Dean of University Development – PRDU
PRDU, responsible for the institutional development of the University, supports the Central Administration through a strategic perspective, providing the formulation and implementation of processes that ensure Unicamp the necessary dynamics and innovation.
Dean of Extension, Sports and Culture – ProEEC
The Pro-Rectory of Extension, Sports and Culture has the mission of coordinating and stimulating Extension and Culture activities and projects that, through dialogue and multidisciplinarity, have continuous application in communities not only in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (RMC), but also in various places in Brazil and other countries.
Dean of Undergraduate Studies - PRG
The Dean of Undergraduate Studies (PRG)'s main focus is to monitor the undergraduate student's academic life from the entrance exam, when they are still a candidate, until their degree. It is a dynamic body, with shared management, technologically updated, with financial sustainability, committed to innovations in higher education for the training of professionals.
Dean of Research – PRP
The Dean of Research is a body of Unicamp's Central Administration and its objective is to establish, together with the Central Research Commission and the University Council, the University's scientific policy, encouraging actions and implementing the necessary conditions for research to take place. developed in all areas of knowledge is always at the highest level of quality and innovation.
Dean of Postgraduate Studies – PRPG
The Dean's Office for Postgraduate Studies has the mission of advising the academic community and promoting Postgraduate teaching at Unicamp, fostering the quality of Postgraduate teaching Stricto Sensu and Lato Sensu, with the aim of achieving excellence in its programs.