Unicamp creates Communication Secretariat

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Unicamp announced this Wednesday morning (14) the creation of the Communication Secretariat (SEC), a body that will be responsible for the University's communication policy. One of the SEC's main objectives is to promote the integration of structures and actions in this area, thus expanding the institution's relationship with society. The presentation ceremony of the Secretariat, which took place in the University Council room (Consu), was presided over by the rector José Tadeu Jorge. The Dean of Extension, João Frederico de Azevedo Meyer, also participated in the ceremony.

At the invitation of the rector, the SEC will be led by professor Julio Cesar Hadler Neto, who was responsible for coordinating the Strategic Thinking Forum (Penses). According to Tadeu Jorge, Hadler Neto meets the necessary conditions to structure the Secretariat and face the challenge of making communication between Unicamp and society more efficient. The rector recalled that the creation of the body was a commitment in his management plan, which was not previously implemented due to budgetary difficulties generated by the country's economic crisis.

Hadler Neto stated that he intends to bring his vision of a public university to the SEC. According to him, it is important that Unicamp adequately informs society about the activities carried out in the areas of teaching, research and extension that bring positive impacts to the lives of citizens. “Many people still think that Unicamp is limited to the Hospital de Clínicas,” he said.

During the announcement of the creation of the SEC, the new Unicamp Portal was also launched. The presentation of the website was made by Laura Freitas Rodrigues, who coordinated the actions related to information technology. According to her, all the work to redesign the home was developed by professionals from the then Communication and Press Office (Ascom), a structure that is now incorporated by the Secretariat.

Laura highlighted that the portal maintained its journalistic character, but became more responsive and improved navigability. Furthermore, the site implemented news categorization, in order to make access to information faster. Another new feature was the inclusion of the social networks Facebook and Twitter, which will now have official Unicamp profiles. One of the main objectives of the project was the integration of the various media available in the institutional communication process.

The posture of the portal's editorial line was also changed, in order to highlight themes related to scientific and cultural dissemination. During the ceremony, the SEC logo was also presented, developed by professionals from the then Rádio e TV Unicamp, a structure that also becomes part of the Secretariat. The logo concept sought to associate points relating to the University's history and mission with current media.

Rector José Tadeu Jorge
Professor Julio Cesar Hadler Neto
Laura Freitas Rodrigues: launch of the new portal
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Rector José Tadeu Jorge


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium