Event takes place on March 8, International Women's Day, at the Memorial da América Latina
The “Future of women in the world of work” is the event that Unicamp and the Public Ministry of Labor (MPT) hold on March 8, International Women's Day, at the Memorial da América Latina, in São Paulo. The program is organized by the Human Rights Observatory, the Migration Observatory in São Paulo and the Sergio Vieira de Mello Chair (UNHCR/UN) at Unicamp, and also by the Thematic Chamber on Policies for Women in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas – Agência Metropolitana de Campinas ( Agemcamp). “The importance of the meeting lies in thinking about the eradication of slave labor and promoting policies for decent work, together with sustainable development actions that the UN has proposed in the 2030 Agenda”, says professor Rosana Baeninger, coordinator of the Migration Observatory.
The event will open at 9 am, followed by a panel about the Maria da Penha Institute, with Maria da Penha herself and her team as exhibitors (coordination will be by Catarina von Zuben). At 10:30 am, the dean of Unicamp Marcelo Knobel coordinates the conference with the professor Leandro Karnal. And at 11:30 am, the round table “Coordination actions for impactful public policies” will be held. Another attraction will be Chico Max's photographic exhibition, “Costurando Dignidade”, with images of women who have been subjected to exploitative situations in sewing workshops.
For Rosana Baeninger, who is a researcher at the “Elza Berquó” Center for Population Studies, this collection of institutions in organizing the event allows us to remember the struggle of women on their International Day, covering different groups and actors who work in the fight against slave labor. “Decent work, within the 2030 Agenda, is a fundamental axis for guaranteeing the human rights of the entire population and particularly women. In Brazil, there is the issue of racism and also migrant women. Modern slavery has been a recurring problem in the case of international migrants, such as Bolivian women in the sewing niche, Filipino nannies and Latin American women in general in domestic service.”
Attorney Catarina von Zuben, head of the National Coordination for the Eradication of Slave Labor (Conate), of the Public Ministry of Labor, sees the risks to workers increasing now with the labor reform. “To talk about reform, you would have to talk about gains and losses; In this case, it was a withdrawal of labor rights. And in a rushed way, which in the medium and long term will be very harmful to the worker. The issue of outsourcing is something very serious, because the outsourced person has no connection with the workplace, they do not feel part of that reality – and not having this sense of belonging is horrible. The greater the precariousness, the greater the possibility of slave labor.”
According to the Conate coordinator, a worrying phenomenon in the last two decades is the increase in slave labor in the city, while in the countryside there is already outsourcing or even outsourcing. “Today there are extremely modern machines, costing eight or ten million reais, and you need a higher education degree to operate them. Those workers who built fences and farmed are no longer finding space in rural areas. The tendency is to go to the city, where precariousness and the tendency of slave labor are greater. And we also have the issue of refugees, who are concentrated in large centers. For us, slave labor in the city will be a challenge.”
Regarding the “Future of women in the world of work”, the theme of the event organized by Unicamp and MPT, Catarina von Zuben is of the opinion that, more than discussing the female condition in the market, such as their difficulties and suffering, the proposal is for a positive agenda. “Let's think about the future of women in terms of rights and as protagonists of their own history, including as entrepreneurs. Increasingly, women are the head of the family, without having a male figure. Let’s discuss her future in the world of work as a way of dignifying the family and for women to be the mainstay.”
Policy management
Vera Rodrigues and Léa Amabile are respectively manager and coordinator of the Thematic Chamber of Public Policies for Women, linked to Agemcamp – an agency of the Metropolitan Development Secretariat of the State of São Paulo. They explain that the Thematic Chamber was created in 2011 meeting the demand of municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (RMC) due to the need to think about metropolitan protocols in specific actions for women. The justification is that cooperative actions between municipalities strengthen the formulation of public policies more effectively, as regional dynamism requires.
Those responsible for the Thematic Chamber argue that, despite the existence of public policies for women in education, health, social assistance or public security, there is a need for integrated management of these policies, understanding that this is the way forward. A very current issue highlighted by them, although discussed for decades, is related to the impact of the sexual division of labor on income relations, requiring that men and women have the same opportunity. As for work similar to slavery, with exhausting hours, especially in clothing, they consider it to have a great negative impact on people's lives, as does domestic work, with working hours beyond eight hours.
According to Vera Rodrigues and Léa Amabile, the Thematic Chamber has been working in partnership with Unicamp for some time now, especially through events like this Women's Day event. They are of the opinion that the meeting is important for managers/representatives of public and private institutions to expand the debate and reflect on the topic.
The event on March 8, at the Memorial da América Latina, will open at 9 am, followed by a panel on the Maria da Penha Institute, with Maria da Penha herself and her team as exhibitors (coordination will be by Catarina von Zuben). At 10:30 am, the rector of Unicamp Marcelo Knobel coordinates the conference with professor Leandro Karnal. And at 11:30 am, the round table “Articulation actions for impactful public policies”.
Entry is free, but registration is mandatory at www.nepo.unicamp.br
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/351090742165286/