. The Unicamp Visual Identity Code comprises the following elements:
- The Unicamp logo
- Unicamp standard alphabet
- Unicamp color code
Unicamp logo
The Unicamp logo is the unique, exclusive and standardized graphic form to convey the basic identification sign of the State University of Campinas – Unicamp. The standardized characteristics, of mandatory use, to convey the Unicamp logo, are defined in the items below.
The logo must perform the following functions:
- identify Unicamp visual messages in an immediate, univocal and striking way;
- project Unicamp’s academic personality;
- unify and integrate Unicamp visual messages, consolidating its visual identity.
To fulfill these functions, the Unicamp logo must be used consistently and correctly, complying with the following standards.
Rules of use
Regardless of how it is used, the Unicamp logo must always be presented in full. Variations, stylizations, additions or deletions in their forms will not be permitted.
Graphic Form
The logo of the State University of Campinas – Unicamp is made up of the combination of two elements: Wordmark and Figurative Brand.
The Figurative Mark must not be stylized or used without complementing the Word Mark.
Both the Word Mark and the Figurative Mark cannot be reproduced from unauthorized originals.
The wordmark
The Wordmark follows its own special design, created from the letters of the Microgramma Bold Roman alphabet, in upper case (capital letters).
It must never be reproduced through graphic composition or drawings.
The Figurative Mark
The Figurative Mark is a schematic drawing of the basic floor plan of Unicamp.
Due to its importance as a characteristic sign of Unicamp's visual identity, the construction of the logo must strictly comply with the construction and proportion standards presented below.
- The Word Mark is placed below and in the center of the Figurative Mark.
- The construction module corresponds to any metric unit. The coordinates are those determined by the Cartesian Coordinate System.
- Detailing
– A circumference, base, with a radius of 24 modules, with the coordinate 0,0 as its center;
– Thirteen polygons formed, on the one hand by the base circumference and, on the other hand, by 13 arcs thus formed:
- an arc starting at 0o and going up to 22o30′, with a radius of 265.82 modules and center at coordinates -179.711, -68.1;
- an arc starting at 22o30′ and going up to 45o, with a radius of 144 modules and center at coordinates -66.29, -24.64;
- an arc starting at 45o and going up to 67o30′, with a radius of 55.38 modules and center at coordinates 8.79, 22.45;
- an arc starting at 67o30′ and going up to 90o, with a radius of 82.58 modules and center at coordinates 0.24, -2.53;
- an arc starting at 90o and going up to 112o30′, with a radius of 68.49 modules and center at coordinates 1.14, 11.55;
- an arc starting at 112o30′ and going up to 135o, with a radius of 75.31 modules and center at coordinates 2.97, 4.83;
- an arc starting at 135o and going up to 157o30′, with a radius of 66.11 modules and center at coordinates -4.62, 10.17;
- an arc starting at 157o30′ and going up to 180o, with a radius of 82.03 modules and center at coordinates 12.93, 16.28;
- an arc starting at 180o and going up to 202o30′, with a radius of 92.45 modules and center at coordinates 19.60, 31,01;
- an arc starting at 202o30′ and going up to 225o, with a radius of 92.84 modules and center at coordinates 11.03, 41.88;
- an arc starting at 225o and going up to 292o30′, with a radius of 69.1 modules and center at coordinates -3.22, 22.72;
- an arc starting at 292o30′ and going up to 315o, with a radius of 172.01 modules and center at coordinates -48.01, 116.22;
- an arc starting at 315o and going up to 260o, with a radius of 193.11 modules and center at coordinates -57.58, 135.
- The sides of the polygons will be formed by radial lines constructed at a distance of 1.5 modules, counted from lines that start at coordinate 0,0 and touch the beginning of each arc.
– A circle with a radius of 7 modules and center at coordinates -31.67, 75.56
– A circle with a radius of 7 modules and center at coordinate 81.24, 0
– A circle with a radius of 7 modules and center at coordinates 17.72, -44.19
These circles will have an area of non-interference from polygons, defined by a circle with the same center and radius of 10 modules.
The Wordmark will have a height of 15 modules and will be placed at a distance of 80 modules from the center of the base circumference.
- Non-interference area
To obtain maximum visual effect, the Unicamp logo must be used within a free field, called the non-interference area. The minimum size of this area corresponds to twice the height of the letters of the Wordmark, all around the Unicamp Logo.
Chromatic Norms
The standardized colors for the Unicamp logo are black and red, and must be used as follows:
Positive Polychromic Version
The Figurative Mark and the Word Mark written in black;The three circumferences of the Figurative Mark written in red obtained by printing 100% yellow and 100% magenta. Corresponds to the international standard ref. Pantone 485D
Negative Version Polychromic
The Figurative Mark and the Word Mark written in white, or in the original color of the printing support surface;The three circumferences of the Figurative Mark written in red obtained by printing 100% yellow and 100% magenta. Corresponds to the international standard ref. Pantone 485D
Monochrome Positive Version
The Figurative Mark, the Word Mark and the three circles written in black or in the predominant printing color.
Monochrome Negative Version
The Figurative Mark, the Word Mark and the three circles written in white, or in the original color of the printing support surface.
Rules of Use
- printed
The monochrome version of the logo should be used in cases such as:
- printed materials and forms for internal circulation or materials printed in monochrome, where the logo may be used in the predominant color of the print;
- printed materials where the basic colors do not allow for the combination that produces institutional colors. In this case, the predominant color of the print or a negative version of the logo is used.
- materials printed entirely in colors that confuse or hide institutional colors, such as orange, magenta, black, or that produce an unpleasant optical effect, such as green and blue. In these cases, the negative version of the logo is used.
- printed materials and forms for internal circulation or materials printed in monochrome, where the logo may be used in the predominant color of the print;
- Video insertions and/or computerized systems
As they are not subject to color mixing and due to their ease of construction and adaptability, the standardized version of the logo must be used, with no variations allowed.
Textures or effects that modify the basic institutional colors cannot be used.
Three-dimensional and animation effects are permitted, as long as they do not modify the basic institutional colors and shape.
Positioning and Size
In the case of printed materials, the positioning must always comply with the limits of the useful area of the paper.
In the case of forms, the height of the logo must be a maximum of 6% of the measurement of the longest side of the sheet of paper to be used.
The minimum height of the Unicamp logo will be 10 mm.
In the case of video publications or computerized systems, the positioning will be that which best highlights the logo, with the size being in accordance with the graphic composition.
Meanings and Symbolism
The central circle and the radial lines represent the radiation of the university's knowledge, outlining its amorphous contour on the black field.
The three circles in red represent the areas of Biological Sciences, the upper one, Exact Sciences, the lower one, and Humanities, the middle one on the right.
The 13 polygons and the colors black, white and red symbolize the 13 stripes and colors of the Paulista flag, given that it is a state university.
Unit Logos
The rules regarding the use of Unicamp Units' own logos are currently under study and should be published in due course.
Official Standards for Logo Usage
Resolution GR 28/04 prohibits the use of the brand and its logo on unofficial objects of the University, without written authorization from the Rectory. Therefore, we recommend that you formally request permission to use the brand from the Rectory, providing all the details related to its use.
Ordinance GR 34/95
Provides for the conditions and form of use of the Unicamp brand and its logo, within the University.
See Ordinance GR 34/95
Resolution GR 28/04
Gives new wording to Ordinance GR 193/90, which provides for the use of the Unicamp brand and its logo
See Res GR 28/04
Important: Before downloading, read the rules for using the Unicamp logo
We make files with images of the Unicamp logo available for download in the following formats:
- TIF – (200 dpi) for use in publications printed on offset systems.
- DXF – for use in AutoCAD and similar vector software.
- CDR – for use in CorelDraw! in versions 5.0 or higher.
- WMF – for use in text editing software and Office applications.
- JPG e GIF – (72 dpi) for Internet use.
- EPS – generic format for printing.
- SVG – Vectorized format for use in free software tools – (click here to download)
The download can be done below:
- TIF - positive_color | negative_color | positive_pb | negative_pb
- JPG – positive_color | color_negative | pb_positive | pb_negative
- GIF – positive_color | color_negative | pb_positive | pb_negative
- EPS - positive_color | negative_color | positive_pb | negative_pb
- AI - positive_color | negative_color | positive_pb | negative_pb
- DXF – positive_color | negative_color | positive_pb | negative_pb
- CDR – positive_color | negative_color | positive_pb | negative_pb
- WMF – positive_color | negative_color | positive_pb | negative_pb
- SVG – positive_color | negative_color | positive_pb | negative_pb
If there is a need for a specific format not available here, please contact: secexec@unicamp.br.