Unicamp announces actions to combat Covid-19 at Enrich - a network linked to the European Union

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Unicamp's actions related to Covid-19 were presented in a special edition of Unicamp's monthly bulletin European Network of Research and Innovation Centers and Hubs (Enrich) - Brazil international network that encourages and facilitates cooperation in research, technology and entrepreneurship. The network supports and strengthens agents in the innovation sector and was implemented by the Brazil-Europe Center for Cooperation in Innovation and Business (CEBRABIC) project, financed by the European Union through the "Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Program". Unicamp is a partner of Enrich-Brazil through the Department of Scientific and Technological Policy (DPCT) of the Geosciences Institute (IG).

The partnership between Unicamp and Enrich emerged through the signing of the CEBRABIC Consortium, a 48-month project that began in 2017 and ended in December 2020 in which 12 signatories from different countries aim to build an operational and market strategy for implementation and support of the Network. DPCT/IG professor Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles-Filho is responsible for implementing the project at Unicamp. The team is made up of professors Sérgio Queiroz (DPCT/IG), Nicholas Vonortas (visiting professor at George Washington University) and by DPCT researcher Luciana Lenhari. 

As a consortium member of CEBRABIC/Enrich, Unicamp has already developed work such as contingency plan and risk analysis and preventive actions for the process and business success, consumer value; resources and intellectual capital and impact assessment of Enrich implementation, taking into account the research and innovation, economic, social and environmental dimensions. Presented the Center at Inova Campinas 2018; promoted the training “How to write a proposal for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual calls”, in Campinas. In Brasília, he developed the executive course “R&D and Innovation Impact Assessment”. A market study is currently being developed with specific aspects on the bioeconomy.

In the special edition of bulletin released by Enrich at the end of May, information about the actions that some of its members and guests have been developing to combat the virus was presented, as well as solutions to problems resulting from the pandemic.

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European Network of Research and Innovation Centers and Hubs (Enrich) - Brazil



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Culture & Society

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium