Unicamp accounts for 8% of academic research in Brazil, 12% of national postgraduate studies and maintains leadership among Brazilian universities with regard to patents and the number of articles per capita published annually in journals indexed in the ISI database /WoS. The annual average of theses and dissertations defended is 2,1 and 99% of its professors have a doctorate degree.
Teacher and Researcher Portal
The platform, a module that integrates the Unicamp Transparency Portal, has a list of professors and researchers in alphabetical order, allows the visualization of the production indicators of each one, the capacity of professors and researchers by link with the Teaching and Research Units, Interdisciplinary Research Centers and Nuclei, Technical Colleges and others, especially the Thematic Centers (CPIDS, National Institutes of Science and Technology, etc.), graduate programs.
Intellectual Production
Unicamp accounts for 8% of academic research in Brazil, 12% of national postgraduate studies and maintains leadership among Brazilian universities with regard to patents and the number of articles per capita published annually in journals indexed in the ISI database /WoS. The annual average of theses and dissertations defended is 2,1 and 99% of its professors have a doctorate degree. This teaching and research battalion leads the national per capita ranking of scientific publications in cataloged international journals.

grant office
The Grant Office – Researcher Support Office (GO), has the mission of offering institutional support to UNICAMP researchers, reducing administrative activities inherent to the development of research. Support is provided during all stages of the project, through actions such as prospection opportunities to promote research, support submission and management of projects and their results, and incentives for capacity of the academic community and decentralized research support teams, ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of the respective funding agents and with the institutional policy of the University.