1. Description of procedures for loading Data Collection – CAPES via SIPEX
1. The CAPES Program that chooses to upload Data Collection via SIPEX, not you can start your Fill. You must wait for the file that will be generated by CCUEC;
2. Know what information will be uploaded. (Described in the item “Information that will be loaded in the cargo”);
3. Before requesting conference reports, certain steps must be followed. (Described in the item “Steps to link CAPES programs with lines of research, projects, productions and theses”);
4. The request for the generation of Conference Reports must be made directly through the Sipex Portal [“System Access” => “CAPES, Lattes and WoS” => “Conference Report Request”;
5. This request can be made as many times as necessary. Reports will be issued on records processed successfully and those rejected. The adjustment of data, depending on the subject, can be done through SIPEX (https://www.unicamp.br/sipex), DAC (Academic Board) or General Secretariat by telephone (19) 3521-4946 [Extension: 1-4946];
6. When the person responsible for the CAPES Program believes that the data to be uploaded to Data Collection – CAPES is correct, he or she can make a request to generate a Specific File on the “Request for Generation of a Specific File” screen. The CCUEC will make the file and reports relating to its processing available within 2 (two) days. The file will be sent via email to the applicant. This file must be saved in a local directory on the computer. After this, follow the normal procedures for importing and exporting data contained in the CAPES User Manual at http://www.capes.gov.br
7. Alert: Obtain the default values that were assumed during the load, for some information that is not available in the databases of Unicamp's corporate systems. Note: It is important that they are checked and changed in COLETA if deemed necessary.
2. Information that will be carried in the cargo
The information that will be loaded in the load refers to SIPEX and the Academic System.
2.1 Information that will be loaded from SIPEX
1. All Lines of Research:
- Active or deactivated in the CAPES Base Year in question
- Linked to a CAPES Program
- With the “Consider for Capes” option marked as “Yes”
2. All Projects:
- In progress, completed or deactivated in the CAPES Base Year in question
- Linked to a line of research (Note: This line of research must include the rules defined in Item 1)
- Not linked to a line of research (in the case of Isolated Projects), but linked to a CAPES Program
- With the “Consider for Capes” option marked as “Yes”
3. All Productions:
- Referring to the CAPES Base Year in question
- Linked to a line of research (Note: This line of research must include the rules defined in Item 1)
- Linked to a project (Note: This project must comply with the rules defined in Item 2)
- Not linked to research lines and projects, but linked to a CAPES Program
4. All “External Participants” who are participants in project and production teams who are not teachers or collaborators accredited by DAC nor student authors of the CAPES Program
2.2 Information that will be loaded from the Academic System
1. All Teachers (UNICAMP and External Collaborators) accredited in the Unicamp Courses of the CAPES Program. The number of subjects/class taught at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and their workload will also be informed;
2. All students authors of theses defended in the CAPES Base Year in question;
3. All students authors of intellectual productions of the CAPES Base Year in question of the Program associated with the student's UNICAMP Course;
4. All “External Participants” who are members of academic committees who are not teachers or collaborators accredited by DAC nor student authors of the CAPES Program;
5. All theses defended in the CAPES Base Year in question in the CAPES Program and that have volume data, number of pages, language, keywords, summary and others, complemented in SIPEX on the screen [Data Maintenance / Others / Complementation of UNICAMP Thesis Data];
6. All postgraduate subjects reported in the CAPES Program in the CAPES Base Year in question.
3. Steps to link CAPES Programs with lines of research, projects, productions and theses
1. Lines of Research:
On the “Data Maintenance/Research/Research Line – Maintenance” screen, you must:
- Put “Yes” in the “Consider for CAPES” field;
- Select/Link a CAPES Program ou select/link a CAPES Program and Concentration Area;
Observation: If the same Research Line also belongs to other CAPES Programs, you must go to the “[Data Maintenance / Others / CAPES(Other Programs in Lines and in Productions) / Link Other Programs in Line]” screen and do:
- Select/Link a CAPES Program ou select/link a CAPES Program and Concentration Area;
- Repeat these steps for each CAPES Program.
2. Research Projects
- Check whether it is in progress or completed in the CAPES Base Year in question;
- Place the link with the Research Line, if it exists. In this case, the CAPES Program will be that of the Line and no other can be added;
- If there is no link with a line (in this case an Isolated Project), include the specific CAPES Program;
- Put “Yes” in the “Consider for CAPES” field
Observation: Projects that should not be reported in Coleta should not be linked to the research line.
3. Productions:
For completed or published productions (for bibliographic productions), do:
If there is a link with the Research Line:
- Make the link on the “Data Maintenance – Production” screen. If the line of research is linked to a CAPES Program, this production will automatically go to the CAPES Program;
- Only projects that are linked to this line will be available for links;
- The specific Program/Area of Concentration cannot be placed.
If there is no link to the Research Line:
- If there is a link with the project, make the link. All projects will be available;
- If the project is not linked to a Program/Area of Concentration, link it to a specific Program/Area of Concentration.
Observation: If the same production is linked to Research Lines from different CAPES Programs, this production can be linked to more than one line or to more than one CAPES Program. To make these links with other lines or with other CAPES Programs, go to the screen: “[Data Maintenance / Others / CAPES(Other Programs in Lines and in Productions) / Link Other Lines and Programs in Productions]”;
4. Theses: Theses defended (master’s degree, doctorate and professional master’s degree)
- For all theses defended in a unit, the person responsible must enter Sipex on the “[Data Maintenance / Others / Unicamp Thesis Data Complementation]” screen and complete the volume data, number of pages, language, keywords, summary, line of research and others, and check the CAPES Concentration Program/Area.
- Only lines and projects from the Thesis Program are available.
4. Instructions for correcting the information
We list below, by type of information, the messages displayed in the reports and the actions that must be taken to correct them.
CAPES Accredited Teacher
- Teacher without a degree: the teacher does not have a degree, request approval from the General Secretariat;
- Teacher already registered: The teacher is accredited twice in the program, request approval from the DAC (Academic Board);
- Professor not registered as a researcher: teacher not registered with SIPEX, request inclusion in the CCUEC;
- Invalid CPF: Request the CPF to be corrected in the DGRH system;
- Document already registered: The professor's CPF is accredited twice in the postgraduate program, request the adjustment at DAC.
CAPES Collaborating Professor
- Document already registered: the teacher's CPF is accredited twice in the program, request the adjustment at DAC;
- Teacher already registered: the teacher is accredited twice in the program, request approval from the DAC;
- Invalid CPF: Request the CPF to be corrected in the DAC system;
Student Author CAPES
- Invalid CPF: request an adjustment from DAC;
- Document already registered: the student's CPF was used twice, request verification from DAC;
- Student author already registered: the student has two records in SIPEX, request confirmation from CCUEC.
- Project team – mandatory fields not filled in: project team without valid participant. Hit the team at Sipex.
CAPES Theses
- There is no corresponding concentration area in CAPES: Request correction from CCUEC;
- Author is not registered with CAPES: Look at the Negative report from student-authors and see why it was not exported to Capes. Request correction from CCUEC;
- Advisor – mandatory field not filled in: the thesis is without a supervisor. Look at the Negative report of a professor or collaborating professor and see why it was not exported to Capes. Request correction from DAC;
- Advisor – not registered with Capes: Request the DAC to change the code of the advisor (external collaborator) OR to accredit that professor in that particular course of the thesis;
- Examining board – mandatory field without content: the thesis is unfunded. The unit must include banking;
- Examining board – professor not registered as a researcher at Sipex: Request evaluation by CCUEC;
- Volume, Pages, Keywords, Language and Summary mandatory field without content: include this information in SIPEX (thesis data completion screen in the Sipex system);
CAPES production
- Thesis linked to production: this thesis is not linked to a CAPES course, request confirmation from CCUEC;
- Search line Wrong links, with message “Check the link between the research line and the program/area of concentration, the link between the project and the research line and program/area of concentration and finally the links between production and the research line, project and Program/Area of Concentration. These links must be coherent”. Review the links through the SIPEX maintenance screens using the Confirm button;
- Duration field (weeks) is mandatory: for event organization type production, this field must be included in Sipex;
- Bibliographic production only with date of acceptance: Check if the production has not yet been published. If so, get it right with Sipex;
- One of the participants in the production must be the author/supervisor of the thesis: This message occurs when a production is linked to a thesis. The production participants must be agreed on in Sipex;
- Researcher is not registered with CAPES: The advisor of the thesis linked to production must be an accredited professor/collaborator of the program;
- Article must have Periodical: This production was registered without a periodical. The user must enter the Sipex On-Line system and link the desired periodical to this bibliographic production (Article);
- Event-related fields are mandatory:
- Presentation of artistic work: type of event, promoting institution or event, location of the event, city and country of the event;
- Work of Visual Arts: type of event, name of the event, promoting institution or event..
- The Event associated with this production is not classified by CAPES: CAPES classified some events and created the List of Qualis Events.
The production in question is linked to an event that is not classified by CAPES. If the number of events not classified by CAPES linked to Bibliographic Productions of the Annals type exceeds 20%, Data Collection will report a consistency error. To avoid this, check that the name of the event is included in the Events List – CAPES on the SIPEX Portal at: Consultations => Others => CAPES => Events List – Capes
- Subject/class was taught by teachers and/or collaborators who are not accredited in the program: Check the accreditation of the teacher and/or prof. collaborator for the CAPES Program for the base year in question at DAC;
- Total percentage of teachers' performance different from 100%. Getting DAC right: The class of the subject has a performance of teachers different from 100%. Check at DAC;
- Number of hours/class actually given in the subject equal to zero. Check in DAC: Subject classes with a number of class hours actually given equal to zero will not be loaded. Check with DAC.
5. Default values assumed during charging
Teachers accredited in the program and at the IES:
- Performance percentage = 3 (more than 60%)
- Weekly workload = 40
- Type nature of the link = 1 (public server /CLT)
- Exclusive dedication:
- If workday = 'rdidp' -> yes
- If journey other than “rdidp' -> no
Unicamp employees accredited in the program and at the IES:
- Performance percentage = 1 (up to 30%)
- Weekly workload = 0
- Type nature of the link:
- If associate researcher = 2 (visiting professor)
- If not associated researcher = 4 (other)
- Exclusive dedication = no
- Project with more than one person responsible: The first one that appears is considered
- Project without person in charge: The first participant to appear is considered
- If production is linked to thesis
- Institution acronym = 'Unicamp'
- Institution name = State University of Campinas
- Country = BR
- In technical production/organization of a short course: participation of authors = 'organizer'
- In technical production/teaching a short course: participation of authors = 'teacher'
- In research report, in the project name:
- If the production has a project, the name of the project was considered
- Otherwise, the production title was considered
- Depository library = Central Library
- Employment type = SV (no bond)
- Current link = EE (public or state company)
- Intended activity type = or (others)
- Activity is the same area of activity = yes