Other Artistic Production 

Specific information

InformationOverviewContent possibilityRequired
Type Type description Note: in the others type, describe the nature of the artistic production that is not included in the Possibility 
  • Soundtrack 
  • jungles 
  • Music Recording 
  • Other
EventNameExhibition name, classification, date, location, etc.   
Start dateEvent start dateday/month/year  
end dateEvent end dateday/month/year  
  • National 
  • International
ItinerantTraveling event.
  • Yes 
  • No
Promoting institutionName of the institution promoting the eventTable of institutions 
LocationLocation where the event was held  
CityCity where the event was held or premiered  
CountryCountry where the event was held or premieredCountries table 
ExhibitionExhibition name, classification, date, location, etc.