In podcast, the Journal of Unicamp heard from economists João Paulo de Toledo Camargo Hadler (UFRRJ) and Pedro Linhares Rossi and Plínio de Arruda Sampaio Júnior (both from Unicamp) about the review of the fiscal target announced by the Federal Government on the 15th. According to projections, the deficit increased by R $ 20 billion, jumping from R$ 139 billion to 159 billion in the 2017 and 2018 fiscal years. According to the government, the review was necessary due to the non-confirmation of the initially expected collection.
The decision to review the fiscal target causes controversy among economists, placing the economic policy adopted by President Michel Temer and Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles in the spotlight. According to economists, the cut in social spending and other austerity policies caused by fiscal adjustment can cause serious consequences, including the precariousness of public services for the population. There is also a consensus that the adjustments will not guarantee the resumption of growth in the next period.