Ranking highlights Dentistry and the Agricultural area at Unicamp

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Unicamp's courses stand out among the 50 best in the world in two areas of knowledge, occupying 27th position in Dentistry and 43rd in Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, according to the 2017 ranking by Knowledge Areas published by the international consultancy Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). This year, QS lists 46 areas, ranging from Agriculture to Veterinary. The Unicamp Dentistry course is offered by the Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba (FOP) and the area of ​​Agronomy is covered by the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering (Feagri).

The ranking by areas takes into account the criteria of academic reputation, reputation in the job market, citations per published article, “h-index” – a measure of the impact of academic production.

The relative weights of each criterion vary according to the specificities of each area: for example, in Medicine, citations and h-index contribute 25% of the final grade. In areas of Humanities, where the tradition of publishing and citing articles is lower, this component reduces to 15%. The objective of the ranking by areas, according to QS, is to help future students choose the institutions where they will seek to enroll.

In addition to the highlights for Dentistry and the Agricultural area, Unicamp's courses are positioned among the 100 best evaluated by QS in several other areas, such as Computer Science, Anatomy and Physiology, Anthropology, Chemical Engineering, Development Studies, Modern Languages , Nursing, Performing Arts, Pharmacy, Philosophy and Sociology. The QS ranking by Knowledge Areas can be accessed on this link.


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Illustration with images from the Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba and Faculty of Agricultural Engineering. Art; Paulo Cavalheri


Internal Community

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