This Monday, the 16th, candidates will take the Geography, History and Mathematics tests
The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) started this Sunday, January 15th, the second phase of the Unicamp 2017 Entrance Exam, with two tests: Writing and Portuguese Language and Portuguese Language Literatures, taken by 13.855 candidates. Comvest recorded abstention of 10%, the lowest since the 2011 Entrance Examination. In 2016 abstention was 13,2%, in 2015 11%, in 2014 11,3%, in 2013 12,2%, in 2012 of 10,7% and in 2011 of 8%. Of the 15.390 approved for the second phase, 1.535 did not attend. In Campinas and São Paulo, Comvest also recorded abstention well below the previous entrance exam.
* Abstention rate for the 2nd. phase
* 2nd phase tests
According to Jayme Vaz, research coordinator at Comvest, there was a drop in abstention rates in all cities, with the exception of São José do Rio Preto, where the number of absentees practically remained the same. “Among all the cities, Campinas was the one that recorded the lowest abstention, at 6,8%. Last year the index was 9,7%, that is, a very evident drop”, highlighted Vaz.
According to Comvest's executive coordinator, Edmundo Capelas de Oliveira, no complications were recorded. “The first day of the second phase of the 2017 Entrance Examination went completely smoothly in all the places where we administered the tests,” said Capelas.
In the Writing test, candidates were asked to write two texts. One of them asked that, as a high school student, the candidate write a letter destined for the Reader's Section of a scientific magazine called Rio Research, discussing the concept of 'cordial country' and the presence of foreigners in Brazil, based on the text by historian Lená Medeiros de Menezes “The return of a River that makes you dream".
“To prepare a good essay, candidates needed to carefully read the text provided - it was quite complete and rich in information. The Writing test is a reading and writing exercise and the text on the subject was very important for the candidate to take a position regarding the concept of a cordial country, as requested in the test”, stated Fosca Leite, deputy coordinator of Comvest.
The other text of this year's Writing test asked candidates to prepare a written presentation for a campaign to raise funds for the Library Boat of Books, from Florianópolis. “Candidates needed to be able, among other things, to organize the information provided in the test, so that the campaign text was well understood by the community that uses or may use the library”, commented Fosca Leite.
In addition to the two Writing texts, Sunday's test also consisted of three Portuguese Language questions and three other Portuguese Language Literature questions. The evidence can be seen at Comves websitet. The expected answers to the second phase tests will be published on the Comvest website from Wednesday (18/1).
This Monday, January 16th, candidates will take the Geography, History and Mathematics tests. On Tuesday it is time for the Biology, Chemistry and Physics tests.
The second phase tests are held in 18 cities: Bauru, Brasília, Campinas, Guarulhos, Jundiaí, Limeira, Mogi Guaçu, Piracicaba, Presidente Prudente, Registro, Ribeirão Preto, Santo André, Santos, São Carlos, São José do Rio Preto, São José dos Campos, São Paulo and Sorocaba.
On all three days, the test starts at 13 pm. The guideline is for candidates to arrive at the test site at 12 noon, as access to the test sites will be allowed from 12:30 pm and until 13 pm at all times.
2017 Entrances Exam
This year, 67.143 candidates took the first phase test, held on November 20th. 3.330 places are offered in 70 undergraduate courses at Unicamp. Comvest registered 73.489 applicants for the 2017 Unicamp Entrance Exam