The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) is publishing information on its website (, the list of those selected in the second call for the Unicamp 2017 Entrance Exam. The list, with 3.254 names, is made up of all candidates who enrolled in person during the defined period and other approved candidates, respecting the order of classification in the courses.
All those called in the second call must complete the face-to-face registration on February 21st, from 9 am to 12 pm, on their respective campuses, as indicated in the Candidate Manual: at the Faculty of Dentistry (FOP), in Piracicaba. At the Faculty of Technology, in Limeira. At the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FCA), in Limeira and other courses on the Unicamp campus in Campinas, according to the table available on the Comvest page.
Read the full note at Comvest page