The author of an unprecedented study developed at the Institute of Biology (IB), within the postgraduate program in Functional and Molecular Biology, is recruiting women to participate in the project “Study of the effectiveness of manual lymphatic drainage in hydroelectrolyte mobilization and in the variability of heart rate in women in the reproductive and climacteric phases and in men”. Men and women will be evaluated, but at this stage specifically women.
The research was authored by doctoral student Érica Camargo, supervised by professor Dora Maria Grassi Kassisse, with the collaboration of professor Maria Silvia Campos, a professor at Unimep. It is funded by Fapesp and the Stress Studies Laboratory (Labeest).
According to Érica, manual lymphatic drainage is a massage that promotes reabsorption of extravasated liquid back into the blood circulation. This reduces swelling and helps circulation to work better. Furthermore, it promotes a state of relaxation in people.
The objective of the research is to evaluate the effect of a manual lymphatic drainage session on cardiac activity, hydroelectrolyte and hormonal balance. This session will take place on the Labeest premises, at Unicamp's IB. Urine and saliva samples will be collected, and urinary flow, electrolyte composition in urine, presence of atrial natriuretic peptide in urine, urinary glycerol, amount of salivary cortisol, in addition to heart rate variability will be assessed.
Women aged between 40 and 55 years old (pre-menopause), healthy (not using medication), sedentary (not exercising), non-smokers and not obese can participate in the study. They must have two free mornings (three hours). There are no costs. Interested parties must make an appointment with the researcher via email (Attention: booking closed at the moment).