1. Completion of the Researcher's Production Indicators
- Total number of citations: Number of times the sum of your works has been cited by other authors.
- Number of jobs: Number of works (articles) cited in the WoS database.
- Indicator generation date: Date of generation of the researcher's production indicators
- H Factor : Index that lists the number of articles cited by the author and the number of citations.
- Author name format(s) used in the query to obtain total citations: Search argument, that is, the way(s) you performed the search to find your name. Note that your search must be carried out considering the existence of homonymous authors. It should also be considered that you may have been cited differently in each article.
2. How to find Production Indicators in Web of Science
2.1 Search
1. Visit the Web of Knowledge website: http://www.isiknowledge.com/
2. Click on the “Web of Science” tab
3. Enter the search arguments. In this case, the first search argument to be inserted is the author's name. This name may appear in various forms in the periodicals in which this author worked. It can be an abbreviated or full name. It is important to check which names appear in this author's articles, placing them all, using the operators. (see item 5)
4. Choose the “Author” option to select author
5. Select operators. Generally speaking, the choice operator is “OR” (Or), so that all placed items are considered in sum
6. Click on “Search”
2.2 Results
1. Search argument used. This information must be placed in the CV field “Author name format(s) used in the query to obtain total citations”
2. If the results are not satisfactory, that is, if there are articles that are not yours, improve your search by refining by area
3. Click on “citation report” to check the other information required by the CV fields
4. Search argument used. This information is the same as item 1, unless there has been some refinement in the search. This information must be placed in the CV field “Author name format(s) used in the query to obtain total citations”
5. Results found. This value refers to the number of articles that were found in the database. Use this value in the “Number of jobs” field
6. Sum of citations found. This value refers to the number of times your articles have been cited by other authors. It must be placed in the “Total number of citations” section
7. H-index: refers to factor H, a relevance index that must be placed in the “Factor H” field
3. More information about the Web of Science Base
For more information about the Web of Science database, access the link: http://science.thomsonreuters.com/m/pdfs/wos_qrc_pt.pdf