“In view of everything that has just been revealed, the best solution for Brazil would be for Michel Temer to resign.” The opinion is that of jurist Dalmo Dallari, professor emeritus at the USP Law School. For him, the next step would be for the president of the Chamber, Rodrigo Maia (DEM), to take over and immediately call direct elections. “This, obviously, requires a constitutional amendment, since the Constitution provides, in the event of the resignation or removal of the president and vice president, that the replacement be elected by the National Congress. This, however, is far from solving the Brazilian problem.”
“We are involved in a sea of corruption and primary disputes. The ideal, I repeat, would be a constitutional amendment so that the people elect the president. This has to be done as quickly as possible.” Asked about the ideal deadline for the measure to be adopted, Dallari understands that it cannot be more than three months. “The President of the Chamber needs to know that it is an emergency situation and that he will not remain in the Presidency.”

Dallari understands that the fact that Rodrigo Maia is being investigated by Lava Jato does not prevent him from taking over. “I would have serious reservations if I were to hand over the Presidency to him on a permanent basis, but if it is just to assume it and call presidential elections, he can go ahead with the proposal.” The antidote to a new coup? “We, Brazilians, have a very good Constitution, made by the people, democratic, admired and respected even outside Brazil. This gives us a guarantee against any dictatorial adventure”, he concludes.