Unicamp Pesquisa magazine launches third issue

image editing
The vice-rector's team poses for a photo with the magazine in hand
Magazine Unicamp Research is in its third edition

With an emphasis on the work carried out by important study groups based at Unicamp, but also bringing areas not yet covered and research by young teachers, the third edition of the magazine was launched this Monday morning (27). Unicamp Research, publication by the Dean of Research (PRP). With a circulation of two thousand copies and an online version, including in English, the magazine publishes twenty reports, in addition to a profile of professor Sonia Bergamasco, from the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering (Feagri) at Unicamp.

[Watch article produced by TV Unicamp]

The launch took place in the University Council (Consu) room and brought together authors of research addressed, employees, students, teachers and managers. At the board of directors, the Dean of Research, Gláucia Maria Pastore, highlighted the importance of the magazine in bringing to the public, in accessible language, what the university produces in the various areas of knowledge. She described the work processes a little and highlighted the work of the journalist responsible for the publication, Mariana Aranha. Pastore writes the magazine's editorial, which has an edition dedicated to improving quality of life.

The general coordinator of Unicamp, professor Alvaro Crósta, stated at the ceremony that the magazine has the important role of disseminating science, which is extremely important for the population. Rector José Tadeu Jorge reiterated: “this is a promotional magazine for the public who deserve to know more about what we do at the University”.

Dean José Tadeu Jorge at the center of the table leafs through the magazine alongside professors Alvaro Crósta and Gláucia Pastore
Tadeu Jorge alongside general coordinator Alvaro Crósta and pro-rector Gláucia Pastore

Tadeu Jorge also commented that the publication seeks to show the scope of issues that Unicamp works on. He highlighted everything from the first report, about circus practice in the school curriculum, to an article about reducing salt in sausages, in addition to the tribute to professor Sonia Bergamasco, being the first woman portrayed in the section that provides a profile of researchers and teachers from Unicamp.

Tribute and denunciation
The launch of the magazine also included a tribute to the Feagri teacher. A student read a poem, dedicated to the teacher, who was also given a bouquet of flowers. Bergamasco thanked the honor but highlighted that researchers in the area are apprehensive and denouncing resource cuts for the Agricultural Census scheduled to take place this year.

According to the professor, with the cuts the federal government excluded family farming from the research, meaning it will no longer collect data on family farming. “What is being denounced by researchers in this area is that the cut fell directly on top of questions about family farming. This will prevent future researchers from carrying out their research, it will prevent us from making comparisons with what existed previously”. The teacher stated that 70% of food products from the countryside in Brazil come from family farming.

The honoree Sonia Bergamasco in the audience
The magazine pays tribute to professor Sonia Bergamasco in its profile section


The magazine Unicamp Research is available on the Dean of Research (PRP) website. For now it is possible to access the first two numbers here. The third edition will be available in the next few days.



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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium