Issue No. 652

In this Edition


Journal of Unicamp

Download PDF version Campinas, April 11, 2016 to April 24, 2016 – YEAR 2016 – No. 652

Panel of the week

• Scientific writing - The Writing Space offers teachers, career researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students at Unicamp the basic course “Logical method for scientific writing”. It will be on April 11th, at 8:30 am, in Auditorium III of the Unicamp Convention Center. The course will have 8 class hours and will be taught by professor Gilson Luiz Volpato (Unesp/Botucatu). It was organized for everyone who wants to learn from scratch or improve their writing of academic texts from the perspective of empirical science. For more information, visit the link

• Drawing workshop with Isabelle Cedotti - Explore contact with the elements around us to form images through observational drawing techniques. This is the objective of the drawing workshop that will be taught by the artist Isabelle Cedotti, on April 11th, at 14 pm at the Cultural Center for Inclusion and Social Integration (CIS-Guananara), at Rua Mário Siqueira 829, in the Botafogo neighborhood, in Campinas, sp. The workshop, which is organized by the Extension Projects Group (GPECIS), targets young people and adults and will be held until June 20, on Mondays. Cedotti graduated from the Visual Arts course at Unicamp and has discovered, through art encounters, different ways of perceiving the world around her. She contributed as an assistant for four years to Projeto Maré, a woodcut project by Brazilian artist Ernesto Bonato, getting in touch with day-to-day life in the studio and with woodcut, drawing and painting techniques. She develops her research work in the areas of drawing, painting and dance. More details by calling 19-3231-6369.

• International migration, refuge and policies - Seminar seeks to dialogue with different disciplinary fields, advancing theoretical-methodological knowledge, as well as debating, with government actors and civil society, migration policies (and/or the lack thereof) and social policies for immigrants in Brazil in the 12st century . The event takes place on April 8th, at 30:19 am, at the Memorial da América Latina. It is organized by professor Rosana Baeninger (Nepo-Unicamp). The event's target audience is academics, managers, ministries, and immigrant communities. More details by phone 3521-5897-XNUMX or email

• Science, technology and innovation forum - With the theme “Memory institutions and information and communication technologies: contemporary challenges”, the event takes place on April 12th, at 9 am, at the Convention Center. The Forum will be broadcast on TV Unicamp and is under the responsibility of professor Maria Elena Bernardes, from the Unicamp Memory Center (CMU). In the first lecture, at 9:15 am, professor Daniel Flores, PhD in documentation and deputy head of the Documentation Department at UFSM, addresses the topic “Computerized systems for access and preservation management in permanent historical documents. Full schedule and registration at the link

• Civil organizations and violence: a long-term interdisciplinary research - Lecture will be given by Ana Paula Galdeano Cruz, researcher at Cebrap, São Paulo, on April 13th, at 16:30 pm, in the Congregation Room of the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH). The meeting with the teacher is part of the lectures at the Ethnography Workshops, an event focused on regularly engaging in public discussion, mutual criticism and collective resolution of concrete issues related to ethnography, as a way of creating and producing knowledge shared by the broad range of sciences social. The lecture is aimed at the public interested in the subject and is organized by the IFCH Center for International Migration Studies (CEMI). For more information, call 19 3521-1601 or email

• Seminatec - The call for pre-registration and submission of works for the XII Seminatec 2016 – Workshop on Semiconductors and Micro & Nano Technology is now open. The event will take place on April 14th and 15th, at the “Gleb Wataghin” Physics Institute (IFGW). Registration can be made up to one day before the event. Works must be submitted up to two weeks before completion. For more details visit the link Annual in nature, Seminatec 2016 aims to promote the discussion of technological and scientific trends in the fields of micro and nanotechnology in semiconductors and related materials. The event program includes lectures and panels and the participation of prominent members of academia and the private sector, as well as a poster session. Other information can be obtained by calling 19-3521-5435.

• Drawing workshop with Rafael Ghiraldelli - The event takes place on April 14th, at 14:30 pm, at the Cultural Center for Inclusion and Social Integration (CIS-Guananara), at Rua Mário Siqueira 829, in the Botafogo neighborhood, in Campinas-SP. In it, Ghiraldelli will show the concepts of expanded drawing to stimulate creativity. The workshop, which is organized by the Extension Projects Group (GPECIS), targets children, young people and adults. Ghiraldelli works as a freelance visual artist and illustrator in the city of Campinas-SP and region, in addition to working with poetics focused on web art, video art, installation, animation and painting. With his experimental short film from 2015, “The last war in Canudos: a bargain”, the artist had the opportunity to promote his work in several cinema exhibitions in Brazil to a large audience, relating to the multiple languages ​​through which he also is expressed through the theme addressed: the human figure, inserted in dystopian contexts permeated by tensions between the imaginary and the real, memory and oblivion, the physical and the virtual. He is currently studying his fourth year of Graduation in Visual Arts at the Institute of Arts (IA) at Unicamp. More details on the website

• Voice campaign - Unicamp's Hospital de Clínicas (HC) promotes the Voice Campaign – World Voice Day, on April 15, from 9 am to 16 pm, at the Otorhinolaryngology Outpatient Clinic, located on the 2nd floor. On this day, patients and visitors to the Hospital will have access to guidance from professionals, who will carry out medical and speech therapist evaluations of the Voice. The Voice Campaign coordinated by the Otorhinolaryngology Discipline of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), aims to guide people regarding voice problems that can interfere with quality of life and work relationships, such as teachers, telemarketing operators, among others . The Voice Campaign was created in 1999 with the participation of Unicamp. In 2003 it was recognized internationally, when April 16th became World Voice Day.

• Twenty-two looks - On April 15th, from 10 am to 16 pm, at Espaço Cultural Casa do Lago, at Av. Érico Veríssimo 1011, on the Unicamp campus, the artist Fernanda Mendes presents her most recent works in the exhibition “Vinte e Dois Oleiras”, curated by art critic and historian Ude Fairbanks. Inspired by Tarot cards, each work has a theme and a visual composition defined based on the interpretation and meaning of the cards. The dramatic charge contained in each of them is marked by the use of dark and strong tones of orange, green and blue. “The twenty-two panels contain my perspective on the theme, represented by fluid and organic figures and shapes, filled with colors that move me”, reports the artist. More details by email

• Integration walk - The General Directorate of Human Resources (DGRH) and the Early Childhood Education Division (DEdIC) organize, on April 16th, at 8:30 am, in Praça da Paz, the Integration Walk. The objective is to promote integration between families, children and schools, strengthen friendships and encourage the practice of physical activity. Toys will be collected at the event to be donated to the Down Syndrome Foundation. More details at the link

• Visions of science - To encourage the dissemination of scientific research through visual language and promote reflections on scientific practices in people's daily lives, in 2013, the “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture (USP/ESALQ) promoted the first edition of the “Photographic Exhibition” Visions of Science”, an itinerant outdoor activity, which presented in images the different interfaces of photography in the scientific world. Now in 2016, with the slogan “Behind the Observer”, the 2nd edition is open for registration until April 17th. More details by email at

• Musical Education Meeting - With the theme “Musical education and popular traditions in Brazil”, the IX Unicamp Musical Education Meeting will be held from April 18th to 20th, at the Institute of Arts (IA). The event, which is organized by teachers and students of the music degree course, targets undergraduate students and art educators. The meeting takes place workshops, workshops, round tables, oral communications and artistic presentations. Professors Lucilene Silva, Lydia Hortélio, Maria Vera Athayde, Gilber Souto Maior, Fernando Tocha, Sue Turíbio and the Pana-Paná Group will teach workshops at the event. The round tables will be coordinated by professors Ivan Vilela, Alik Wunder, José Roberto Zan, Suzel Reily and Alberto Tsuyoshi Ikeda. Information and registration by email or on the website 

• Water quality - The Unicamp Faculty of Technology (FT) Research Committee organizes on April 18th, at 14:30 pm, in the FT auditorium PA03, the event “Comparative understandings of government responses in relation to water quality”. The target audience is teachers and students. More details by email at