Research developed at Unicamp statistically proved that the Family Health Strategy (ESF) is an impact factor in reducing cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) and heart attacks. The study was part of the master's thesis by dental surgeon Denise Cavalcante, defended within the Professional Master's Program in Dentistry in Public Health, at the Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba (FOP).
The research result showed that the greater the coverage of assistance through Family Health, the lower the indicators of stroke and heart attack. In the 15-year period studied, the heart attack indicator fell by 56,5%. It went from an average of 26,9 cases per 10 thousand inhabitants to 11,7 cases. Strokes reached 11 records, on average, per 10 thousand inhabitants in 2004. In 2013, the average rate was 6 cases.

Professor Gláucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano, from the Biostatistics area, guided the work. The dissertation, entitled “Relationship between contextual variables in indicators of conditions sensitive to primary care, stroke and heart attack”, evaluated the 645 municipalities in the State of São Paulo.
"Stroke and heart attack are diseases that are sensitive to primary health care, that is, diseases that can be controlled with minimal care and monitoring at a basic health unit. Our work aimed to identify these conditions that are sensitive to primary care and we chose, Among these conditions, stroke and heart attack, since they are the two biggest causes of death in the world and in Brazil”, explains Denise Cavalcanti.
A database was created that shows how many hospitalizations each municipality had between the period 1998 and 2013. The author of the work explains that the investigation aimed to understand the insertion of the Family Health Strategy (ESF).
The researcher highlights that other health policies, within the scope of the Family Health Program, may also have interfered with the result. In 1998, the National Medicines Policy was implemented. Through it, the population had access to free medicines. This independent information indicates that there has been a qualitative improvement in access to medicines, which contributes to the control of the diseases studied.
In 1999, influenza immunization (flu vaccination) began. There are several studies that prove that cardiovascular diseases can worsen a patient's situation if they are affected by the flu. This immunization against Influenza is a protective factor against cardiovascular diseases.
Another policy that may have also contributed was the National Pharmaceutical Assistance Policy, in 2004. This policy opened popular pharmacies, offering free or reduced-price medicines.
In 2005, there was the National Tobacco Control Policy. In 2008, the first Family Health Support Centers (NASF) were implemented. This is a multidisciplinary team, in which the municipality hires up to seven different professionals (physiotherapist, physical educator, educational therapist, nutritionist, doctor), to work together with these Family Health teams for the comprehensive care of patients.
From 2011 to 2022, there is a strategic action plan launched by the Ministry of Health to combat chronic diseases in Brazil. This plan provides for the fight against diabetes and other diseases to try to alleviate these problems.