Science and Art on Vacation Program ends edition with higher indicators

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Public at the Convention Center
Public at the Convention Center

The educational work that Unicamp also carries out with the external community was recalled several times by the authorities who made up the closing panel of the 15th edition of the Ciência & Arte nas Férias program (CAF) on Friday (3), at the Unicamp Convention Center, with a full house. This year, the program, which allows high school students to do a one-month internship in the University's laboratories, brought together not only the largest number of participants (195), but the largest number of projects (107) and also the largest number of schools (68) in the public networks of Campinas, Piracicaba and Limeira. “This edition exceeded our expectations and these indicators should increase even further in the coming years”, highlighted Gláucia Maria Pastore, Vice-Dean of Research at Unicamp and host of the event.

In addition to Gláucia Pastore, professor Fernando Coelho, coordinator of CAF, participated in the ceremony; Rodrigo Calvo Morte, director of the Campinas Municipal Orchestra; Silvana Roberto, representative of the Campinas Leste Regional Education Board; and Érica Frau, representative of the Campinas Oeste Regional Education Board.

Professor Gláucia
Pro-rector Gláucia Pastore

According to the dean, it has been an honor for the institution to host, welcome and collaborate with these young people. "They come driven by the search for 'knowledge', a very delicate object," she commented. “Since arriving here, a lot has changed in each person’s story. It was like that in universal history too: small gestures came from the heart”, she observed.

The teacher thanked everyone who collaborated with CAF 2017 and stressed to the students the need for them to become leaders in their schools, in their communities and in their families. “Our country is going through very difficult times. We must understand this and put our best in front of obstacles. We cannot accept this situation. In these 30 years working here, I have seen incredible things being discovered and this needs to be remembered,” she said.

Professor Fernando Coelho
Professor Fernando Coelho, coordinator of CAF


Fernando Coelho highlighted in his speech that the institution is not a place where the knowledge produced is useless. “By telling what you saw here, you will be crystallizing knowledge in all spheres of life. It is through, and thanks to, this knowledge that we were able to invert the social pyramid,” he said. “The experiences you saw here come from people who are passionate about what they do,” he highlighted.

Érica Frau pointed out that the program participants made the right choice by opting for an internship at Unicamp during this school vacation period, which should enrich their trajectory and launch new challenges. Silvana Roberto congratulated the students for facing the University with dedication and courage. Rodrigo Calvo praised Unicamp for the initiative and for including the arts area in the program, encouraging the promotion of culture in the country.

Students produce painting
Students produce painting

Professors Gláucia Pastore and Fernando Coelho were honored with a painting from the project “Fundamental rights, arts and games: a multidisciplinary dialogue”, guided by professor at the Faculty of Education (FE) Ana Elisa Spaolonzi. It reflects on society and fundamental rights through experiences with board games and expressive languages. The students Beatriz Branco, Fernanda Teixeira, Izabelle Galani and Nathalia da Silva were its authors. Gláucia Pastore informed that this gift will be part of the decoration of the room of the Dean of Research (PRP), the body that promotes the CAF.

Students Fernanda Teixeira and Daniel Milanez spoke on behalf of the CAF participants, highlighting the joy of having known the daily life at Unicamp and having learned about its teaching and research. Monitor Lucas Melo, an Electrical Engineering student, brought words of encouragement to CAF students.

Student Fernanda Teixeira speaks
Student Fernanda Teixeira speaks
​Student Daniel Milanêz
Daniel Milanez

Gláucia Pastore closed the ceremony by inviting everyone to watch an animation video, produced by CAF students under the guidance of professor Wilson Lazaretti, at Ginasinho at the Faculty of Physical Education (FEF), in parallel with an exhibition of all the projects in this edition of the program.

For student Júlia Silva, 15 years old, from the second high school at Etec "Bento Quirino", having completed an internship at the Unicamp Memory Center (CMU) produced a turning point in her life. That's why she plans to study at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH) at Unicamp. Previously, she wanted to study physical education. The young woman said that she learned how to take care of photographs and sanitize them.

In addition to creating a project about the collection of Dina Lisboa, a Brazilian actress, Júlia had the chance to create the exhibition "Dina Lisboa – art and memory" in the CMU lobby, now open. According to the student, Dina did not receive due recognition in her career, despite her great value in theater and TV performances. "She died disenchanted with her activity. Many said she didn't look good," she revealed.

Student Eduarda Fonsechi, 17 years old, from the "Américo Belo Homem" School, in Valinhos, learned about aerated products during her internship at the Faculty of Food Engineering (FEA). In the laboratory where she was received, she worked with marshmallows, candies, lollipops and fruits. She enjoyed staying at Unicamp so much this month that she hopes to take the entrance exam next year and also get involved in the Institutional High School Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program (Pibic-EM).

Read also

CMU finalizes Science and Art on Vacation 2017 projects

Students Júlia and Eduarda
Public at the closing of CAF
Public at the Convention Center
Professor Gláucia is honored with a painting
Professor Silvana Roberto
Professor Érica Frau
Rodrigo Calvo, director of the Municipal Orchestra
Young people head to the FEF Ginasinho
Poster session at FEF’s Ginasinho
Poster session at FEF’s Ginasinho
Poster session at FEF’s Ginasinho
Video from this edition of CAF
Poster session at FEF’s Ginasinho
Authors of the event video
cover image
Image of CAF participants


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