Procedures for identifying researchers external to Sipex
What are researchers external to Sipex
External researchers are researchers obtained when importing information from databases external to Sipex. Examples of external databases include WoS (Web of Science), Lattes, etc.
When importing information, such as productions, projects, etc. from external databases, the researchers linked to this information need to be identified and everyone must have their correspondent in Sipex. This needs to be done so that the information after import remains consistent in the Sipex database.
Who can identify external researchers
1. All users authorized to use the Unit’s Sipex.
2. All Sipex researchers at the Unit.
Information presented on the researcher identification screen
On the screen for identifying external researchers, a list of researchers who were identified as being from the unit of the user authorized to use Sipex or Sipex researcher is displayed. If you wish to view only one external researcher, click the “Here” button.
Note: Some external researchers on the list have already been automatically identified by Sipex.
The process of identifying researchers can be redone as many times as necessary and at any time.
For every external researcher identified, the name of the corresponding researcher/researcher type in Sipex will be displayed on the screen.
To match an external researcher and a Sipex researcher, select the option “Identify researcher”. If you want to undo the correspondence between the external researcher and the Sipex researcher, select the option “Undo Identification”.
How to identify external researchers
1. Select the option “Identify researcher”.
2. The system will search the Sipex registry for researchers similar to the researcher sought. Next, the “List of Sipex Researchers Similar to the External Researcher” screen will be displayed, where a list of similar researchers can be presented, if found.
There are three search options in the Sipex registry for similar researchers:
By initial of first name and surname, is the default screen option, Sipex will display the list of searchers similar to what you are looking for based on the initial letter of the first name and last name.
Name Initials (limit of 3 names), in this option the list of researchers similar to the one you are searching for is displayed starting from the initial letters of the full name, with a limit of three names in the search.
More detailed search or inclusion, if there is no corresponding researcher in the list, you can search or register the researcher by selecting this option.
When choosing the desired option, click “Search”.
3. To match the external researcher with the Sipex researcher, select the option “Select” from the “List of Sipex Researchers Similar to External Researcher” screen