Unicamp launches film in Libras about dengue

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Unicamp launches the paradidactic film next Thursday (6) Dengue in Pounds, produced with the support of the Pro-Rector of Extension and Community Affairs (Preac) and Pro-Rector of Research (PRP). The preparation of the work included the participation of professionals from the Center for Studies and Research in Rehabilitation (Cepre), Department of Human Development and Rehabilitation (DDHR), Community Health Center (Cecom) and Unicamp Radio and TV. The screening of the film, which tells the story of the care given to a young deaf woman with suspected dengue fever in a health unit, will take place at 10 am, at the University's Convention Center.

According to Ivani Rodrigues Silva, professor at DDRH and researcher at Cepre, the dialogues present in the production are in Libras, with subtitles in Portuguese. “The scenes reproduce the care provided to a young deaf woman with suspected dengue fever at a health center, which has a nurse who knows Libras. This situation, unfortunately, is not common. Deaf people typically face great difficulties communicating in these types of circumstances,” she says.

Another obstacle faced by deaf people is finding teaching or para-teaching material on a wide range of topics. “Cepre has a group that develops materials in Libras, but evidently this effort does not meet all the needs of this group of people”, ponders Ivani. It is estimated that Brazil currently has a population of around 5 million deaf people.

In the opinion of professor Carmen Zink, a collaborator on the project, the content of the video is unprecedented and will serve to guide both deaf and hearing people. “The film deals with various aspects related to dengue, from the origin and transmission of the virus to the medical procedures recommended for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. In other words, it is enlightening for everyone”, she considers.

Professor Maria Aparecida Diniz, Preac advisor, notes that it was a great challenge to produce an educational film in Libras on issues related to dengue, but also on Zika Virus and Chikungunya, the three diseases transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. “This was only possible because of the involvement of several professionals, from various Unicamp bodies”, she reports.

The head of Preac, professor João Frederico da Costa Azevedo Meyer, highlights that the production of the video is a good example of university extension work. “To do extension is to put the science developed at the University at the service of society. I think this film fulfills this role very well, as a lot of research carried out at Unicamp helped to uncover numerous aspects of these diseases”, he says. The production also deals with aspects relating to the Portuguese language, vocabulary and structure (pounds and Portuguese), as well as vocabulary associated with diseases and medical care routines.

The Dean of Research, professor Gláucia Pastore, classifies the idea of ​​the film as “formidable”. According to her, the more people have access to information about the mode of transmission, symptoms and treatments of diseases caused by Aedes Aegypti, the greater the chances of Brazil facing this serious public health problem. “This video in particular serves a segment of the population that has great difficulty accessing information related to the topic. The experience was so positive that we are already thinking about producing other materials in Libras, addressing topics such as healthy eating and health care”, she anticipates.

After release, the film Dengue in Pounds, which is 10 minutes long, will initially be shown in the waiting rooms of various Unicamp bodies. It will then be distributed to the University’s research teaching units. “We will also make the video available on the Unicamp and Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) websites, so that it can be accessed by anyone interested, from anywhere in Brazil or even abroad”, says Ivani.


From left to right, João Frederico Meyer, Ivani Rodrigues Silva, Carmen Zink and Maria Aparecida Diniz
The Dean of Research, Gláucia Pastore
Scene from the film Dengue in Libras
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Scene from the film Dengue in Libras


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