Short film "A Question of Opportunity" is produced by a researcher from Unicamp

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Young people give their testimonials in the short film
Young people give their testimonials in the short film

The short film premiered on March 29th Question of opportunity, produced and scripted by researcher and vice-coordinator of the Center for Public Policy Studies at Unicamp (Nepp) Ana Medeiros Fonseca, directed by Verônica Guedes. The film is 18 minutes long.

The script emerged in the second half of last year, when the researcher was invited to give a lecture on social inclusion on the campus of the Federal University of Ceará, in the city of Sobral. "When I finished my speech, I was surrounded by a group of students, who made a point of reporting how their lives had changed with the emergence of social inclusion programs in the last two decades, especially Bolsa Família.”

The students informed Ana Fonseca that they were all the first in their families to study at university. They also said that they were only able to study at a public university thanks to social inclusion programs, mainly with the expansion of public education in Sobral, with the UFC campus and the Federal Institute of Education, in addition to the institution of quotas, housing assistance , exemption from fees at the university restaurant and Bolsa Família. [The families of all young people were beneficiaries of the Bolsa-Família Program.]

Upon returning to Campinas, reports Ana Fonseca, she was thinking about what those young people said about the change that occurred in their personal lives and in their families, after getting a place to attend a public university.

These questions never left the researcher’s head. “As my professional life has always been directly linked to social inclusion programs, and in particular Bolsa Família, which I helped organize, I decided to write the script for a short film that highlighted how social inclusion programs changed lives and the paradigm of an entire generation of young children of beneficiaries of these programs”, he reveals.

With a reduced budget, with the help of a group of young filmmakers from Ceará and directed by Verônica Guedes, recordings took place at the beginning of 2017, in Sobral and surrounding cities. In the short film, five young people gave their testimonies about the difficulties of entering and staying at university. They were Lucas Alves de Souza, Juliana Maria do Nascimento Mota, Luiz Gomes da Silva Neto, Pedro Igor Frota Viana do Nascimento and Fernanda Maria Martins Souza. 

In addition to these testimonies, the film features interviews with family members inside their homes, some of them in the countryside of Ceará. The images are rich and the soundtrack is exquisite. The group Rabequeiros de Pernambuco brought a regional tone to the short film.

Ana Fonseca has a degree in History, a master's degree in Social and Labor History, and a PhD in Social History - in the area of ​​family and gender relations. In 2004, after implementing the Bolsa Família Program and its basic guidelines, it left the Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger. She returned to the government in 2011 to design and implement the Brazil Without Poverty Plan, at the head of which she was during the first year.

Watch the film

Follow the trailer from one of the testimonies

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Testimonials about social programs change lives


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