'ComCiência' launches book with selection of texts on scientific dissemination

274-page publication marks the 200th edition of the scientific journalism magazine of the Laboratory for Advanced Studies in Journalism (Labjor) at Unicamp

image editing

ComScience and scientific dissemination [click here] for free download, 274 pages, PDF format] marks the 200th edition of the magazine WithScience, celebrating almost 20 years of a trajectory of experiences and experiments in scientific and cultural dissemination.

The book, organized by Carlos Vogt, Marina Gomes and Ricardo Muniz, is divided into three parts. The first of them brings articles already published in the magazine, in issue nº 197 (Special Scientific Dissemination), in addition to having some unpublished texts by national and international contributors.

The second part includes texts written by students in the tenth class of the specialization course in scientific and cultural journalism at Labjor. They report on different aspects of scientific communication, and present issues ranging from data journalism to challenges for dissemination to be further consolidated both in Brazil and in Latin America.

Opening image: Camila P. Cunha

The third part is a special remembrance. 10 years ago, the magazine WithScience it brought a commemorative edition, in its 100th dossier. Part of this work was incorporated into this book, with a few updates to the selected texts, basically limited to the new grammatical norms in force.

When it comes to tributes, we also highlight the artistic stamp of edition number 100, created by graphic artist João Baptista da Costa Aguiar, who passed away in 2017. We asked his daughter Rita to reproduce the image, now with edition number 200. Kindly answered, the image appears in the first section of this book, in homage to the artist.

The texts in edition 100, which portray the panorama analyzed and envisioned in 2008, remain very current, and help everyone who wants to understand the paths of scientific dissemination in Brazil over time. They bring rich experiences in museums, television, cultural studies, books.

It should be noted that this compendium reaches the public in the month in which the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) completes 70 years of activities, at a particularly challenging time for the country's scientific community, acutely threatened by an underfunding policy, dismantling and precariousness of national research.

This book, as a whole, brings together a large number of authors who have worked – and fought – in the area of ​​dissemination for a long time in Brazil, and we hope that it will be a useful and reference contribution to the area.



JU-online cover image
ComCiência and scientific dissemination | lustration | LP Silva
