1. Access to modules: Data Maintenance, Periodic Activity Report, Activity Report/Consultation, CAPES, Lattes and WoS, Institutional Assessment and Graduation Teacher Award Form

To access the modules described above, you must:

  1. Have a web user (see details in item 1.1);
  2. Be a “User authorized to use SIPEX in a unit/department (see details in item 1.2)” or be a “Researcher registered in SIPEX (see details in item 1.3)”.

1.1 Web User (web username)
If you do not have or are having questions/problems when using the web user, contact the user representative at your unit. To check the list of user representatives, access the  "Single Password and Permissions System" and in the “Consultations” side menu, select the item List of Representatives and search for the acronym of the desired body.

1.2 Users authorized to use the system of a unit/department

“Authorized users” are users authorized to maintain the SIPEX data of a unit and/or department through a letter sent by the unit director or head of department. The letter in question must be forwarded to the care of Edmar Yassuo Misuta (Director of Information Systems Service – DSIS/CCUEC). In this letter, the data described below must be provided regarding the user who will be given authorization:

  • Registration;
  • Full name;
  • Extension;
  • E-mail;
  • Bond (UNICAMP or Funcamp);
  • Indicate whether access will be for a specific department (inform which one?) or for the unit as a whole
  • If there is a revocation, that is, if this user is replacing another, inform the registration number, full name and e-mail of the person who must be deregistered from SIPEX.

1.3 Researcher registered with SIPEX

The researchers listed in the table below are allowed access to the modules mentioned in item 1. They simply need to be duly registered in the system as one of the types of researchers listed below. (Note: No letter from the unit director is required).

List of registered researchers with access to SIPEX
1. Teachers
2. Postgraduate students regularly enrolled in the following courses: academic master's degree, professional master's degree, doctorate and medical residency
3. Collaborating teachers
4. Collaborating researchers
5. PQ Researchers


  • Teachers are automatically registered in SIPEX every beginning of the month
  • All other types of researchers need to be registered by the respective units/departments (search for the Undergraduate/Postgraduate Secretariats)

All other types of SIPEX researchers who are not included in the table above are not permitted access. If they want access to the system, they must ask the unit director or department head, as explained in item 1.2