Journal of Unicamp
Download PDF version Campinas, October 19, 2015 to October 25, 2015 – YEAR 2015 – No. 641
Panel of the week
• Sanitation and environment week - Postgraduate students in Sanitation and Environment from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism (FEC) organize, from October 19th to 23rd, in the FEC amphitheater, the XNUMXst Sanitation and Environment Week (SSA). During the event, research will be exposed that demonstrates new visions and technologies, developed by young researchers and renowned Brazilian speakers. Target audience: interested in the topic. More details on the website https://www.facebook.com/Semana-de-Saneamento-e-Ambiente-SSA-Fecunicamp-110495202633622/timeline/ or email ssaunicamp@gmail.com
• The law of water - The documentary “The water law” will be presented on October 19th, from 9 am to 12 pm, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM). The action is part of the program of the 2015 International Environmental and Human Rights Film Festival (Ecocine), which this year addresses the theme of water and health.
• Innovations in curricular activities - Seminar organized by the Teaching and Learning Support Space (EA2) is scheduled to take place on November 9, at 9 am, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FEQ) at Unicamp. Registration and submission of work, until October 19th. More details on the website https://inovacoes.ea2.unicamp.br/
• Conference with Sandrine Reboul-Touré - The Urban Studies Laboratory (Labeurb), in partnership with POEHMAS, promotes a conference with professor Sandrine Reboul-Touré, from the University of Paris III. The event takes place on October 20th, at 8:30 am, in the thesis defense room of the Institute of Language Studies (IEL). Sandrine Reboul-Touré will speak about “Quelle analysis du discours pour a vulgarisation scientifique?”. The event's target audience is undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and those interested in the subject. More details by phone 19-3521-8970 or email publabe@unicamp.br
• Socine Congress - With the theme “Cinemas in Networks”, Unicamp, through the Institute of Arts (IA), hosts, from October 20th to 23rd, the 19th edition of the annual Congress of the Brazilian Society of Cinema and Audiovisual Studies (SOCINE) , the largest academic society for cinema and audiovisual studies in South America. The event will feature works by professors and researchers, master's and doctoral students, as well as lectures and film screenings. More details at the link www.iar.unicamp.br/socine or email gilsobrinho@iar.unicamp.br
• Sanasa Mobile Laboratory Exhibition - On October 20th, from 10 am to 11:30 am and from 14 pm to 15:30 pm, in the Casa do Lago Cultural Space Parking Lot, there will be an exhibition by the Sanasa Mobile Laboratory. The action is part of the program of the 2015 International Environmental Film and Human Rights Festival (Ecocine), which this year addresses the theme: Water and health. Casa do Lago is located at Rua Érico Veríssimo 1011, on the Unicamp campus. The event is open to the general public. More details on the website https://ecocine.eco.br/programacao.html or telephone 19-3521-8071.
• GGBS Football Society Cup 2015 - The closing and awards ceremony of the GGBS Football Society Cup 2015 takes place on October 20th, at 11 am, in auditorium II of the AFPU (DGA Building). The event is open to the participation of teachers, students and staff. Athletes and employees who stood out during the event will also receive prizes. More information by calling 19-3521-1453.
• III Spring School of Brazilian Interpreters - Event takes place at Unicamp's Institute of Economics (IE), from October 21st to 23rd. It is organized in a format of classes and comments, with space for questions formulated by students based on previous reading of suggested texts. This year, the School was designed based on the theme of regional interpretations of Brazil. The proposal is to reflect both on specific social formations - the backlands, the interior, the south - and on the general aspects that permeate these formations - mobility, material culture, psychology. In short, the many Brazils contained in one Brazil. The III School begins with a reflection on the meaning of interpreting Brazil and the connection between past, present and future in this process. More details via the link www.escoladeprimavera.org
• Election of the CIPA - The Internal Commission for the Prevention of Accidents at Work (Cipa) organizes elections on the 21st and 22nd of October. The objective is to elect the new management for the period from December 10, 2015 to December 9, 2016. The election takes place on all Unicamp campuses and voting is mandatory for teachers and staff. Cipa-Unicamp follows Labor Regulatory Standard nº 5 of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, and its objective is to prevent accidents and illnesses resulting from work, in order to make work permanently compatible with the preservation of life and the promotion of Worker's health. More information can be obtained by calling 19-3521-7532 or email cipa@unicamp.br
• 2nd Unicamp Photo Walk - With the theme “Building a Sustainable Unicamp with Science”, the 2nd Unicamp Photo Walk will take place on Saturday, October 24th, from 8 am to 12:30 pm. The event is part of the activities of the II Unicamp Photography Exhibition and is held in celebration of the University's 50th anniversary. The Walk is organized by the Unicamp Amateur Photographers Center (Nufau) and the Knowledge Circuit (Cirsa). The event is open to community participation. Those interested in participating can register on the website https://caminhadafotografica.wix.com/nufau. The route defined by the organization goes from Praça da Paz to the Exploratory Science Museum (MC) at Unicamp. The event proposes a cultural and healthy activity with the aim of spreading the love for photography, bringing people together and strengthening human relationships or interactions, exchanging ideas, knowledge and mainly inspiring new perspectives. More details by calling 19-3521-7151 / 996061588 or email chicao@unicamp.br