Pesquisa em Pauta rescues ESALQ in times of dictatorship

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Research on the agenda, this time in the area of ​​History of Education. Ricardo Sarruge Molina's doctoral thesis, defended at the Faculty of Education and supervised by professor José Sanfelice, is the result of a decade of studies on the history of the “Luiz de Queiroz” Higher School of Agriculture, located in Piracicaba (SP).
Luiz Hirata, an Esalquean tortured and murdered by the dictatorship in DEOPS/SP. Archive of the Special Commission on political deaths and disappearances

TV Unicamp has just published a new edition of the program Pesquisa em Pauta, this time in the area of ​​History of Education. Rodrigo Sarruge Molina's doctoral thesis, defended at the Faculty of Education and supervised by professor José Sanfelice, is the result of a decade of studies on the history of the “Luiz de Queiroz” Higher School of Agriculture, located in Piracicaba (SP). The researcher examined newspapers, dossiers, magazines, photographs, maps and minutes of the congregation, in addition to conducting interviews about the period of the military dictatorship (1964-1985), with the aim of relating higher education with agriculture and the political and economics of the military. “We see the clear objective of modernizing the countryside, although this is at the same time archaic, as it followed the mold of capitalism developed in Brazil”, observes Molina. The investigation seeks to elucidate how the “esalquians” resisted or contributed to the dictatorial project for rural areas, including emblematic passages such as the entry of several North American and far-right professors on campus, the creation of a nuclear energy course, the focus of teaching in agribusiness and even arresting students and teachers opposed to the regime.

See more in the program, which is on the TV Unicamp channel on Youtube:

Delegation of professors from the United States analyzing the bibliography used at ESALQ/USP with professor Malavolta. (SOURCE: “Luiz de Queiroz Museum)
“Original” Central Building, without the construction of the current second floor. Officially opened in 1907. (SOURCE: “Luiz de Queiroz” Museum Collection)
In the foreground the “Agroindustrial” exhibition. In the background is the Central Building of ESALQ/USP (SOURCE: Museu “Luiz de Queiroz (s/a) – photo taken between 8 and 17/10/76, no author)
Year 1980, opening of the UNE congress at the Piracicaba municipal stadium with the participation of ESALQ students and support from the city hall and UNIMEP.
Professors from Ohio University (OSU-USAID) and their families on the premises of the “USP Piracicaba campus” (ESALQ-USP). (s/d) (SOURCE: “Luiz de Queiroz” Museum)
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Luiz Hirata, an Esalquean tortured and murdered by the dictatorship in DEOPS/SP. Archive of the Special Commission on political deaths and disappearances


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium