Specific information
Information | Overview | Content possibility | Required | |
Title | Production title | Description of the production title | X | |
Nature | Nature of the editorial | ·Annals ·Catalog ·Collection ·Encyclopedia ·Book · Periodical ·Other | X | |
Type | ·Editing or Organization ·Editing ·Other | X | ||
Category | ·Didactic ·Non-Didactic | X | ||
Newspaper | Name of the journal and other data for conference | Periodical obtained from the Sipex periodical register | Only when nature is periodic | |
Language | Language | X | ||
Home page number | Home page number | Start with value 1 | X | |
Final page number | Final page number | Start with value 1 | X | |
Publishing house | Name | Publisher name | X | |
City | Publisher's city | X | ||
UF | Federation unity | Table of Brazilian states | ||
Country | Country of publisher | Countries table | X |