Cruesp expresses concern about reduced resources for Fapesp

The Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities (Cruesp) released a note expressing its concern with the decision of the State Legislative Assembly (Alesp) that reduced the constitutional percentage of transfers from the State Treasury to the Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo (Fapesp). See the full note, which was also sent to Governor Geraldo Alckmin and the presidency of Alesp.

Logo of the Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities, Cruesp

Note from CRUESP

Sao Paulo, January 25, 2017

The Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities (CRUESP) expresses its concern with the decision of the Legislative Assembly that reduced the constitutional percentage of transfers from the State Treasury to FAPESP. The reduction, from 1% to 0,89%, represents a significant loss of revenue for FAPESP, an estimated loss of R$120 million in 2017.

Such a measure contradicts the historic commitment of stable and permanent financing to the Foundation, enshrined 28 years ago in article 271 of the Constitution of the State of São Paulo.

CRUESP highlights the role that FAPESP has been playing in the economic and social development of the State, through financing science, technology and innovation. Its role in supporting the development of public policies for the State and for Brazil should also be highlighted, in fundamental areas such as education, health, environment, culture, among many others.

This role is recognized nationally and internationally, with the Foundation being considered a model research funding agency. This was undoubtedly contributed by its administrative and scientific autonomy, and funding by the State as established in the aforementioned Article 271 of the Constitution.

It can be said that the resources coming from FAPESP are, alongside the autonomy with budgetary linkage, largely responsible for the success story of São Paulo state universities. Also significant is FAPESP's contribution to other research institutions in the State.

For these reasons, CRUESP hopes that the State government will be able to meet budgetary demands without affecting the long tradition of support by the people of São Paulo for its research support foundation.

Prof. Dr. José Tadeu Jorge

President CRUESP



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Figurative image of laboratory research


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