Institutional Evaluation

    Filling in the Forms

    General Instructions

. The Institutional Assessment will be based on consolidated data from teaching/research Units and Technical Colleges.

. The Institutional Assessment RTF extension files, generated through the SIPEX Request screen, will only be used to check information until a certain period to be established by the CGU.

. In a second step, to be determined by the CGU, the data not filled in by Sipex must be completed in the RTF file itself by those responsible for the Technical Units and Colleges.

. At a later date, also to be determined by the CGU, the Units that finish filling out their files must submit them to the CGU through a website that will have the option to UPLOAD the files.

. Any maintenance on the data automatically generated by Sipex must be done directly in the System, and after that, request a new file for checking.

. When a new conference file is generated, if the same destination directory is used to store it, the files may be replaced. To avoid this situation, save the new file in another directory.

. If you have any questions regarding the information provided in the boxes of the RTF document, see Guidelines / Completion / Institutional Assessment / Completing the Electronic Form.

    Technical Instructions

The file generated by the system will be compressing several RTF extension files for the following reasons:=> guarantee the integrity of the files that were compressed;=> reduce the sizes of the files to be transferred from SIPEX to the USER;

. After downloading the ZIP extension file, use unzip software to extract the RTF files. In the unzip software, uncheck the “Use Folder Names” OR “Expand Folders” option before extracting.

. After unzipping, the main file that must be opened first is formed by the following name:AvaliacaoInst_ _ _D H .RTF
Ex: AvaliacaoInst_FCM_02000000000000_D20040318H145305.RTF