Journal of Unicamp
Download PDF version Campinas, April 11, 2016 to April 24, 2016 – YEAR 2016 – No. 652Theses of the week
• Art: “Improvisation and interaction at the “Escola Jabour”” (doctorate). Candidate: Raphael Ferreira da Silva. Advisor: professor Antônio Rafael Carvalho dos Santos. April 15, 2016, at 14 pm, in room 3 of the IA CPG.
• Computing: “Compilation techniques to support data migration in NUMA systems” (master’s degree). Candidate: Guilherme Guaglianoni Piccoli. Advisor: professor Edson Borin. April 18, 2016, at 14 pm, in the IC2 auditorium of the IC.
• Physical education: “Public policies for adventure leisure: between sport and tourism, promotion and risk control” (doctorate). Candidate: Marília Martins Bandeira. Advisor: professor Silvia Cristina Franco Amaral. April 15, 2016, at 13 pm, in the FEF auditorium.
• Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning: “Advanced chemical oxidation in an area contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons (BTEX and TPH): application of hydrogen peroxide and sodium persulfate” (master’s degree). Candidate: Rosa Maria Bosquê. Advisor: professor Eglé Novaes Teixeira. April 15, 2016, at 9:30 am, in thesis defense room 2 at FEC.
“Application of the River 2d model in river diversion studies” (master’s degree). Candidate: Bruno Pecini. Advisor: professor Tiago Zenker Gireli. April 19, 2016, at 9 am, in thesis defense room 2 at FEC.
• Food Engineering: “Development of functional lipid systems and application in fermented meat sausages” (master’s degree). Candidate: Maristela Midori Ozaki. Advisor: professor Marise Aparecida Rodrigues Pollonio. April 11, 2016, at 14 pm, in the FEA main hall.
“Proteolysis of dish cheese with different salt levels” (master’s degree). Candidate: Débora Parra Baptista. Advisor: professor Mirna Lúcia Gigante. April 15, 2016, at 14 pm, in the FEA main hall.
“The role of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the stabilization of emulsions involving hexadecane and an aqueous phase” (master’s degree). Candidate: Aureliano Agostinho Dias Meirelles. Advisor: professor Andreas Karoly Gombert. April 19, 2016, at 9 am, in room 2 of the FEA Extension.
• Chemical engineering: “Nanofiber membranes with high adhesion for buccal drug delivery” (PhD). Candidate: Silvia Vaz Guerra Nista. Advisor: professor Lucia Helena Innocentini Mei. April 14, 2016, at 9:30 am, in the FEQ thesis defense room.
“Study of the effect of organophilic clays on the crystallization of poly (D,L-lactic acid)” (master’s degree). Candidate: Renata Brandão Brito Ramos. Advisor: professor Ana Rita Morales. April 15, 2016, at 10 am, in the FEQ thesis defense room.
• Philosophy and Human Sciences: “Death and the city in late antiquity: transformations of urban topography and mortuary topography in the city of Carthage” (master’s degree). Candidate: Rafael Aparecido Monpean. Advisor: professor Pedro Paulo Abreu Funari. April 20, 2016, at 9 am, in the IFCH congregation room.
• Physical: “Measurements of the conventional and anisotropic magnetocaloric effect by measuring the heat flow with Peltier devices” (PhD). Candidate: José Carlos Botelho Monteiro. Advisor: professor Flávio César Guimarães Gandra. April 19, 2016, at 14 pm, in the IFGW Postgraduate auditorium.
• Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing: “Electromagnetic field response in conductive media” (professional master’s degree). Candidate: Yuri Flores Albuquerque. Advisor: professor Edmundo Capelas de Oliveira. April 13, 2016, at 14 pm, in room 253 at Imecc.
“Optimization of functions, functionalities and Fuzzy control” (PhD). Candidate: Michael Macedo Diniz. Advisor: professor Rodney Carlos Bassanezi. April 19, 2016, at 14 pm, in room 226 at Imecc.
• Dentistry: “Assessment of chewing behavior in overweight and obese adolescents” (master’s degree). Candidate: Aline Pedroni Pereira. Advisor: professor Paula Midori Castelo Ferruá. April 11, 2016, at 9 am, in amphitheater 2 at FOP.
“Biomechanical analysis of total fixed maxillary infrastructures manufactured according to the all-on-four or all-on-six concepts” (doctorate). Candidate: Claudio Lopes Brilhante Bhering. Advisor: professor Valentim Adelino Ricardo Barão. April 15, 2016, at 14 pm, in the FOP Congregation room.
“Financing and spending of the single health system: Evaluating the efficiency of municipalities in the health region of the bandeirantes route in the State of São Paulo” (master’s degree). Candidate: João Alves dos Santos Neto. Advisor: professor Luiz Renato Paranhos. April 18, 2016, at 9 am, in the Dept.’s seminar room. of Social Dentistry at FOP.