The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) is releasing the list of candidates for the second round of the Unicamp Entrance Exam 2025 and for the Olympic Places and Enem-Unicamp modalities. Candidates should consult the lists at electronic page from Comvest. 1.156 candidates were called for the Entrance Exam, 253 candidates for the Enem-Unicamp modality and 90 candidates for the Olympic Places. All candidates called for this call must register remotely, from 9 am to 17 pm on February 4th, exclusively online, on the Comvest website, using their registration number and password. Guidelines on the registration procedures are available on the tab for each modality, on the Comvest website. Important: candidates called for enrollment in more than one modality (names on different lists) must choose which process to enroll in and complete the enrollment using the specific password for the modality, created at the time of that registration. Candidates called as first option who do not complete the electronic enrollment will be excluded from the modality.
The third call for applications for Unicamp 2025 Admissions will be announced on February 10th. Candidates' scores are available for consultation on the page for each modality. There are eight calls for applications for Unicamp 2025 Admissions and five calls for the other two modalities.
Heteroidentification benches
Candidates selected by the ethnic-racial quota system approved in the second call who authorized the use of the photograph as part of the validation process by the Verification Committee and were validated by the boards in the initial stage of the procedure will receive a e-mail with the indication of its validation and instructions for enrollment. Candidates who did not authorize, as well as those who need the complementary process via Google Meet, will receive by e-mail the guidelines for attending the online panel before starting the registration process.
Validation of the self-declaration presented by candidates opting for ethnic-racial quotas will only occur after the phenotype assessment carried out by the Commission, with registration being subject to approval by the Investigating Committee, in accordance with resolution GR-074/2020, which established the hetero-identification procedure .
Enrollment in second option
Candidates invited to the course chosen as a second option must register online and choose, or not, to wait for a possible place for the first option course (relocation). Second-choice candidates who do not register online will lose this place (second option), but will continue to compete for the first-option course, and may therefore be called up in the next calls, according to the classification criteria.
Declaration of Interest for Vacancies – Unicamp Entrance Exam
From 9 am on February 11th until 17 pm on February 12th, Comvest will accept declarations of interest for open vacancies in the 2025 Unicamp Entrance Exam, only online, using a specific form on the Commission's website. All candidates who took the 2nd phase, were not eliminated due to a score of zero and were not called for any of their options, up to and including the 3rd call, must declare their interest. Failure to declare their interest will result in elimination from the call process for the other calls. Candidates enrolled in their 2nd option and who requested reassignment should be aware of the situations described in the Admission Manual.
Call for applications – admission systems
If a candidate has been called for the same course, in the same call, in the Unicamp 2025 Entrance Exam and in other admission systems, the vacancy to be filled will be that of the Entrance Exam. If a candidate has been called for different courses, in the same call, in the Unicamp Entrance Exam and in another(s) admission system(s), the enrollment that was completed first will be considered as the option. If a candidate enrolled in the same course is called in any system and does not enroll when called, his/her name will be excluded from the calls in the other modalities.
Calendar – Calls and registrations – Unicamp Entrance Exam 2025
Publicity of the first call | 24/1/25 |
First call online registration | 27 and 28 / 1 / 25 |
Disclosure of the second call | 3/2/25 |
Online registration for the second call | 4/2/25 |
Disclosure of the third call | 10/2/25 |
Online registration for the third call | 11/2/25 |
Declaration of Interest in Vacancies | from 9am on 11/2 to 17pm on 12/2 |
Disclosure of the fourth call | 17/2/25 |
Fourth call online registration | 18/2/25 |
Announcement of the fifth call | 24/2/25 |
Online registration for the fifth call | 25/2/25 |
Announcement of the sixth call | 6/3/25 |
Online registration for the sixth call | 7/3/25 |
Disclosure of the seventh call and Waiting list | 13/3/25 |
Online registration for the seventh call and Declaration of Interest for Vacancies for Candidates on the Waiting List | 14/3/25 |
Announcement of the eighth call | 18/3/25 |
Online registration for the eighth call | 19/3/25 |