INCLUSION: Unicamp enrolls 50,3% of public school students

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After the last enrollment to fill vacancies in Unicamp's undergraduate courses this year, the University recorded a historic rate of 50,3% of students coming from public schools. Of the 3.248 enrolled at the University this year, 1.635 completed high school in public schools. This is the largest number of students enrolled from public schools in the history of the Unicamp Entrance Exam. In the previous year, this group represented 47,6% of total enrollees. In this way, Unicamp reached the target approved in 2013 by the University Council (Consu) for social inclusion in undergraduate courses, which established that the University would reach 50% of entrants from the public network by 2017.

The numbers released this Monday (3/04) are the result of changes promoted in the Affirmative Action Program for Social Inclusion (PAAIS), which were applied in the last two editions of the Unicamp Entrance Exam. PAAIS data from previous years are available at: Complete information by course is available on the Comvest website (check here). In the Unicamp 2017 Entrance Exam, Comvest registered 73.498 candidates.

Starting with the Unicamp 2016 Entrance Exam, PAAIS points also started to be valid in the first phase. Until the 2015 Unicamp Entrance Exam, the score was only applied after the second phase. Thus, all candidates who completed high school in public schools received, in the 2017 Entrance Exam, 60 points in the first phase and another 90 points in the second phase. Public school candidates who declared themselves black, mixed race or indigenous received, in addition to these, another 20 points in the first phase and another 30 points in the second phase.

PAAIS is the first affirmative action program without quotas implemented at a Brazilian university. Established in 2004, after approval by Consu, PAAIS aims to encourage the entry of students from the public network at Unicamp while at the same time encouraging ethnic and cultural diversity. The most important aspect of PAAIS is the addition of points to candidates' marks in the Entrance Exam. All students who have completed high school in Brazilian public schools can participate in PAAIS.

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Candidates for the Unicamp Entrance Exam during tests on campus


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