

  • Research activity on a specific and well-defined topic or object, developed with predefined objectives, methodologies and duration, carried out individually or jointly by a team of researchers.

Responsibility for maintaining data

  • Professor responsible for the project or the authorized person from the responsible body.

Rules for updating

  • The teacher responsible for the project, or the authorized person from the body, must make updates to the project data, including all team participants and all project credit bodies.
  • When including a Project, the system records the body of the authorized person or teacher who included it. Changes and deletions can only be made by authorized persons or faculty members of the registered body, including participant information.

Observations regarding the loading of old SIPEX projects

  • The projects in the old SIPEX “course implementation” and “discipline implementation” were loaded as “teaching”, and the “laboratory implementation” type as “infrastructure”.

The information required for the project is listed in the table below

InformationOverviewContent possibilityRequired

Project Type:

  • Applied Research: To solve a specific problem, it will result in a directly applied product.
  • Basic Research: Aiming for knowledge, it will not result in a directly applied product. Scientific initiation projects, postgraduate studies, etc., should be included here.
  • Teaching: Projects linked to teaching, such as the creation of new undergraduate and postgraduate subjects, readjustment / reformulation of existing subjects, modernization of teaching laboratories, acquisition of textbooks, etc.
  • Infrastructure: Research laboratory renovation projects, buildings, equipment acquisition, etc.
  • Applied research
  • Basic Search
  • Education
  • Infrastructure
NameResearch Project Name 
Type of contract involvement

Type of contract involvement:

  • Institutional: The person responsible for the contract with the institution (FAPESP, CNPQ, FAEPEX, CAPES, etc.) is UNICAMP itself.
  • Individual: The person responsible for the contract with the institution (FAPESP, CNPQ, FEP, CAPES, etc.) is responsible for the project.
  • Institutional
  • Individual
OverviewResearch Project Status 

Linked search line

  • In progress
  • Completed
  • Disabled
Linked line Search line name

Registration of research lines

Note: this information is only available for research projects



There may be more than one

Researcher nameName of the researcher participating in the project

Registration of researchers

Note: the responsible teacher must include all participants 

Responsible IndicatorIndicates the person responsible for conducting the project
  • Responsible 
  • Participant 

Institutions involved 

There may be more than one and each one may be of a different type

Name Name of the institution involved in the project

Table of institutions

Note: before registering a new institution, it is important to check that it is not already registered. If it is already registered, any authorized person can change the data relating to the institution

Financing IndicatorIf the project has financing
  • Yes No

Note: if the project has financing, the information below is necessary

FinancingTypeType of financing
  • Financial assistance
  • Stock Exchange
  • Pay
Valordollar value Note: Shelter information only for “financial aid”  
Start date Year/month of start   
End date End year/month    
Number at the institutionIdentification of financing at the Financing Institution    

Application sector

There may be more than one

Project application sectorsTable of CNPq application sectors 
AwardsAwards received by the project  

Search group

There may be more than one

Research groups that are linked to the projectResearch Group Registration