Issue No. 644

In this Edition


Journal of Unicamp

Download PDF version Campinas, November 16, 2015 to November 29, 2015 – YEAR 2015 – No. 644

Theses of the week

Biology - “Involvement of SIRT1 in increasing peripheral sensitivity to insulin in mice subjected to a low-protein diet” (master’s degree). Candidate: Sarah Rickli. Advisor: professor Everardo Magalhães Carneiro. November 17, 2015, at 14 pm, in the thesis defense room of the IB CPG building.

Medical Sciences - “Development and validation of a protocol for the reuse of non-tunneled catheters and electrophysiology at the clinical hospital of the State University of Campinas” (master’s degree). Candidate: MIrtes Loeschner Leichsenring. Advisor: professor Plinio Trabasso. November 16, 2015, at 9 am, in the FCM Otorrino amphitheater.

computation - “Semi and Weighted Semi-Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: comparative study” (master’s degree). Candidate: Eric Velten de Melo. Advisor: professor Jacques Wainer. November 16, 2015, at 14 pm, in the IC auditorium.

PE - “Coordination of crawl swimming in competitive swimmers using different sizes of parachutes” (master’s degree). Candidate: Diego Fortes de Souza Salgueiro. Advisor: professor Orival Andries Junior. November 18, 2015, at 14 pm, in the FEF auditorium.

Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism - “Criticism of the methodology of indicators to designate urban space” (master’s degree). Candidate: Osmar da Silva Laranjeiras. Advisor: professor Lauro Luiz Francisco Filho. November 19, 2015, at 14 pm, in thesis defense room 2 of the FEC classroom building.

Food Engineering - “Prospection, cloning, production, purification and characterization of enzymes from the lignocellulolytic system of Bacillus licheniformis CBMAI 1609” (doctorate). Candidate: Evandro Antonio de Lima. Advisor: professor Helia Harumi Sato. November 16, 2015, at 14 pm, in the FEA main hall.

Chemical Engineering - “Detection and location of leaks in low pressure gas pipes using acoustic sensors and mathematical signal processing” (PhD). Candidate: Rejane Barbosa Santos. Advisor: professor Ana Maria Frattini Fileti. November 17, 2015, at 10 am, in the thesis defense room of block D of FEQ.

“Development of an extractive fermentation process for ethanol production by gas entrainment” (doctorate). Candidate: Gustavo Henrique Santos Florês Ponce. Advisor: professor Maria Regina Wolf Maciel. November 19, 2015, at 8:30 am, in the thesis defense room of block D of FEQ.

“Analysis of operational variables of a paper production process aiming for greater operational efficiency” (master’s degree). Candidate: Francisco Elpidio Viana Barbosa. Advisor: professor José Vicente Hallak D´angelo. November 19, 2015, at 14 pm, in the thesis defense room of block D of FEQ. 

Physics - “Optical properties of quantum dots coupled with carrier gas” (master’s degree). Candidate: Helder Faria Andriolo. Advisor: professor José Antônio Brum. November 17, 2015, at 14 pm, in the IFGW Postgraduate auditorium.

Language - “The street and the university: screams and whispers in the representation of self and others” (doctorate). Candidate: Carlos Alberto Casalinho. Advisor: professor Maria José Rodrigues Faria Coracini. November 19, 2015, at 10:30 am, at the IEL amphitheater.

Chemistry - “Synthesis of gold nanoparticles supported on mesoporous silica functionalized with 3-n-propylpyridinium chloride and their application in electrochemical sensors” (PhD). Candidate: Lucas Samuel Soares dos Santos. Advisor: professor Yoshitaka Gushikem. November 19, 2015, at 14 pm, in the IQ mini auditorium.