Unicamp address
University City “Zeferino Vaz”
District of Baron Geraldo
13083-970 – Campinas – SP
Telephone – 19-3521-2121
Don't know the phone number? Search for extensions
See more information on the active transparency.
Contact email via Citizen Information Service: sic@unicamp.br

Unicamp responds
The University
Is Unicamp a free university?
Unicamp is a free, public university.
How to get to Unicamp?
The main campus of Unicamp “Zeferino Vaz” is located in the district of Barão Geraldo, in Campinas (there are others in Piracicaba and Limeira). Access to Unicamp is via various means (highways, bus lines, etc.). see how get to the main campus using access maps and information about bus lines and terminals.
How can I learn more about the history of the university through photos and documents?
Unicamp maintains historical collections in Central Archive, which, in addition to providing material for consultation, also prepares to display periodicals accessible through its main page.
I would like to see images of fields from Unicamp?
O image Bank concentrates a significant set of photos. It is also possible to request others at secfotos@unicamp.br (at the Executive Secretariat for Communication) or acervoac@unicamp.br (at the Central Archive).
Where can I find information about the Unicamp logo?
Access logo information on the page Logo.