Issue No. 644

In this Edition


Journal of Unicamp

Download PDF version Campinas, November 16, 2015 to November 29, 2015 – YEAR 2015 – No. 644

future events

• Music computing - The XV Brazilian Symposium on Musical Computing (SBCM) will be held on November 23rd, from 9 am to 22 pm, at the Convention Center and the Institute of Arts (IA) at Unicamp. It is organized by professor Jose Eduardo Fornari Novo Junior, from the Interdisciplinary Center for Sound Communication (NiCS). The target audience for the event is students, teachers and those interested in music, computing and technology. More information can be obtained on the website, phone 19-3521-7923 or email

• Institutional repositories - On November 24th, at 9 am, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), the Permanent Science, Technology and Information Forum “Institutional repositories: instrument for visibility, dissemination and preservation of the scientific population” will take place. The event will be broadcast on TV Unicamp. At 9:30 am there will be the launch of the Unicamp Scientific and Intellectual Production Repository by Regiane Alcântara Eliel, coordinator of the Unicamp Library System (SBU). Registration, schedule and other information at the link

• XIII National Meeting of University Composers - Event takes place between November 30th and December 10th, at the Institute of Arts (IA), at Casa do Lago at Unicamp and at the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS) in Campinas. The Event is annual and itinerant and aims to encourage dissemination and debate about composition and musical creation in its current context. The target audience is students, teachers, composers, and those interested in music and composition. For more details about the event visit the website Find out about sending work via email

• WOCEP - Organized by the Dean of Research (PRP), the 30st workshop of the Unicamp Research Ethics Committee (WOCEP) takes place on November 1th and December 9st. The workshop will open at XNUMX am, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM). Registration can be done on the website The objective is to discuss and disseminate aspects and perspectives on ethics in research involving human beings in order to emerge the proposal for the permanent exchange of knowledge, learning and wisdom. The event's target audience is teachers, researchers and employees; undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and teaching and research institutions. The FCM auditorium is located at Rua Tessália Vieira de Camargo 126, on the Unicamp campus. Access the full program at the link More information can be obtained by email