Rules for converting the nature of Event / Activity of Authors / Disclosure
Updated: 26/01/2009
1. Event
1.1 SIPEX Artistic Production converted to Performing Arts (CAPES)
If the type of event linked to SIPEX artistic production is “Artistic”
SIPEX Event | CAPES event |
Concerto | Other |
Competition | Competition |
Festival | Festival |
Gravação | Other |
Recital | Other |
Another | Other |
Presentation | Unique Presentation |
Creation | Other |
Exhibition | Other |
1.2 SIPEX Artistic Production converted to Visual Arts (CAPES)
If the type of event linked to SIPEX artistic production is “Artistic”
SIPEX Event | CAPES event |
Concerto | Other |
Competition | Other |
Festival | Festival |
Gravação | Other |
Recital | Other |
Another | Other |
Presentation | Unique Presentation |
Creation | Other |
Exhibition | Collective Exhibition |
1.3 SIPEX Artistic Production converted to Music (CAPES)
If the type of event linked to SIPEX artistic production is “Artistic”
SIPEX Event | CAPES event |
Concerto | Concerto |
Competition | Competition |
Festival | Festival |
Gravação | Phonographic record |
Recital | Recital |
Another | Other |
Presentation | Other |
Creation | Other |
Exhibition | Other |
1.4 SIPEX Artistic Production converted to Other Cultural Production (CAPES)
If the type of event linked to SIPEX artistic production is “Artistic”
SIPEX Event | CAPES event |
Concerto | Concerto |
Competition | Competition |
Festival | Festival |
Gravação | Gravação |
Recital | Recital |
Another | Another |
Presentation | Presentation |
Creation | Creation |
Exhibition | Exhibition |
2. Activity of Authors
2.1 SIPEX Artistic Production converted to Performing Arts (CAPES)
Activity of Authors SIPEX | Activity of Authors CAPES |
Canto | Another |
Creation | Another |
Dance | Dancer |
Direction | Officer |
Staging | director |
Musical instrument | Another |
Regency | Another |
road map | Another |
Another | Another |
Various | Another |
2.2 SIPEX Artistic Production converted to Music (CAPES)
Activities of SIPEX Authors | Activities of Authors CAPES |
Canto | Singer |
Creation | Another |
Dance | Another |
Direction | Another |
Staging | Another |
Musical instrument | Instrumentalist |
Regency | Regente |
road map | Another |
Another | Another |
Various | Another |
2.3 SIPEX Artistic Production converted to Other Cultural Production (CAPES)
Activity of Authors SIPEX | Activity of Authors CAPES |
Canto | Canto |
Creation | Creation |
Dance | Dance |
Direction | Direction |
Staging | Staging |
Musical instrument | Musical instrument |
Regency | Regency |
road map | road map |
Another | Another |
Various | Various |
Type of Disclosure SIPEX x Support/Form of Registration CAPES
SIPEX Disclosure Type | CAPES Support/Registration Method |
Printed | |
Magnetic Medium | Other |
Digital Medium | Half-Electronic |
Movie | AV |
hypertext | Half-Electronic |
Other | Other |
Several | multimedia |
4. Types of SIPEX Artistic Productions
4.1 Artistic Production SIPEX – Work of Visual Arts x Artistic Production CAPES – Visual Arts
Production Type (SIPEX) | Nature Production (CAPES) |
Cinema | Another |
Drawing | Drawing |
Sculpture | Sculpture |
Movie | Movie |
Photography | Photography |
Engraving | Engraving |
Instalação | Instalação |
Two-Dimensional Artwork | Another |
Three-dimensional Artistic Work | Another |
Painting | Painting |
Image Processing | Another |
Audiovisual Production / Technology. | Another |
Multimedia Production | Another |
Visual Graphic Production | Another |
Television | Another |
Video | Video |
Other | Another |
4.2 Artistic Production SIPEX – Sound Design x Artistic Production CAPES – Music
Production Type (SIPEX) | Nature Production (CAPES) |
Cinema | Soundtrack |
Drama | AV |
Radio | AV |
Television | AV |
Music | AV |
Another | Another |
4.3 Artistic Production SIPEX – Other Artistic Production x Other Cultural Production CAPES
Production Type (SIPEX) | Nature Production (CAPES) |
Soundtrack | Soundtrack |
jingles | jingles |
Music Recording | Music Recording |
Other | Other |